Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

Exercise 76. Supply active and passive forms in the follow-

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

Exercise 76. Supply active and passive forms in the follow-
ing sentences using the verbs in brackets. Some variations in 
tenses may be possible:
1. He said that he (to know) Nick for many years and Nick al-
ways (to be) a good lawyer.
2. Mary assured me that she (to finish) the work by 5 o’clock.
3. The lawyer said that the accused (to cross-examine) and 
(to find guilty) the previous week.
4. It was announced that the jurors (to finish) discussing the 
verdict but the sentence (not to pass) yet.
5. We didn’t suppose that the previous week he (to fine) by 
magistrates for driving in the excess of the speed limit.
6. The newspaper article said that capital punishment in Great 
Britain (to suspend) in 1965 and (to abolish) in 1969.
7. The clerk told us that the witness for the defence (to answer
the questions at the moment.
8. We read in the newspaper that the police (to send) the sus-
pect for trial.

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
9. The public was informed that the murderers (to find) guilty 
and (to sentence) in accordance with the law.
10. The convict knew that his lawyer (to appeal) against the 
severity of the sentence.
11. The document stated that the judge of the higher court 
(to reject) the appeal against the conviction.
12. We thought that the either-way offence (to try) by magis-
trates by the end of the week.
13. The policeman told us that the felony (to investigate) for 
three months.
14. The newspaper article said that in Great Britain magistrates’ 
courts (to have) the main burden in the administration of justice.
15. We were told that the case of violent death of MP (to in-

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