THE FIFTEEN STAGES OF TEACHING NUMBERS FOR PUPILS Zaynobiddinova Gulbahor Bahtiyorovna Andijan State University
Annotation:in this article devoted to the theme How to teach the numbers in English at early stages. We know that, teaching numbers are something that can start in the first class with two year olds and come up against their own development in maths and confusions with L1 all the way through school, and even then still be a challenge for an Advanced Financial English class to use fluently and we may in the following pages the results of authors investigation. Key words: numbers, maths, count up, count down, random numbers, basis maths, fractions,
decimals, number idioms.
Аннотация: в этой статье, посвященной теме, Как преподавать числа на английском
языке в ранних стадиях. Мы знаем, что, обучающие числа - кое-что, что может начаться в
первом классе с двух лет и натолкнуться на их собственное развитие в математике и
беспорядках с первый язык полностью через школу, и даже тогда все еще быть вызовом
Передовому Финансовому английскому классу, чтобы использовать плавно и мы можем в
следующих страницах результаты исследования авторов.
Ключевые слова: числа, математика, подсчитывания, считать в обратном порядке,
случайные числа, математические основания, фракции, десятичные числа, идиомы числа.
The teaching of numbers in English is something that can start in the first class with two year olds and come up against their own development in maths and confusions with L1 all the way through school, and even then still be a challenge for an Advanced Financial English class to use fluently. The
of numbers in English is something that can start in the first class
with two year olds and come up against their own development in maths and confusions with L1
all the way through school, and even then still be a challenge for an Advanced Financial English
class to use fluently. Below are some tips of how to start numbers early, have a next stage to
move onto once they‘ve got it, and to make sure students remember the numbers forever at every
stage. Game ideas and typical problems are included. The stages are arranged in approximate
order of how they should be introduced in terms of difficulty and usefulness for both adult and
children‘s classes.