Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка для студентов-юристов

Exercise 77. Put the following sentences into indirect

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Sbornik-uprazhneniy-po-grammatike-angliyskogo-yazyka-dlya-studentov yuristov

Exercise 77. Put the following sentences into indirect 
1. “There’s been an accident, and the road is blocked”, said the 
2. “Matters relating to, say, divorce are, of course, dealt with in 
a civil court rather than a criminal court”, said the lawyer.
3. “Did you hear? Somebody broke into that jewelry shop in the 
town centre last night and stole $50,000 worth of stuff”, said Peter.
4. Aunt Sally put the newspaper aside: “Three prisoners have 
broken out of Hallton Jail. We’d better lock all our doors tonight!”
5. Mary looked at me and said: “I suspect that young neighbour 
of ours has got mixed up in something illegal.”
6. The People’s Party representative said to the interviewer: 
“Members of our party believe that the monarchy should be abol-
7. “The two children were knocked down by a drunken driver. 
Both children were seriously injured and police have arrested the driv-
er”, said the constable.
8. “A security guard at the bank was attacked and badly injured 
by thieves last night”, said the reporter.
9. “The number of accidents caused by cars driving too fast has 
increased very quickly in the last two years”, said the Head of the De-
Exercise 78. Express surprise by asking: “Who said...?”; 
mind the sequence of tenses:
— This hybrid offence will be considered by magistrates next 
— I know nothing about it! Who said that that hybrid offence 
would be considered by magistrates the next week?

A Grammar of English Practice Book for Law Students
1. The investigator is still collecting evidence on this case of 
2. This motoring offence was committed to the Crown Court for 
3. The accused was defended by a well-known barrister for the 
4. The verdict is still being discussed by the jurors.
5. The convict’s appeal against the severity of the sentence has 
been rejected.
6. Not all political parties will be represented in the new gov-
7. The jury found the accused guilty.
8. The defendant was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment 
for robbery.
9. The barrister received some very important evidence before 
the beginning of the trial.
10. This week 36 cases have been committed from the magis-
trates’ court to the Crown Court.
11. The solicitor has been preparing the documents for the trial 
since early morning.
12. The case of violent death was dealt with by the Coroner’s 
13. This case of murder is being investigated since August.
14. Neither the conviction, nor the severity of the sentence was 
appealed against.
15. Both crimes were committed by the same person.

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