Summary G.M. Duisembiyeva - Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai
Political Metaphor in the Language of Kazakhstan Media This paper examines the political metaphor in the language media. According to the modern concept of the
processes of metaphor, updated in recent years, the media help to realize the basic function of journalistic discourse -
the impact of the general reader. The impact depends from the productivity of metaphors. Mass media are not only
mediators in political communication, but also agents of political ideas and views. These facts indicate that the use of
metaphor in the media and the actual needs to study carefully. Thus, the article seeks to define the role of metaphors is
investigated newspaper language in terms of grammar and vocabulary. Language of the media is a great interest to
linguists, how to study active processes in any national language and discourse. For the great importance for the study is
the work in which the media discourse is seen as thematically focused kind of verbal communication in the mass media
Key words: metaphor, discourse, political metaphor, a metaphor for the media 229
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Хабаршысы, «Филология ғылымдары» сериясы, № 1 (55), 2016 ж.