Сангулов Е., Абаева Қ.Т., Қожабекова А.Ж. Іле-Алатау МҰТП-дегі туризм жəне
оны дамыту.............................................................................................................
Сейдазимов Ж.Е., Еликбаев Б.К. Состояние донных отложений нефтяного
месторождения «Жемчужины», северный Каспий..................................................... 376
Н.Г., Синельников М.В., Синельников В.М., Бодрова Э.М.
Инновационное развитие лесохозяйственного комплекса Беларуси........................
Сопбеков А.
Экологиялық туризм жəне оның маңызы...........................................
Сүлейменова А.Т., Бахадырұлы Ж., Үсен Қ. Түркістан флоралық ауданы өсімдік
жабынының фитоценоздық сипаттамасы.................................................................. 392
Сулетаев С.А. Основные итоги деятельности государственного контроля по охране
и использованию земель за 2013 год в Казахстане...................................................... 397
Толмачев А.О., Елешев Р.Е., Салыкова А.С. Влияние минеральных удобрений и
средств химизации на продуктивность сои в звене кормового севооборота………… 403
Тапанова Е.М., Сейтасанов И.С., Қасымова Н.Н. Су алу тораптарында
тұнбалармен күресу жолдарын зерттеу жəне су алу торабының жаңа конструкциясы. 408
Тлепбергенов А.К., Кентбаев Е.Ж. Состояние туранговых лесов Балхашского
района Алматинской области……………………………………………………………. 411
Тілеуқұлов А.Т., Масатбаев Қ.Қ., Шомантаев А.А., Нұрабаев Д.М., Тамшылатып
суғару технологиясын Жамбыл облысында енгізу қажеттілігін негіздеу................... 417
Тойлыбаева Н.Ш., Кентбаев Е.Ж. Мойынқұм ормандары жəне жануарлар
дүниесін қорғау жөніндегі мемлекеттік мекемесі жəне аймақтағы сүтқоректілер
фаунасының биологиялық алуан түрлілігі................................................................. 423
Тургульдинова С.Ə. Қазақстан Республикасында жерді қорғау мен пайдаланудың
құқықтық механизмдернің қалыптасуы...................................................................... 426
Турлыбеков О.И. Применение ГИС технологий для мониторинга земель
ресурсами в Казахстане………………………………………………………………… 429
Тұрсынбаева Ə.Б. Қалыбекова Е.М. Қазалы суару алқабының мелиоративті-
экологиялық меселесі жəне оларды шешу жолдары..................................................... 433
Туртаев Д.А., Бектанов Б.К Шаруа қожалықтарының танаптарын ұйымдастыруда
геоақпараттық жүйелерін пайдалануды сараптау.......................................................
Тусупова Т.Қ., Байтасов М.О. Үштөбе орман шаруашылық мемлекеттік мекемесі
жағдайында сексеуілдің көлеңкесіндегі жəне ашық жердегі топырақ бетінің
температурасының өзгеруі........................................................................................ 442
Түсіпбаев К., Агеенко А., Сағитов А.О.
Алматы облысында майбұршақ егістігін
арамшөптерден қорғау.................................................................................................. 445
Умбетов А.К., Василина Т.К., Кежембаева Ж.К., Икембаев Н. Содержание и
вынос азота и фосфора урожаем сои в зависимости от применения макро и
микроэлементов питания в условиях орошения юго-востока Казахстана…………… 448
Уркембаева А.Е. Земли сельскохозяйственного назначения Восточно-
Казахстанской области.............................................................................................. 453
Хан В.В., Елешев Р.Е., Бурибаева Л.А. Влияние минерального питания на
урожайность и качество огурца на темно-каштановых почвах юго-востока
Казахстана………………………………………………………………………………… 456
Шибикеева А.М., Елешев Р.Е., Еликбаев Б.К., Малимбаева А.Д. Урожайность
и экономическая эффективность применения минеральных удобрений под позднюю
капусту, возделываемой в интенсивном овощном севообороте……………………… 461
Юлдашов Я.Х., Токтасинова Р.А., Абаева К.Т. Сравнительная оценка
саженцев…………………………………………………………………………………... 465
Abseitov KB, Kentbaev E.Zh. Types of irrigation in forest nurseries Kazakhstan............
Adilova A., Igembaeva A., Pentaeva S., Molzhigitova D. Ekologo-ekonomics the
assessment of farmlands with use of the automated systems………………………………
Aitenov A.A., Taranov B.T. Specific structure, biological features and injuriousness
(insecta: lepidopteratorticidae) the trees damaging fruit in Almaty areas…………………
Aitkulov B., Abaeva K.T., Kaspakbaev E.M. Improvement of methods of accounting
of forest resources using GIS-technology............................................................................
Aldiyarova A.E., Assanbekov B.A., Kaipbayev E.T. Intraannual distribution of the
flow with the Ili basin rivers as an example……………………………………………….
Аmanzholova S.Е., Kurmangalieva N.D., Nusupova A.O. Evaluation of promising
accessions ofcucumber in condition of south-east Kazakhstan………………………….
Ayazbayev M., Oleychenko S.N. The impact of new types of fertilizers on plants of
queen cells strawberry...........................................................................................................
Ayazbayev M., Oleychenko S.N. Influence of terms of landing on the reproduction
wild strawberry in the southeast of Kazakhstan................................................................... 36
Baibatyrov Т.А., Abuova А.B., Nabiyeva Zh.S., Tapalova Zh.Е. Significance of use
rapeseed oil in cupcake production………………………………………………………... 41
Baygazakova J.M., Kentbaeva B.A. Phenological monitoring of certain types hawthorn
Baizhunis M.Zh., Abaeva K.T., Baitanaev O.A. Merki forestryand management state
institution hunting resourses……………………………………………………………….
Baitassov M.O. Determination of the productivity of medical and food plants is in
Arakaragay state establishments of forestry of Kostanay area……………………………
Barlyqbekov Zh. New technology of multiplication walnuts in the southeast of
Kazakhstan............................................................................................................................ 56
Barlykova N.A., Yessenbayeva G.L.
Influence of ways seeding and norm seeding on
the yield of winter wheat…………………………………………………………………
Bahadiruli Zh., Suleimenova A., Ussen K. Deмutation of the degraded vegetation of
pastures................................................................................................................................. 64
Beysenbayeva M., Sydyk D. Influence of mineral fertilizers and preparation an
adaptogen on growth and development new grades samples of soy in the conditions
southern Kazakhstan……………………………………………………………………….
Beysenbayeva M. Influence of mineral fertilizers and adaptogen on productivity of soy
in the conditions irrigation…………………………………………………………………
Bektanov B.K., Mirzalieva K.A. Research of exacthess of methods of determination of
areas of areas of land-tenure ………………………………………………………………
Bektemirov A., Kentbayev E., Asemkulov T. Study of the influence consequences of
nuclear tests in mammals sfnr "Semey ormany"…………………………………………
Bektemirov A., Kentbayev E., Asemkulov T. Influence of consequencec of nuclear
tests on a flora and fauna of the band coniferous forests republican public institution
SFNR «Semey ormany»……………………………………………………………………
Belgitaeva I.Sh., Kampitova G.A. The effect of supplementary lighting on tomato
productivity in greenhouse…………………………………………………………………
Berikbayev A. Geographic information systems and use them in the distribution of land
for enterprises………………………………………………………………………………
Bopambekov D.I., Kentbaeva B.A. Methods to combat forest fires in the state forest
nature reserve "Semey Orman"……………………………………………………………. 100
Bopambekov D.I., Kentbaeva B.A. Experience of the forest plantation in the state forest
nature reserve "Semey Ormany"…………………………………………………….
Dauletaliev T.N., Abayeva K.T. Typesofhunting and problems of his rational use in
the zone of republican enterprise of forestry of Kokterek in the Zhambyl area…………... 110
Egemberdiyev N., Adilbayeva Zh. Organization of poplar plantations in Baizak state
institution for forests and fauna protection of Bayzak district, Zhambyl region.................. 113
Еlemesov Е.S., Кеntbayeva B.А. Sanitary felling in the state forest natural reserve
Еlemesov Е.S., Кеntbayeva B.А. Ecological
forest crops in GFNR “Semey
ormany”……………………………………………………………………………………. 120
Endeubaev A.M., Abaeva K.T., Kaspakbaev E.M. Analysis of profit from tourism and
recreational activities in gongar Alatau state national natural park...................................... 123
Yermenov R.T., Dzhulamanov T.D. Connecting to network agricultural institutions
after privatization.................................................................................................................. 128
Eshtaev B., Kentbaev Е., Shynybekov M. Ways ecotourism development in Sayram-
Ugam state national park south Kazakhstan region………………………………………
Zhaylaubaeva M.M., Zubairov O.Z., Zhankhan K. Safe the use of effluents………… 135
Zhanbekov Kh., Mukatayeva Zh., Lakhbayeva Zh., Oskenbayeva A.,
Zharymbetova R. Problems of the study of pollution of the syrdarya river……………
Zhassuzakova G., Zholamanov K. Valueof alfalfa
(medicago sativa)
apredecessor………………………………………………………………………………... 143
Zhetpisbayeva M.A., Bazarbayev A.T. The hydraulic flushing of reservoir akeshki in
Almaty region........................................................................................................................ 146
Zhorabekova Zh., Akasheva A. Considered carefully the issues of contemporary
changes in soils of Kazakhstan.............................................................................................
Zhumagaliev E., Malkovsky M., Toleubaeva L., Asanbekov B., Yakoviev A. The
water level of the lake and salt to control the size and direction of the water flow to divert
the irtysh river basin study....................................................................................................... 155
Zhunusova A.S., Karbozova R.D., Dutbayev E.B., Sarbayev A.T. Seed pre-treatment
protectants against root rots spring wheat…………………………………………………. 160
Zhunusova A.S., Karbozova R.D., Dutbayev E.B., Sarbayev A.T. Occurrence and
harmfulness of black point (bipolaris sorokiniana shoem ) of spring wheat in mountain
zone of southeastern Kazakhstan…………………………………………........................... 163
Zakieva A., Iskakov A, Sidorik I.V., Didorenko S.V. Comparative study of
environmental and grades ultra-fast selection numbers soybean in conditions of Kostanay
and Almaty region................................................................................................................ 167
Igembayeva A.K., Muhamedova G.A., Junisov U., Pentaev T.P. The role gis
technologi in solving problems оn pollution territories of the former Semey’s testiny
ground……………………………………………………………………………………… 174
Irgebayeva S.D., Gabdeev H.N. State estuaries and techniques of performance
improvement of fodder production in western Kazakhstan………………………………
Iskaliyeva F., Bazarbayev A.T. Hydraulic flushing postpone applied with true
headwater reservoir used for the transfer of water from riverkarauzen into the river
Saryuzen west Kazakhstan region………………………………………………………… 181
Kadasheva J.K., Rau А.G., Kalybekova E.M. Water supply irrigation norms rice
Akdalinsk rice irrigation system............................................................................................ 186
Kadyr Sh.K., Bektanov B.K. Оrganization and strategy of the sustainable development
rural territories....................................................................................................................... 191
Kadyrbekova J.D., Jumanova J.K., Kopzhasarov B.K. Efficiency fungicide against
apple scab.............................................................................................................................. 195
Kaldibayeva B.K., Sultanova N.ZH. Dark-brown spot of barley in a south-eastern
Kazakhstan…………………………………………………………………………………. 197
Kaldibayeva B.K., Sultanova N.Zh., Alysherov Zh.D. Efficiency fungicides against
dark-brown spottiness of barley in the conditions of south-east Kazakhstan....................... 200
Kalmenshe L.A. The main directions of a sovershenstvaniye a legal mechanism in
management of land resources…………………………………………………………….. 203
Kamali J., Sarbaev A.T. Immunological basis of selection of hard winter wheat under
the southeast of Kazakhstan.................................................................................................
Karaeva K.O., Eleshev R.E. Influence of fertilizerson nutrient status of irrigated
meadow-chestnutsoil sundermixed crops of corn and soybeans…………………………
Kasymova N., Tapanova E., Seitasanov I. Features of development of cavitation in
hydrocyclone pump installations and measures of fight against it………………………… 214
Kemalova M. Development of GIS technologies used for agricultural lands………… 218
Konysbaev A.B., Sultanova N.ZH. Development and spreading of helminthosporium
blight on crops of bsrley in conditions of southeastern region of republic……………… 222
Konysbaev A.B. Biological features of pathogen of helmintosporium blight in conditions
of southeastern region of Kazakhstan……………………………………………………… 224
Kuanysheva K. Cleaning method underground waters nitrates and nitrites……………… 227
Kudysh G., Sarbaev A.T., Idiris A.A. Resistance of tan spot of winter wheat wheat in
the southeast of Kazakhstan……………………………………………………………….. 231
Madenova A.K., Kokhmetova A.M., Kampitova G.A., Atishova M.N. Identification
of resistonce of leaf rust in nurseru of winter wheat………………………………………
Makeichan A., Babayev C.A., Tokbergenova ZH.A. Features of accumulation of
biomass of potato on Southeast of Kazakhstan…………………………………………. 238
Mamajanov D.K., Kozhoshev D.C., Perneev A.N. Use warm hot callusing for the
inoculation of the nut gretsky ………………………………………………......................
Mamadiyarov B.S., Bazarbaev A.T. Research on water quality of the transboundry Ili
river and its tributaries……………………………………………………………………... 247
Manarova D.G., Uzun I.H. Receiving seedless varieties of grapes by in vitro method… 254
Manetov D.K., Dzhulamanov T.D. Study methods use of information networks and
texhnologies in division of farm lands…………………………………………………….. 257
Molzhigitova D., Adilova A., Pentaev T., Bоkenova E. Improved land management
from a regional perspective Almaty region………………………………………………
Mursalimova E., Shaimerdenov A. Analysis of current state of disturbed lands in
sothern Kazakhstan………………………………………………………………………… 265
Mursalimova E., Smagulova M. Methods of reclamation of dangerous technogenic….. 268
Mussynov K.M., Kipshakbaeva A.A., Arinov B.K., Utelbayev Y.A., Bazarbayev
B.B. Biopower efficiency of cultivation of safflower……………………………………... 271
Nasiyev B.N., Gabdulov M.A., Bekkaliyev A.K., Bekkaliyeva A.K. Agrochemical
monitoring of soil cover degradation of fodder lands of semi desert zone of west
Kazakhstan region…………………………………………………………………………. 275
Nasiyev B.N., Zhanatalapov N.Zh., Makanova G.N. Use of forage crops
agrophytocenoses for the restoration of bioresource potential of fodder lands……………. 278
Nurgaliyev N.Sh., Tautenov I.A. Influence of norm of seeding of seeds on efficiency of
green material of the african millet........................................................................................ 282
Nurkamyt A.B. Modern portable GIS technology in forestry and hunting……………… 286
Nusupova A.O., Abzeytova E.A., Zhurgenоv Zh.S. Productivity and resistance sort
varieties to pests of greenhouse cucumber in a protected ground of Kazakhstan’s south-
east…………………………………………………………………………………………. 292
Omacheva G. Innovative development information system of land cadastre in the
introduction of cadastral works……………………………………………………………. 298
Oryntay Zh.O., Narbaeva K.T., Ysmailova G.K.,Narbaev M.T., Narbaev T.Y.
Improvement of existing and development of new criteria for the classification rivers plain
part Kazakhstan…………………………………………………………………………….. 302
Ospanov A.A., Timurbekova A.K., Army A. Research of indicators of quality of
grades of wheat of domestic selection.................................................................................. 309
Parmenova A.K., Kampitova G.A., Bishimbayeva N.K., Kazybekova S.K. Stydy the
growth regulatory and protective activity of extracellular polysaccharides from cell
culture of wheat……………………………………………………………………………
Radzhibaliev F.А. Kentbaуeva B.A. Key environmental factors in cities……………….
Radzhibaliev F.А., Kentbayeva B.A. State of urban trees and shrubs…………………
Rakhymzhanov B.S. Cultivation of eggplants (Solanum melongena L.) at a drop
irrigation using mineral fertilizers in the conditions southeast of Kazakhstan...................... 325
Ryspaeva M., Irgebaeva S., Gabdeev H., Kustabaeva A. The results of monitoring of
water bodies and soil in the area of the Ural –Kushum irrigation watering system……….. 331
Sagalbekov E.W. Begalin A.A. Zotov L.P. Method for determining the selection and
fors beskumarinnyh clover………………………………………………………………… 338
Sagindykov A.M., Suleimenova N.Sh. Ecological condition of specially protected
naturalterittories "boundary Berikkara"……………………………………………………. 341
Sagyndykova S.R., Orazbaev S.A. The influence of seeding rate productivity of
themelilot in conditionof piedmont area in south –east of Kazakhstan……………………. 346
Sadvakassov A.A. Monitoring of agricultural land using GIS technology………………
Sadvakassov A.A. Pentaev T.P. Using remote sensing data at the territorial level land.. 352
Sadvakasova S. Formation land tenure for non-agricultural purposes……………………. 355
Sadvachasov E., Dzhulamanov T.D., Zhorabekova Zh.T. Study information
technologies used in marketing of land resources…………………………………………. 359
Saiyn A.S. Pasture solution in kazakhstan of irrigation from underground water sources
in conditions of high mineralization of water and solids content using a pump systems to
operate compressed air energy.............................................................................................
Sangulov E., Abayeva K.Т., Kozhabekova A.Zh. Tourism in the Ile-Alatau snnp and
her development................................................................................................................... 370
Seidazimov Zh., Elikbaev B. Status of the Caspian sea sediments on the example of
«Pearl» oil field……………………………………………………………………………. 376
Sinjak, N.G. Sinelnikov M.V., Sinelnikov V.M., Bodrova E.M. Innovative
development of forest complex of Belarus………………………………………………… 381
Sopbekov A. Eco-tourism and development……………………………………………… 389
Suleimenova A.T., Bahadiruli Zh., Ussen K. Fitotsenotichesky characteristic of the
Turkestani floristic area……………………………………………………………………. 392
Suletayev S. Main results of state control on the protection and use of land for 2013 in
Kazakhstan............................................................................................................................ 397
Tolmachev A.O., Eleshev R.E., Salikova A.S. The influence of fertilizersand of
chemicalson the productivity of soybean in the fodder crop rotation……………………... 403
Tapanova E., Seitasanov I., Kasymova N. Research of ways of fightagaints alluviums
at a water intake and new construction of the water intake hydro-electric station………… 408
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