№3(79)/2015 Серия педагогика

Шет тілді білім беру аясындағы тілдік менталитет мəселесі

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Шет тілді білім беру аясындағы тілдік менталитет мəселесі 
Мақалада  коммуникативтік  құзыреттіліктің  шет  тілді  білім  беру  үдерісінде  қалыптасу  мəселелері 
қарастырылды.  Шет  тілді  білім  беру  жүйесінде  ғылыми  танымның  пəні — құрамдас  бөліктерінің 
тығыз  байланысын  қамтитын  «тіл–ойлау–этнос»  пəнаралық  құрылым.  Қазіргі  таңда  шетел  тілдерін 
оқыту  белгілі  бір  тілдік  қоғамның  өкілдерімен  біраз  идентификациялауды  талап  ететін,  басқа 
мəдениет  пен  менталитетке  ену  əрекетінсіз  мүмкін  емес.  Коммуникативтік  мінез-құлық  тіл,  сана, 
мəдениет — бір тізбектің буындары жайлы фактіні толығымен ұғынуға мүмкіндік береді. 

Вестник Карагандинского университета 
К проблеме языковой ментальности  
в контексте иноязычного образования 
В  статье  рассмотрены  проблемы  формирования  коммуникативной  компетенции  в  процессе 
иноязычного образования. Предметом научного познания в этой системе выступает междисциплинар-
ный конструкт «язык–мышление–этнос» в тесной взаимосвязи всех его составляющих. На современ-
ном этапе обучение иностранным  языкам, отмечено автором, немыслимо без некоторого погружения 
в другую культуру, ментальность, что требует некоторой степени идентификации с представителями 
определенного  языкового  сообщества.  Именно  коммуникативное  поведение,  отмечено  в  статье,  по-
зволяет в полной мере осознать тот факт, что язык, сознание, культура — все это звенья одной цепи. 
1  Kunanbayev S.S. Modern foreign language education: methodology and theory, Almaty, 2005, 264 p. 
2  Gachev G.D. National images of the world, Moscow: Sovetskiy pisatel’, 1988, 448 p. 
3  Guillaume G. Principles of Theoretical Linguistics, Moscow, 1992, 224 p. 
4  Karasik V.I. Linguistic Circle: Personality, Concepts, Discourse, Volgograd, 2002, 477 p. 

Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
UDC 378.1 
, A.Aliyeva
, J.Kultan
, M.M.Akeshova
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana; 
University of Economics, Bratislava, Slovakia; 
Kh.A.Yassawi International kazakh-turkish University, Turkestan 
(E-mail: gainid@mail.ru) 
The analysis of a condition of professional training  
of future ecologists in the system of higher education 
Ecological education becomes a subject of interest and action of the international organizations at the highest 
level. The search of harmonious interaction of society and nature leads to an intensive process of 
ecologization of general culture of mankind. It is caused by the need for increase of people’s susceptibility 
and their involvement degree in the solution search of development problems and preservation of the sur-
rounding environment. On the global and universal value, ecological education is specified as the main means 
of constructive transformation of social and individual ecological consciousness almost at all international fo-
rums about the environment problems. Many of them are actually devoted to ecological education since the 
condition of the surrounding environment, the general ecological education of all population depends on the 
level of professional competency of future ecologist. 
Key words: professional training, the system of higher education, future ecologists.  
Changes occurring in the system of social relations require from the education mobility system an 
adequate answer to realities of new historical experience and compliance to the requirements of the 
development of economy. At the present time, higher education is considered as the main factor of political, 
social and economic progress. Higher ecological education gives a representation and knowledge of laws 
about biosocial system «person-society-nature». 
At the modern stage, big experience has already been accumulated in the area of ecological education in 
the world, domestic and foreign researchers show interest in the problem of organization of ecological edu-
cation.  The ideas of V.I.Vernadskiy about the Biosphere and Noosphere and the works of N.N.Moiseev, 
A.D.Ursul, B. Kommoner and D.Medouza played a key role in the formation of scientific outlook in the or-
ganization process of ecological education. 
In a modern foreshortening, the viewpoint of S.V.Alekseyev represents an interest, who claims that eco-
logical education for the sustainable development is a new complex direction in the frameworks of higher 
ecological education system, formed in many countries of the world with a view to ensuring movement of 
society to the balanced development [1]. 
In the UK parliamentary report it was stated that «the transition to a green economy requires a ‘green-
ing’ of the whole economy. Also, all jobs have to be «green». 
What are the challenges that Kazakhstan is facing in the transition to a green economy? How can we 
solve them and what is the role of higher education in this transition? 
We consider that the interest to the issue of ecological education attracts both domestic and foreign re-
searchers. At the present stage, extensive experience in the field of ecological education has been gained, 
however, global progress in this area is not enough available for the teaching community, as there is a lack of 
works on the ecological skills in ecological education [2]. 
The State policy in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan in compliance with the 
Constitution of the country is based on the following principles: equality of the rights of all citizens of the 
Republic of Kazakhstan for education; availability of education at all levels to the population with the 
account of intellectual development, psycho-physiological and individual characteristics of each person; 
secular nature of education; stimulation of a personality to the education system  and endowment 
development; continuity of education process ensuring succession of its steps; unity of training and upbring-
ing; variety of education organizations in forms of property, training and upbringing and directions  of 
education; democratic nature of education management, expansion of the academic freedom and power of 
education organizations; humanistic and developing nature of education; integration of education, science 
and production; professional orientation of learners; informatization of education systems [3]. 
In the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the concept of «education system» is defined as «a set 
of interacting beings»: 

G.K.Dlimbetova, A.Aliyeva et al. 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
1) the education organizations, regardless of their ownership, types and kinds; 
2) successive educational programs and the state obligatory standards of education for various levels of 
3) bodies of education management and the subordinated organizations, ensuring the implementation of 
educational programs and development of education system. 
Nowadays, in the condition of informatization, the purpose of higher education of the Republic of Ka-
zakhstan is training of professional specialists possessing communicative and foreign-language competences, 
creative potential and critical thinking style. The modern higher education should be continuous, qualitative, 
versatile, based on the information and telecommunication technologies and an emphasis should be made on 
learners’ activity, independence and ability to adapt to changing conditions of modern society. A search for 
the reserves of professional training improvement of future specialists is displaced in the plane of formation 
and development of their information, professional and communicative competence. 
The entry of Kazakhstan in the Bologna process opens great opportunities for the Kazakhstan universi-
ties in the implementation of joint educational projects, such as double diploma education, mutual recogni-
tion of academic courses, international accreditations, etc. 
The participation in the Bologna process allows the higher education in our country to pass into united 
creatively developing educational space which provides acknowledgement of the Kazakhstan educational 
programs, educational plans, expands access to the European education and also increases the quality of mo-
bility process of students and teaching stuff by means of acceptance of comparable system of  higher educa-
tion steps, use of credit systems and gives opportunity not only for receiving the all-European appendix to 
the diploma of graduates of the Kazakhstan higher education institutions,  providing convertibility of domes-
tic diplomas in the European countries, but also the opportunity of employment in any country of the world. 
«The academic mobility» differs from traditional foreign training, primarily in that,  firstly, students go 
abroad albeit on limited but for long terms — from a semester up to an academic year, and, secondly, during 
such trainings they study fully, they study not only a language, but also  separate disciplines and undergo a 
semestrial or one-year course which is counted by their return to the basic higher education institution. We 
propose to name the higher education institution, where the student was enrolled and from where he initially 
wanted to get a diploma as «a basic higher education institution». 
Comparability in education allows achieving the following objectives: formation of educational pro-
grams in which all main elements of the educational process (the educational plan, methods of training and 
an assessment, the requirement to the maintenance of courses and teachers) are coordinated; automatic 
recognition of training results at university — the partner with all participants of partnership, that is a guar-
antee of embedding a mobility element in educational process; creation of a general body of program man-
agement; delivery of joint (on behalf of program participants) diploma or diplomas of universities-
participants after completion of training. Similar programs pursue, as the rule, long-term interest for all its 
participants. They can provide students with the possibility to acquire additional academic and cultural expe-
rience abroad and higher education institutions with new possibility of cooperation and expansion of its po-
tential jointly. 
Owing to the implementation of the program «double diploma education» together with foreign univer-
sities in perspective, the problem of convertibility of the Kazakhstan higher education diplomas, their recog-
nition at the international level, involvement of domestic universities in the international ratings and other 
educational projects will be solved. 
Nowadays, one of the priority directions in terms of development of ecological preparation in the Re-
public is introduction and development of continuous ecological education system directed on the formation 
of scientific and practical knowledge and abilities as well as valuable orientations, behavior and activity in 
the sphere of environment protection, steady environmental management and consumption, formation of 
ecological lifestyle [4]. 
Ecological preparation in the higher school system of Kazakhstan is carried out in two directions: 
 the general is for students of all specialties: general education disciplines, for example, «Bases of eco-
logical knowledge», «Environment Protection», «Environmental management economy», et al.; 
 profile is (deepened) for ecological, naturally-geographical, chemical and biological faculties where 
specialist-ecologists are trained for the nature protection sphere («Ecology», «Ecology and envi-
ronmental management»). In some higher education institutions at the faculties of «Biology», 
«Chemistry», «Geography», preparation of specialists for engineering and agronomical profile is 
conducted («Agroecology», «Engineering Protection of Environment», «Applied Ecology»). 

The analysis of a condition of professional… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
According to the results of scientific-practical research conducted in K.A. Yassawi International Ka-
zakh-Turkish University and Korkyt Ata Kizilorda State University, an indicator of professional training of 
future ecologists is readiness for changes which includes a situation awareness of demand for the new, de-
velopment of the strategic bases alleged for the consistency of this new, including the development of ad-
vancing models of changed professional activity and reconsideration of educational process maintenance. In 
the aggregate, the above listed provides a transfer of consciousness and activity from a spontaneous choice to 
an image projection of desirable change or the future. For last years of independence, the development of 
ecological education in Kazakhstan passed basically in separate educational structures by the number of re-
search groups in an initiative order. 
Generalizing the things told about the modern condition of training of future specialists with ecological 
education in Kazakhstan, it should be noted that the problem of training of highly qualified ecologists with 
the knowledge of a foreign language, capable to compete in the international market of work has not been 
fully decided yet, but the first steps were taken in this direction. 
We suppose that though Kazakhstan is also seeking to be a competitive country not only in Asia, but al-
so in all over the world, nevertheless, the state policy is not exposed to copy blindly and follow  the western 
sample, as we have deep Turkic roots, historically interconnected with the Turkic people. In conditions of 
modernization and informatization of education, the Republic of Kazakhstan builds a national model of 
higher education where the high training quality of young generation is carried out on the basis of synthesis 
of science, culture and educational process in contexts of world history, history of the Turkic people, nomad-
ic civilizations and the countries of the Central Asia. Therefore, it is possible to give thorough arguments of a 
choice of the Turkish Republic for studying, comparison and analysis of higher ecological education system 
in this country. 
From our point of view firstly, it is connected with linguistic, cultural and ethnic proximity of the Tur-
kic people. 
Secondly, Turkey also is a secular state aimed at comprehensive modernization of society and 
informatization of education. The Euroasian mentality, aspiration to adapt the best lines of the European cul-
ture, keeping the national identity and originality is inherent for both countries. 
Thirdly, we are imposed by the developed lines of the Turkish ethno pedagogical and creative reconsid-
eration of advanced achievements of the world pedagogical thought and practice. Strong traditions of ecolog-
ical training and upbringing in Turkey deserve to be noted. 
Fourthly, in the domestic education system, there is a certain Turkish segment; it is K.A.Yassawi Inter-
national Kazakh-Turkish University, which first received the status of an international university (Turkestan 
city), Suleiman Demirel Non-State University (Almaty), Zhambyl Accounting-Credit-Economic College, the 
Educational Center «Dostyk», primary school «Shachlan» (where children of Turkey citizens living and 
working in Kazakhstan are trained), a set of Kazakh-Turkish lyceums. In addition, it should be noted that 
Turkey is the first country which established close friendly contacts at once with Kazakhstan's independence. 
We have researched some works of Turkish scholars concerning the problem of ecology, training of fu-
ture ecologist and we can point out the actual statements and facts from their works.  
For example Nazlyogly considers that, «... from the beginning of the XҮІІ century, mankind conducted 
searches for gaining domination over the nature and accepted the nature only as a car making only demanded 
products» [5]. 
In the Constitution and in other legislative acts of the Turkish Republic there are many provisions 
where the theme about prevention of forest massifs reduction, protection of cultivated territories, water 
sources and natural reserves is raised. The new laws adopted in Turkey show an increased attention to the 
question of ecological education. 
At the present time, education in Turkey is under supervision and control of the State. According to 
Article 42 of the Constitution of the Turkish Republic, each person has the right to get education. According 
to the Main Contract No. 1739 about the national education, the main purpose of education system is a 
training of individuals recognizing values of the Turkish people (nation), realizing their duties and 
responsibility before the country, respecting democracy and the rights of a person. Governmental programs 
pay a  great attention to education as it is an important component of an economic, technological and social 
development of Turkey. 
The main purpose pursued by the Turkish higher education institutions in the process of training future 
ecologists is creation of conditions for systematic and consecutive work on studying ecological knowledge 
by students as well as upbringing of specialists in the sphere of nature protection activity. 

G.K.Dlimbetova, A.Aliyeva et al. 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
An undoubted interest is represented in the work of Senemogly, in which an interpretation of the term 
«relation to the environment» is given as «an internal condition of a person influencing on the perception of 
various circumstances, cases of certain people and groups» [6]. 
In compliance with these deeply philosophical definitions, for creation of the society consisting of 
professionally literate people, realizing the importance of the environment, there is a need to solve the 
following tasks in the education system in forming a set of key and professional competences of  future spe-
cialists — ecologists: 
 training of personalities who make thrifty use of the environment and the natural phenomena; 
 training of individuals, able to find the general points of contact with the artificial and natural envi-
 training of specialists, mastering a set of methods and applying them for environment researches; 
 training of researchers. understanding and realizing a connection between sciences about the envi-
ronment with other disciplines; 
 training of scientific workers, capable to solve environment problems; 
 training of individuals realizing harmony and unity of a person with the environment; 
 training of researchers, propagandizing a philosophy of environmental protection of the surrounding 
 training of personalities, capable to transform the environment by participating in various kinds of 
social activity, without destroying internal unity of the natural environment and preserving it.  
At the present time, such subjects as «Ecology», «Environment Problems in Turkey», «Environmental 
Law», «Philosophy of Environment», «Ecosystems», «The environment and man», «Biology of Environ-
ment» are taught for students of the universities, the number of whose promptly grows in Turkey. At these 
classes, questions of the environment, varieties of ecosystems, problems arising as a result of functioning of 
human activity, proposals on their solution are considered. At the profile faculties, such subjects as Rural 
Economy, the Wood, Biology, Architecture, Environmental Engineering, Biological Pedagogics are taught to 
students on a mandatory basis. 
It is necessary to point out that the features of teaching the above mentioned subjects are not only an 
acquaintance with ecological problems, but also the development of students’ ability to see, to recognize 
these problems and solve them with the help of available knowledge as well as the formation of information, 
communicative and professional competences. 
It should be noted that within the framework of International Cooperation, beginning from the year 
2001, students of higher education institutions of the Mediterranean countries take classes in school «Young 
ecologist» at will, that allows to expand students’ ecological outlook, to create ecological culture, 
information, communicative and professional competences, to develop creative potential and critical thinking 
style. Likewise, an emphasis is placed on activity, learners’ independence, ability to be mobilized and adapt 
to the changing conditions of the modern society. 
Summing up, it should be noted that characteristic line of the Turkish system of training of specialists in 
the area of nature protection activity and formation of ecological education is purposeful and systematic 
work on formation of responsible relation to the environment at all levels of professional education which 
finds reflection both in important standard documents of the country and in scientific researches. 
Having studied and analyzed the condition of training of future ecologists in Kazakhstan and Turkish 
higher education systems, we can note some similarities: 
 education modernization in both countries requires creation of new legal, scientifically — methodical, 
financially — material conditions; 
 equality of the rights of all citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for education, and in Turkey ac-
cording to Article 42 of the Constitution of the Turkish Republic, each person has the right to receive 
 there are privileges for separate categories of citizens for ensuring availability of higher education, 
the state support of talented youth and improvement of social position of the population; 
 continuity of education process ensuring succession of its steps; 
 unity of training and upbringing; 
 expanding the boundaries of international cooperation: training abroad, institutional mobility (open-
ing of branches of foreign higher education institutions in RK), receiving foreign degree without 
leaving native country, invitation of leading foreign teachers, academic exchange of teachers; 

The analysis of a condition of professional… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
 governmental programs of both states pay great attention to education since it is acknowledged as an 
important component of economic, technological and social development both in Kazakhstan and in 
 the centralized system of education management; 
 remote education: each citizen can receive remote education, realizing the equality of opportunities of 
receiving education. 
We should not forget that, while transferring a number of provisions regulating educational process in 
the Turkish higher education system, it is necessary to take into consideration that this system functions in 
other conditions, than the domestic system, therefore we should speak only about the use of separate ele-
ments if those lead to improvement of the Kazakhstan education. It is possible to refer a wide use of modern 
information technologies in a training process to such elements; we would like to pay especial attention to 
accurately put work of the autonomous testing center, creation of conditions for independent works of stu-
dents and active work in the areas of international cooperation.  
Thus, the carried-out analysis about the initial condition of the Turkish higher education system will be 
useful in the modernization process of the Kazakhstan higher education on the basis of the positive aspects of 
constructing an educational policy of Turkey and development features of domestic education model. 
If to pass to the analysis of the educational process in Kazakhstan and Russia, it is necessary to pay at-
tention to the fact that the countries succeeded to keep the general cultural, language and educational space. 
In this sense, the unified educational space is kept due to the traditions of the old Soviet educational system 
and on account of that the vector "reformatting" of former education model was set by the international 
The considerable contribution to the development of ecological education was made by many scientists: 
A.D. Ursule, V.S. Kuchmenko, E.A. Kogay, K. Efremov, M.V. Rybakova, A.A. Verbitsky, N.F.Tsertsek, 
A.N. Zakhlebny, N. N. Moiseyev, S.N. Glazachev, B. Vuytovich, V.D. Sukhorukoye, I.T. Suravegina, 
I.D. Zverev, A.P. Sidelkovsky, et al. 
A number of researches concerning ecological competence which is considered as a subsystem of 
professional competence were performed by such scientists as V.V. Serikov, P.V. Simonov, C. Scala, 
N.C. Shablygina, A.V. Hutorsky, O.N. Shakhmatova, M. A. Choshanov, et al. 
During the period of market transformations taking place in Russia, problems of sustainable ecological-
economic developments of the country are particularly relevant. Meanwhile, the increase of emergency situa-
tions, accompanied by considerable negative consequences for society and the nature is observed. Perpetra-
tors of emerging environmental disasters are not only unpredictable actions of complex technical means or 
natural disasters, but also unreasoned human activities. Prevention of ecological accidents and minimization 
of their consequences require skillful management which is impossible to provide at absence of ecologically 
competent members of society. 
«For the purposes of increasing ecological culture of society and professional training of specialists in 
the country, the system of general, complex and continuous ecological education and upbringing, profession-
al training of specialists in secondary and higher educational institutions, increase of their qualification as 
well as distribution of ecological knowledge through the means of mass information is established» — writ-
ten down in the Federal law «About Protection of the Environment». 
However, the situation has developed in such a way that a long time at sufficient approbation and ad-
justments, teaching about the laws of nature and the laws of society, about the laws of compatibility, interac-
tion of society and the nature as complete coevolving systems were virtually absent. As a result, the ecologi-
cal education based on the analytical knowledge about the Nature, tightly pragmatic and consumer-oriented, 
could not break nature — devastative motives in the outlook of considerable part of the population. 
In our opinion the system of training specialists of an ecological profile is constructed in such a way 
that future specialist mastered necessary knowledge, abilities and skills in the area of environmental man-
agement and protection of the nature as well as an capacity to joint activity with specialists of adjacent 
branches of science and practice for the solution of urgent ecological problems. Information about changes in 
the natural environment and in the world community at global level, regional and local levels is entered in 
the content of fundamental and obligatory disciplines of educational plans and programs of training ecol-
ogists. New data about natural or anthropogenically stimulated dynamics and evolution of the nature, its re-
action to rendered technogenic influences, changes in population number, and the main social and economic 
problems of the world community and Russia was reflected in them. Much attention was paid to computing, 
analytical laboratory, natural and other methods of research. In training ecologists, two forms of activity of 

G.K.Dlimbetova, A.Aliyeva et al. 
Вестник Карагандинского университета 
future ecologists — scientific and production, requiring development and introductions of various disciplines 
in educational plans are considered. In the former case, a  considerable amount of educational time is devot-
ed to fundamental and theoretical disciplines not only in the area of Ecology, but also in the whole natural 
and social sciences. In the latter case, the role of technical, methodical and analytical courses is strengthened 
in training engineers-ecologists; much attention is paid to students’ acquisition of skills to work with 
measuring equipment, conducting natural researches, the solution of systemic problems of the nature 
protection and environmental management. 
At the present time, the higher ecological education in Russia is divided into: the fundamental ecologi-
cal education which is carried out at the geographical, biological, economics, ecological and other depart-
ments of the state and private universities; applied engineering ecological education for training of specialists 
required in different branches of economy; it is implemented in technical universities and institutes. In com-
pliance with it, there are two groups of ecological specialties in the universities of Russia: ecological special-
ties in classical universities (Ecology, Environmental Management, Bioecology, Geoecology, Agroecology, 
etc.); safety of vital activity in technical higher education institutions (Engineering Protection of Environ-
ment on branches, Radiation safety of man and the environment, Fire safety, Safety of technological pro-
cesses and productions – on branches, etc.). In the Russian higher education, the following concepts are ac-
cepted: the direction – the main educational program for training of bachelors and masters (it is realized re-
spectively for in 4 and 6 years); specialty — educational 5-year- program of training of specialists for a cer-
tain concrete area of activity. 
The necessity of developing ecological education was noted in the Decree of the President of the Rus-
sian Federation from June 4, 2008 «About some measures on increase of Energy and Ecological Efficiency 
of the Russian Economy», where Government was entrusted to consider a question about inclusion of the 
main general education of the basic ecological knowledge into the federal state educational standards. This 
question was also raised at the meeting of the State Council Presidium of Russia on May 27, 2010. 
In conclusion it is necessary to point out that the analysis of the condition of training ecologists in Ka-
zakhstan, Russian and Turkish higher education systems and studying of problems of organization of ecolog-
ical education allowed to reveal existing tendencies in consideration of these problems in the pedagogical 
theory and practice. Specifics of training ecologists in the Kazakhstan, Russian and Turkish higher education 
systems is conditioned by an achievement of the purpose of forming professional ecological outlook and 
communicative competence of future specialists which is a binding link between a scientific picture of the 
world and ecological education. The modern scientific picture of the world acts as theoretical-pedagogical 
basis of ecological education. 
On the other hand, we have dealt with the experience of training ecologists in the Kazakhstan, Russian 
and Turkish higher education system and the priority of opinions was revealed. 
Theoretical and practical research continues and in the process of this study we made a conclusion that 
the significance and relevance of the problem of professional training of ecologists with formed information, 
communicative and professional competences by the organization of ecological education did not get a full 
theoretical and practical decision, but the first steps were taken in this direction. A characteristic feature of 
the Turkish education system is a purposeful and systematic work on the formation of information, 
communicative and professional competences and responsible relation to the surrounding environment at all 
levels of education. Therefore, in Kazakhstan it is necessary to form information, communicative and 
professional competences of future ecologists at all levels of education, namely, at higher school, which is 
limited in comparison with the education system in Turkey. 
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3  Конституция Республики Казахстан. Научно-юридический  комментарий / Под ред. Г.С. Сапаргалиева. — Алматы: 
Нур-пресс, 2004. — С. 185–190. 
4  Бейсенова А.С. Проект государственной стратегии экологического образования и воспитания. — Алматы, 1998. 
5  Nazlyogly, Education in the sphere of the environment. — Ankara, 1995. — P. 108. 
6  Senemogly, Environment and Ecology, Istanbul, 1991. — P. 164. 

The analysis of a condition of professional… 
Серия «Педагогика». № 3(79)/2015 
Г.К.Длимбетова, А.Я.Əлиева, Я.Калтэн, М.М.Акешова  

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