nitrogen oxides (NO
) are generally minor, and can either be increased or
decreased, depending on conditions. NO
emission from combustion of ethanol blends range from a 10%
decrease to a 5% increase over emissions from gasoline (OECD/IEA 2004 p. 114). However, if the full life
cycle of ethanol is considered, NO
emissions can be significantly higher mainly due to emissions from
feedstock production. NO
is released from fertilizers used to grow bioenergy crops, and is emitted mostly
outside urban areas.
When gasoline is blended with ethanol, emissions of most toxic air pollutants decrease. This is
primarily due to the dilution effect of ethanol which substitutes some part of gasoline, which emits toxic air
pollutants. For instance, toxic emissions of
benzene ,
1,3-butadiene ,
toluene and
xylene decrease when
ethanol is added. Benzene is a carcinogen, while olefins and some aromatics which are emitted by the
combustion of fossil fuels as well, are precursors to ground-level ozone. While few studies have looked at the
impacts on pollution levels from high blends, it appears that impacts are similar to those from low blends.
The above mentioned toxics benzene, 1.3-butadiene, toluene and xylene, which are emitted by the
combustion of fossil fuels, are considered to be more dangerous than emissions of ethanol combustion.
During ethanol fuel combustion, emissions of the toxic air pollutants
acetaldehyde ,
formaldehyde , and
peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) increase relative to straight gasoline. Acetaldehyde is emitted most, but it is a
less-reactive and less-toxic pollutant than formaldehyde. PAN is an eye irritant and is harmful to plants. No
one of these pollutants is present in the unburned fuel, as they are only created as byproducts of incomplete
combustion . Nevertheless, impacts of acetaldehyde and PAN seem to be minor as emissions are relatively
low compared to other sources and as they can be efficiently removed by a vehicle’s catalytic converter.
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