R. Sh. Yerkassov*, R. M. Nesmeyanova**,
S. R. Massakbayeva**, A. S. Oraltaeva**,
T. B. Tugambaeva**, S. Ju. Kovtareva**, E. N.Tautova***
This work presents the results of determination of the geometric
parameters of complex compounds of acetamide protonated with inorganic
acids (HBr, HNO
) with salts of zinc and beryllium, obtained by using
quantum-chemical semiempirical calculation by the PM3 method, included
in software packages MOPAC 7, HyperChem 6.0.
In the study of interaction processes of amides with inorganic acids and
inorganic salts and the products of these interactions proved the formation of a
large number of compounds of various stoichiometric composition. Promising is
study the processes of simultaneous interaction of the amide, inorganic salts and
inorganic acid to obtain a new triple compounds.
In number of works [1 - 4] described regularities in the interaction of amides
with inorganic acids and herewith properties of the forming products.
Originality of nature of amide acids associated with features of the amide
group, more precisely, with its two reaction centers; these are the main centers -
oxo group with its unshared electron pair and the amino group with its unshared
electron pair, as well as acids, containing in its composition an active proton