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particularly effective means of crowd control

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particularly effective means of crowd control. 
5. … Scenes of Crimes Officers are expert in visiting the scenes of 
crimes and searching for clues. They take fingerprints or the castings of shoe-
prints, and remove any item of interest which will require laboratory 
examination. Police officers are also trained to work in the laboratories.
6. … These officers must become expert in the identification of a whole range of prohibited dangerous 
drugs and substances.
7. … These branches of the force deal with the most serious investigations into murder and other 
violent crime, such as armed robbery.
8. … These officers wear plain-clothes and specialize in detective work. 
9. … Their job is to make sure that drivers obey the parking regulations. It is the police who are 
responsible for controlling offences like speeding, careless driving and drunken driving. 
1. Согласны ли вы со следующими утверждениями, характеризующими работу полиции в 
1. The police enjoy trust and respect of citizens. 
2. People seldom turn to the police for help. 
3. Policemen always behave properly and never break laws themselves.
4. Policemen are always ready to help people in case of emergency. 
Police of the Russian Federation 
2. Прочитайте текст и выразите согласие/несогласие со следующими утверждениями.
1. The function and organization of the police in Russia and other countries is the same. 
2. Police personnel are not permitted to carry their weapons when they are off duty 
3. Conscripted soldiers are never assigned to carry out simple public security tasks. 
4. The aim of the reform was only to improve the image of the police. 
The organizational structure, methods and traditions of the police of the Russian Federation as well as 
the functions and organization of Ministry of Internal Affairs differ from the police of western 

countries. The departments in western countries are usually civil executive bodies headed by 
politicians and responsible for many other tasks as well as the supervision of law enforcement. 
One unique feature of policing approach in Russia is the system of territorial patronage over 
citizens. Cities as well as rural settlements are divided into districts and the policeman is the main and 
actually the real police force in these areas. 
The duty of a policeman is to maintain close relations with the residents of his district. He is 
also responsible for tackling minor offences like family violence, loud noise, residential area parking 
Police personnel carry firearms, but are not permitted to carry their weapons when they are off 
duty. Although women constitute a significant proportion of police staff, they are usually not permitted 
to fill positions that carry risks but they are allowed to carry firearms in self-defence. Instead, they are 
widely represented among investigators, juvenile crime inspectors, clerks etc. However, limited 
attempts are being made to appoint women as traffic officers.
Another unique feature is the use of conscripted soldiers from the Internal Troops for regular 
urban policing. The Internal Troops are the military force who can be assigned to carry out simple 
public security tasks like patrolling while being accompanied by professional policemen, or cordoning 
large crowds at sport events, concerts and protests. 
On 1 March 2011 Russian law enforcers were renamed from militia to police. Russian police 
reform is an ongoing effort to improve the efficiency of Russia’s police forces and improve the public 
image of law enforcement. 

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