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Сборник материалов конференции (продолжение)

Пайдаланған әдебиеттер тізімі 
Назарбаев.Н.Ә. Жасай бер Тәуелсіз Қазақстан! Тәуелсіздік күніне арналған салтанатты 
мәжілісте сөйлеген сөзі//Егемен Қазақстан.-1998.-16 желтоқсан 
Шоқай Мәрия. Шоқай Мұстафа. Естеліктері.–Ыстамбул. 1997 
Шоқай.М. Таңдамалы 1 –том. –Алматы: Қайнар, 1998,-512б. 
Шоқай.М. Таңдамалы 2 –том. –Алматы: Қайнар, 1999,-520б. 
Әлімжанов.Ә. Мұстафа Шоқай...Ол кім? //Қазақ әдебиеті// 1991.31 тамыз 

The importance of the project "On the status of a teacher" 
Interesting facts about teachers in history 
Мыңжасар А., Бекіш Е. 
Қорқыт Ата атындағы ҚМУ 
A teacher in Kazakhstan is more than a teacher. This is an experienced mentor, support, 
senior friend and person, whose share falls a huge responsibility. The realities of the modern 
world are rapidly changing, but the internal content of the concept of “Teacher” never 
changes. Therefore, I want to explain the importance of the project - "On the status of the 
The word "teacher" is familiar to everyone without exception. A synonym is the word 
"teacher", which has a slightly broader meaning. Interesting fact: this term appeared in 
ancient Greece, and was used in relation to slaves who could not perform work requiring 
physical strength, for example, cripples or old people. They took on the function of escorting 
the children of the nobility to and after classes. "Pedagogy" in ancient Greek meant "child 
It is also interesting what the ancient Greeks called a mathematics teacher. Now this 
could well be the nickname of a mathematician, and then he was called simply a "calculator". 
In Latin, this means "bookkeeper", and comes from the Latin "calculus" - "a small stone." 
Such pebbles were used to count tens, hundreds and thousands. 
Interesting names for this profession can be found not in such a long time. For example, 
after the revolution in the Soviet Union, school teachers were called the funny word "scrub", 
which stands for "school worker." 
Current problems in the work of a teacher 
A teacher for whom transferring knowledge to children is a vocation - a rarity. Faced 
with reality, many of yesterday's university graduates who received teacher diplomas are 
faced with the fact that they strongly idealized the future profession or did not represent it 
Already 33% of them are leaving school within three years of starting work, and by the 
end of the fifth year this figure reaches 46%. A few years ago, the trend was not so 
depressing, but every year the number of requirements for teachers increases, while the circle 
of responsibilities grows. 
The most common reason a person leaves teaching is because of low salaries. A reason 
such as retirement is only 14% of the total. 
Teacher salaries do not include time spent on class planning. But the preparation of one 
lesson can take up to three hours! According to the National Association of Education, 
teachers spend an average of 53 hours a week, performing tasks related to learning. All this - 
lesson planning, writing reports, additional classes, as well as checking homework. While the 
usual rate of office workers is 40 hours a week. 
Solution to the problem 
In 1966, UNESCO adopted a document in accordance with which statutory professors 
were identified. Every year, October 5 is Teacher’s Day, when all former and current 
students can thank the best and most beloved representatives of this profession. But in 
Kazakhstan, a really important project is "On the status of a teacher." 
This Law determines the status of the teacher and establishes the rights, social 
guarantees and restrictions, duties and responsibilities of the teacher. Especially important for 
the entire pedagogical community is the reduction in the weekly teaching load of school 
teachers from 18 hours to 16 hours, which implies an increase in the time for his creative 
To improve the quality of teachers in schools, an additional fee of 10 MCI is provided 
for people with a master's degree. A teacher who is hired for the first time in the organization 

of secondary education is assigned a mentor teacher for the period of one academic year. For 
the implementation of mentoring, the teacher is paid an additional payment in the amount of 
one basic salary. Assignment as a mentor is carried out on the basis of the order of the head 
no later than five working days from the day the teacher is hired for secondary education. 
Future plans to improve the teaching profession 
Material mechanisms are envisaged. As part of the instruction of the President of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan, Kassym-Zhomart Tokaev, given at the August conference, the 
teachers' salaries will double in the next four years. This means that starting next year, 
teachers' salaries will increase by 25%. 
The law provides for a number of non-material incentives, such as the priority 
procedure for the provision of places in kindergartens, a new type of state award " 
Қазақстанның еңбек сіңірген ұстазы", which provides for a one-time payment in the 
amount of 1000 MCI, or 2 651 000 tenge. 
In general, it is important to note that almost 500 thousand education workers will be 
affected by the innovations to improve the status of bills. An increase in vacation days from 
42 to 56 days will affect more than 100 thousand employees. It is assumed that the adoption 
of the above standards will really improve the status and prestige of the teacher, stimulate 
him to further professional growth and generally improve the quality of educational services 
In my opinion, this project is the most useful of all that were invented for this. The 
development of the future generation is the most important factor for the development of the 
whole country. To do this, we must improve the quality of teaching for our children. I believe 
that thanks to this law, the public opinion about teachers will change and more gifted 
children will want to become glorious teachers. "A teacher must have maximum authority 
and minimum power." Thomas Sas 
List of references 
On the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the status of a teacher" 
Bunimovich, E. Portrait of a teacher / E. Bunimovich // Health of a schoolboy. - 2009. 
The main events in the education system in 2019 
Galeeva, N. Assessment of the quality of professional activities of a teacher: 
recommendations for developing a system of indicators / N. Galeeva // School management. 
- 2009. 

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