Алматы АКК жағдайында автобустардың шиномонтаждау жұмысын механизациялау
Түйіндеме. Берілген жұмыста шиномонтаждау стенді ұсынылады. Оны қолдану автобус дөңгелектерінің
дискісінен пневмошиноларды қауіпсіз, ыңғайлы және ағыту уақытын азайту мақсатына арналған. Көліктік құ-
ралдардың шиналарын демонтаждау процесін механикаландырып, қол еңбегін азайтып, ағыту уақытын төмен-
дету арқылы шиномонтаждау жұмыстарының өнімділігін арттырады.
Негізгі сөздер: шина монтаждау стенді, электрқозғалтқыш, редуктор, тоқтап тұру, ауыспалы тірек.
Zhumanov M.A.
Mechanization оf tyre works of buses in the conditions of Almaty ATP
Summary. For safety, conveniences and decrease in time of removal of pneumatic tires from a disk of wheels of
buses, in this work the stand for dismantle of tires which allows to exclude manual skills is offered, to mechanize
process of dismantle of tires and due to decrease in time of dismantle of wheels, to increase productivity of tire works of
Key words: the stand for dismantle of tires, the electric motor, a reducer, idle times, a replaceable support.
УДК 553.98(574.)
S.G. Nursultanova, G. Ermekbaeva, G.T. Baudagulova,
(KazNITU after K.I. Satpaeyev, gulfairus_1983 @mail)
Abstract. The majority of the huge – the largest oil fields and gas is dated for basins of passive continental sub-
urbs and above rift depressions.
In formation of basins of the water area of the Caspian Sea the crucial role belongs to movements East European
paleo the continent. It is found out that for formation of the sedimentary pool, first of all, are necessary: large volume of
sedimentary deposits; stay of plates in midlatitudes that promotes formation of qualitative petro maternal thicknesses,
tanks for hydrocarbons (including carbonate); existence of zones of a combination of the centers of generation and ac-
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ҚазҰТЗУ хабаршысы №2 2016
cumulation zones at a mode of average speeds of a sedimentation; simultaneous course of processes of generation of
hydrocarbons and formation of traps for oil and gas that increases effect of accumulation of emigrated hydrocarbons;
existence: large traps, zones of development of saliferous and clay tires, sites of the raised temperature gradients that
accelerates generation process, interferes with reduction of porosity, zones of the inherited development of raisings
within internal (platform parts) passive paleosuburbs, capable a long time to accumulate hydrocarbons. A collision of
the East European and Kazakhstan earth's plates, closing have impact on formation of the Kashagan-Tengiz carbonate
platform Ural paleo ocean and the ocean Paleotetis under the influence of which were formed paleo rifts by Southern
Emba – in Devon and Bozashinsk – in carbon, and compression deformations in pre-Jurassic time.
Key words: Geological, geochemical features, structure, tectonic plate, sedimentary, collectors, oil and gas ac-
cumulation, passive continental paleosuburbs, orogenic deflections, rifts, Clarification of geodynamic evolution, ther-
mobaric, constraints, East European-Turan, borders, development, North Ustyurts, Southern – Embinsky midland rift,
Bozashinsky rift
Distribution of resources of hydrocarbons of the world is caused by geological and geochemical fea-
tures of a structure of pools formed by different tectonic plate structures. Volumes of a sedimentary cover,
distribution of breeds collectors, breeds tires (evaporite, clay), petro maternal breeds, the high content of or-
ganic substance in oil and gas maternal thicknesses and other optimum criteria for oil-and-gas formation and
oil and gas accumulation are characteristic to the pools connected with passive continental paleosuburbs,
before orogenic deflections and large depressions, educated over intercontinental and midland reefs. The
largest fields of foreign regions of the world from mega giants to the large are also connected with men-
tioned structures. In foreign countries of the world openly more than 64 thousand fields. The majority of the
huge – the largest oil fields and gas is dated for basins of passive continental suburbs and above rift depres-
Main course
One of the main regions where pools of rifts and passive continental paleosuburbs are widely devel-
oped, water areas are. Clarification of geodynamic evolution of water areas allows to develop tectonic plate
models of oil-and-gas and potentially oil-and-gas pools, to Establish the stratigrafic range of tectonic com-
plexes composing them (a cover, the transitional, folded basis, the base), to define the main tectonic plate
structures, to carry out oil and gas geological division into districts.
In formation of basins of the water area of the Caspian Sea the crucial role belongs to movements East
European paleo the continent. It is found out that for formation of the sedimentary pool, first of all, are nec-
essary: large volume of sedimentary deposits; stay of plates in midlatitudes that promotes formation of quali-
tative petro maternal thicknesses, tanks for hydrocarbons (including carbonate); existence of zones of a com-
bination of the centers of generation and accumulation zones at a mode of average speeds of a sedimentation;
simultaneous course of processes of generation of hydrocarbons and formation of traps for oil and gas that
increases effect of accumulation of emigrated hydrocarbons; existence: large traps, zones of development of
saliferous and clay tires, sites of the raised temperature gradients that accelerates generation process, inter-
feres with reduction of porosity, zones of the inherited development of raisings within internal (platform
parts) passive paleosuburbs, capable a long time to accumulate hydrocarbons.
The largest congestions of hydrocarbons in the world are concentrated in repartitions is long develop-
ing (more than 300 million years) passive suburbs, for example Persian, Alaskan, etc., the plates transformed
by collision in chalk - a Cainozoic stage of development. Besides the specified criteria manifestations of se-
vere thermobaric constraints, development of terrigenous carboniferous thicknesses, zones of high gas satu-
ration of reservoir waters and inversion (change of immersion of the pool, its long uplift) can be a sign of
existence of large-scale gas deposits. The majority of noted signs promoting formation of large-scale depos-
its of oil and gas, are characteristic for the water area of the Caspian Sea. Considering it and other capacity,
we believe that on stocks and gas it is possible to find large oil fields within pools it is long formed passive
continental paleo suburbs, the plates transformed by collision, pools of above rift depressions.
In the regional plan all considered territory settles down in east part (in modern coordinates) East Eu-
ropean-Turan plate and boundary micro continents which in the east were limited Ural paleo oceans, and
from the South – the ocean Paleotetis.
In these borders at various stages of development there were educations midland rifts, the divided
southern and southeast parts of an ancient earth's plate on separate blocks of various size were North Ust-
yurts, Karabogazsky and other.
Технические науки
№2 2016 Вестник КазНИТУ
The zones, mentioned riftogenez in the Paleozoic, unlike rify aulacogene, took not all East European
platform, and its boards adjacent to Paleozoic epigeosyncline folded areas. On the average - late Devon there
was a regeneration rify aulacogene in Dneprovo - Donetsk and Is Southern – Embinskii areas.
So, in Devon it was formed It is Southern – Embinsky midland rift under the influence of Ural paleo
ocean from the East, in carbon – early Perm – Bozashinsky rift owing to Paleotetis's development in the
south. Development of the studied region us is considered since Eiffel time in spite of the fact that the de-
scription of the lithologic and stratigraphic complexes according to drilling begins only with Frasnian time.
In Eiffel– an early Frasnian stage (390-373 million years) It is Southern – Embinsky midland rift,
started to be formed in Devon at the expense of revival of activity of the deep breaks put in the rify wend,
and also under the influence of spreading Ural paleo ocean on the average Devon, since the beginning of
Frasnian time it starts being filled with the terrigenous precipitation which is taken down from North Ust-
yurt massif, the Karabogazsky micro plate and partially South Ural. It is Southern – Emba rift represented a
graben limited to normal dumping from the North and the South, and it had an asymmetric step structure.
The southern board more was more coolly, than northern that speaks about its bigger tectonic activity.The
axis rift passed through Toresay – the Mynsualmassky zone. Capacity of the consolidated bark under the rift
was reduced to 20-22 km. However, according to geophysical data, there are no certificates of its complete
Usually stages of a location and a flash continental rifts are characterized by a wide set of volcanogen-
ic breeds from the ultra basic to sour structure. However, E.E.Milanovsky notes cases when in rift zones
magnetism is absent in general or is shown locally. Possibly, it is characteristic for is Southern – Emba rift.
Existence porphyrites and andesites in cuts of wells is explained by their demolition from South Ural where
during this period there was a vigorous volcanic activity.
In other territory in the conditions of the shallow sea collected clay– carbonate deposits which began
to carry out further a role of oil and gas maternal breeds.
In Medium and early Frasnian stage (373-357 million years) as a result of development midland It is
Southern – Emba rift а were formed It is northern – Ustyurt and It is southern – Bozashinsky blocks which
during Devon - early-average carbon held the raised position and probably were demolition sources for
more lowered zones. Size pushing It is southern – Embinsky rift we approximately estimate at the first tens
kilometers that corresponds to size pushing of the same name rift, characteristic for midland rift zones. Ac-
cording to drilling in Frasnian – Tournaisian time rift was filled with psephytic breeds with pro-layers car-
bon – clay deposits that is characteristic for littoral sea zone which deep into the pool it is replaced by the
shallow sea where collected terrigenous sand – aleurolite – clay deposits. Accumulation of powerful terri-
genous thicknesses and areas It is southern – Emba rift involved the South – east periphery of the Caspian
pool in the steady compensatedsagging. In Kashagan – the Tengiz zone where didn't reach terrigenous clas-
tic, there was a quiet tectonic mode that promoted origin late frasnian – a early Tournaisian carbonate plat-
form where facial complexes of algal constructions and the fir-tree hills passing on the peripheries in facies
of a slope and the bottom developed in this period, put carbon– detrital and calc-argillaceous deposits. Bio-
herms vertically increased carbonate platforms outside which there were rather deep-water sites filled with a
terrigenous material. There of on the periphery of platforms at one horizontal level carbonate and terrigenous
deposits of one age adjoin: more ancient carbonates contact to younger terrigenous complexes of the subse-
quent filling. Height of biogermny facial complexes so-so – late frasnian part of Devonian deposits reaches
400-800 m that makes height about a quarter devon – early tournaisnian constructions.
In Tournaisnian time differentiation of carbonate platforms with formation of separate bioherm rais-
ings begins. Kashagan's field it was created as the isolated construction around the Seaside arch near the
southern suburb of the North Caspian pool. Constructions were formed at a stage of adjournment of car-
bonates in the pool covering intervals from late Devon by of early Perm. At that time the North Caspian
pool was connected with the ocean, but was under amplifying influence coming allochthonous in the South
and the West.
As a result of pool evolution forlyanda in Primorsk the region the favorable hydrocarbon system, with
petro maternal thicknesses and collectors and an effective regional tire was formed. The closed tanks traps
are created by facies of constructions. The main maternal breeds were facies of the domain presented by De-
vonian and coal partially basin equivalents of reservoir breeds of constructions with possible additional ma-
ternal thicknesses in syn-rift terrigenous deposits in a sole of Devon. The regional tire of Seaside system is
created by a combination of carbonates and artinskian clays, and also anhydrite breed. Capacity of artinskian
clays makes 75-100M in a roof of constructions, but the probability is absent on slopes. The Anhydrite cov-
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ҚазҰТЗУ хабаршысы №2 2016
er provides additional capacity 50-100M shielding facies in roofs and on wings of constructions tanks. Salt
columns (domes) lithologic also are screens, but pools a salt squeezing between them could lead to ruptures
of a tire, if not a layer of anhydrites. Depths of domanik facies are in a zone of generation of oil and gas near
constructions, and far from them – in more deep-water parts of the pool.
This stage is a stage of a flash of Southern Emba rift, being characterized steady immersion, pushing
by this moment stopped. And the southern branch rift, interfaced to the North massif Ustyurt, had more high-
amplitude descending movements, in comparison with the northern.
In a late tournaisian –early visean stage (357-335 million years) at the end of the touranaisian century
owing to movement to the north the Karabogaz-Karakumsky microplate there was a rapprochement of North
Ustyurt of the block to edge of the East European platform that was accompanied by rather intensive defor-
mations of compression leading to split of the platform basis of a terrigenous wedge and formation of con-
sedimentated folds in the upper devon –lower tournaisian terrigenous Southern Emba complex of a zone.
There was a closing of Southern Emba rift and at the beginning to the visa its southeast part to the Toresay-
Mynsualmassky zone underwent inversion with the subsequent denudation that led to formation of Southern
Emba of the inversion raising which has been intensively deployed in a kernel and more flat in process of
removal, towards internal parts of the Caspian pool. Thus the southern border of Southern Emba paleorift
was reduced to the Toresay-Mynsualmassky zone. The greatest capacity and deformity of upper devon-lower
coal breeds is dated for the arch of Southern Emba of an inversion raising. Thickness capacity (to 2 km) up-
per tournaisian –lower visean deposits is explained by a denudation of terrigenous thicknesses in a kernel of
Southern Emba of a raising and their demolition in more bent zones.
Processes of rapprochement of the North massif Ustyurt with southeast edge of the East European
plate caused besides formation of terrigenous filling of Southern Emba of a deflection, and some other essen-
tially important geological events, formed subsequently modern geological shape of a Paleozoic section of
the Caspian pool. It is the beginning of formation of a carbonate platform on a southeast board of the Caspi-
an pool in later time.
In the Kashagan-Tengizsky zone the system of cracks though scales of a dislocation were less consid-
erable owing to remoteness from a zone of the maximum compression was created. Here accumulation of a
shallow carbonate precipitation proceeded.
In an external onboard zone and within Southern Emba of an inversion raising the terrigenous precipi-
tation presented by psephytic and clay sand-silty by educations was formed significantly. Clay silty breeds
are often enriched with the charred vegetable precipitation, tape pro-layers of brilliant coal are noted. Detrital
breeds on structure graywacke, badly sorted. In many cases in breeds impurity of a pyroclastic material is
observed. All this testifies to coastal and sea conditions of a sedimentation.
Within the Kashagan-Tengizsky zone in the Tula time reduction of growth of carbonate constructions
and pack accumulation tufoargyllites up to 100 m thick on the flat arches of platforms and partial destruc-
tion of ring bioherms is noted.
Existence tuffs sour and average structure of early visean age in Southern Emba and Kashagan-
Tengiz zones can be explained with activization of volcanoes in the east of the Caspian pool where the island
volcanism was shown in South Ural and it was stretched in time from the average Ordovician to an average
карбона (L.P.Zonenshayn, M.I.Kuzmin, L.M.Natapov, 1990) and South to the west of the Bozashinsky rais-
So, at the end of early to the visa the important stage in formation of the Caspian pool was complete:
Southern Emba an inversion raising and the North microcontinent Ustyurt limited the pool from the south-
east. It should be noted that Southern Emba rift passed all clastic stages of evolution aulacogenes (a loca-
tion, flashes and inversion) and was created as a raising in modern outlines at a platform stage that is con-
firmed by the following geologic-geophysical characteristics: The tinned continental bark raised by thickness
of a rift graywacke complex, its inversion, linear gravitational anomalies – maxima and noticeable the in-
creased size of a thermal stream.
In the Pozdnevizeysko-bashkirsky stage (335-310 million years) the passive tectonic mode existing in
the territory of all East European platform was formed.
In late visean time the new stage in formation of carbonate platforms of the Caspian pool, considera-
bly differing from the previous began. So, besides the Kashagan-Tengiz carbonate platform there was a new
late visean -Bashkir carbonate platform on the most raised part of denuded Southern Emba of a raising, and
because of transgression exhausting the pool considerably extended towards Northern Ustyurt, and the bor-
der of a platform passed from the East to the west to the south of the areas Northern Mynsualmas, Kumtobe,
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Gagarinsky, Tereshkovsky, Nikolaev, Koltyk, Island and Aral (in modern outlines). During this period vari-
ous shallow limestones collected, and carbonate constructions composed the isolated local sites extended
along a southeast board of Pricaspian. Periodically arriving terrigenous material communicated on remained
underwater run-of-to systems in more lowered sites of day paleo pool, creating the mixed deposits. Presence
of a terrigenous material suppressed producing activity of a karbonatonakopleniye that caused emergence of
sites with primary accumulation of a carbonate and carbonate and terrigenous precipitation.
In the Bozashinsky zone there were various conditions of an sedimentation . So, the carbonates opened
on East Karaturun, lithological are similar to carbonates of the Tengiz-Kashagansky carbonate platform
(structure Southern) that allows to speak about similar conditions of an sedimentation.
According to V. M. Pilifosov, E.S.Votsalevskogo, A.G.Pronin, O. S. Turkov, etc. to the north of and
to the west of Bozasha it is possible to assume development of carbonate constructions on the basis of exist-
ence in deposits of products of destruction of carbonates.
Rather deep-water deposits are widespread outside the Kashagan-Tengiz carbonate platform and
around Biikzhal, Aymenbeta. They are mainly presented by terrigenous and carbonate and clay deposits.
The late visean -bashkir stage of sedimentation significantly differs from previous and is characterized
by broad development of the frame algal reeves increasing ring edges of the Kashagan-Tengizsky carbonate
platform and emergence by new Southern Emba of a carbonate platform where polydetrital and slurry
pearlwort-foraminiferal, algal limestones with fragments of crinoids, with oncolites and algal tumors, the
remains spicules sponges and radiolarian, blue-green alga’s collected.
The above described stage is the main era of sedimentation of carbon in the studied region. Kashagan's
final burial to his modern marks happened in two main stages. Powerful Perm salts and permotriassic terri-
genous breeds were postponed at an early stage of the fast immersion connected with final short circuit of the
North Caspian pool. The sedimentary thickness created at this stage, made more than 2000 m at short-term
filling of hydrocarbons. The early stage of burial ended by the time of Cimmerian орогена in the late Trias-
sic and Jurassic which process mainly happened further to the South from the pool. The final stage of burial
of a precipitation began average/late to Jurassic and ended with immersion of Kashagansky construction up
to the depths more than 4000 m.
So, rapprochement, collision and a collision of the East European and Kazakhstan earth's plates, clos-
ing have impact on formation of the Kashagan-Tengiz carbonate platform Ural paleo ocean and the ocean
Paleotetis under the influence of which were formed paleo rifts by Southern Emba – in Devon and
Bozashinsk – in carbon, and compression deformations in pre-Jurassic time.
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