ОңТҮстік қазақстан медицина академиясы, хабаршы №4 942, 2021 жыл, том 2

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UDC 60
Talgat Gulbahit
– HT-19 -4a, Higher school "Chemical engineering and biotechnology" M.Auezov SKSU, 
Shymkent. republic of Kazakstan 
Iztleuov G.M. 
candidate of sciense, professor
, Baisbai O
. - associate professor.,
Orazova M
senior teacher 
M.Auezov SKU, Shymkent. republic of Kazakstan, gani5@mail.ru 
In urban areas, large concentrations of chemical compounds are emitted into the atmosphere by 
industries, vehicles and other human activities. Nearly 3000 different compounds, mostly organic, resulting 
from human activity have been identified in the atmosphere. This complex mixture of pollutants can have 
impacts on health and the environment. Thus, the systematic determination of air quality should be, for 
practical reasons, limited to a restricted number of pollutants, defined in terms of their importance and the 
human and material resources available to identify and measure them. Generally, pollutants chosen to serve 
as indicators of air quality are the currently regulated and universally occurring compounds: sulfur dioxide 
), particulate matter (PM), carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (O
) and nitrogen oxides (NO
). They are 
chosen due to their frequency of occurrence and adverse effects on the environment. Thus, the effects of air 
pollution can be characterized by a deterioration of good quality environmental conditions and the 
exacerbation of existing problems, which can manifest themselves in health, population welfare, vegetation, 
fauna, and urban structures. The attention of regulatory authorities and researchers must not only look to the 
standards of air quality. There are compounds that despite being unregulated deserve attention because of the 
damage they cause to the environment and, especially, to human health [1-2]. 
The annual volume of air pollution produced in Kazakhstan, varies between 5-7 million tons, of which 
the share of the transport sector (mainly road transport ) account for more than a third. According to the 
national environmental authorities, almost all regional and large industrial centers of the country have 
elevated levels of air pollution. In cities such as Almaty, Balkhash, Taraz, Ziryanovsk Ridder, Temirtau, Ust-
Kamenogorsk and Shymkent air pollution index (API) regularly exceeds the allowable rate. Starting from the 
80s, three of Cities - Almaty, Taraz and Shymkent became characteristic systematic excess API standard 
ratio of more than three times. From these sources, it follows that the share of road transport in air pollution 
cities in Kazakhstan is essential for twelve cities it is significant. In Astana, Taraz, Karaganda, Pavlo- gift , 
Petropavlovsk, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Shymkent contribution car - transport in air pollution is 20-40 %, and 
in the cities of Aktobe, Almaty, Atyrau , Kostanai and Semipalatinsk exceed 50% of the total[1-2] . 
Effect of road transport pollution and negative effects on the population (obviously) is even more 
important than it may seem from the above official of quantitative assessments. The fact is that, firstly, the 
main activity of road transport is concentrated in areas with high population density - cities, industrial 
centers. Secondly, the harmful emissions of cars manufactured from the lowest, the surface layers of the 
atmosphere, where the main human activity takes place and where The conditions for their dissipation are the 
worst. Third, the exhaust gases of engines of automobiles contain highly toxic components, which are the 
main atmospheric pollutants. Time during which the harmful substances naturally co- stored in the 
atmosphere , estimated from ten days to six months . 
In motor vehicles exhaust contains more than 200 toxic chemical compounds, most of which represent 
various hydrocarbons. In view of this diversity and complexity of the identification of individual compounds 
to consider taking – are usually the most representative components or groups Apart from the direct negative 
impact on human emissions from motor vehicles cause or consequential damages. Thus, increasing the 
concentration of the final product Auto-Motor fuel combustion – carbon dioxide, by the way, a natural 
component of atmospheric lead to a rise in global temperature of the Earth's atmosphere ( the so-called 
greenhouse effect). According to many experts, this is a consequence of such natural disasters of recent 
times, as the scale – fires in Southeast Asia, America, Siberia , flooding in Europe and Asia. 
Sulfur compounds and nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere with gases from the engine -
running vehicles, undergo chemical transformations to form various acids and salts. Such substances is 
returned to earth as " acid " rain. It is now proven that cause acid rain damage to sensitive aquatic 
ecosystems, ve - FLS to the destruction of fauna, cause increased corrosion of metals and destruction of 
building structures. Moreover, nitrogen oxides, a method of air exist in the color of brown color, and in 
combination with various aerosol mist cause mud (smog), impairing visibility. Real quantitative estimates of 
emissions from the automobile transport in Kazakhstan is extremely difficult. This is due to the fact that the 
car is a mobile source with unsteady processes catfish releasing hazardous substances, and in the country 
there is not any equipment that allows you to conduct research on environmental – like objects. Information 
on this aspect of the Russian manufacturers of cars that make up the overwhelming majority of the park car 
assets in Kazakhstan, is contradictory and is not always objective. Using any quantitative indicators adopted 

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