Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

increase) considerably in recent years. 15. We were informed that on Monday the police (to arrest

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

increase) considerably in recent years.
15. We were informed that on Monday the police (to arrest) the 
accused and the judge of the Crown Court (to consider) the case in 
16. The lawyer told us that the previous week the judge (to 
summon) her to the court as a witness.
17. We were sure that she (to testify) already at the trial.
18. We knew that he (to be eager) to become a lawyer.
19. It was interesting to know that there (to be) two court sys-
tems in the USA: the state court system and the federal one.
20. They denied that the victim (to try) to ask for help.
1. The document stated that the problem of abolishing capital 
punishment (to discuss) by the public for a long time.
2. The clerk informed them that the offender (to identify) by 
the victim during the court investigation.
3. The investigator hoped that all elements of the crime (to es-
tablish) by the end of the month.
4. We knew that the coroner (to investigate) the case of violent 
death for two weeks.
5. They understood that the accused (not to plead) guilty and 
the case (to try) with jurors.
6. The MP informed the journalists that the bill introduced by 
the government (to criticize) by the opposition.
7. The lawyer said that the sentence being very severe, it 
(to appeal against) to the higher court.

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов
8. Instructing the jurors the judge said that there should be no 
reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the accused. He was sure that the 
verdict (to bring in) according to the evidence.
9. We didn’t know that the juvenile division of a common pleas 
court in the USA (to deal with) unruly and neglected children.

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