Вестник КАСУ
Longman.; Nagy, W. E., & Herman, P. A.
8. Cunningham, A. E., & Stanovich, K. E.
(1998). What reading does for the mind.
American Educator, 22, 8–15.; Hayes, D. P.
9. Adams, M. J. (1990). Beginning to read:
Thinking and learning about print. Cam-
bridge, MA: MIT Press.
10. Nagy, W. E. (1988). Vocabulary instruc-
tion and reading comprehension (Tech.
Rep. No. 431). Champaign, IL: Center for
the Study of Reading.
УДК 811.111: 378
Panchikhina R.S., Novitskaya Y.V.
Assessment plays an exceptional role in
operating and experiencing the curriculum, for
enhancement of student learning, and the roles
of feedback and comments for curriculum
practice and learning enhancement. Students'
learning should be assessed to provide sum-
maries of learning, to provide information on
learning progress, to diagnose specific weak-
nesses and strengths in an individual's learn-
ing, and to motivate further learning. Van den
Akker (2003) stated that assessment is a proc-
ess for obtaining information… in order to
make decisions about student learning, cur-
riculum and programs, and on education pol-
icy matters. In assessment of students’ learn-
ing progress and competence attained, there is
a need to gather variety of information and
determine the degree to which students have
attained the learning targets intended in the
Assessment has several purposes among
which are: it directs the instructional process.
Assessment as a pervasive observation, moni-
toring, and transaction that takes place in
classrooms is important kind of educational
assessment. In such case, instructors determine
whether a lesson is going well and students are
catching by observation during learning, stu-
dent responses to questions, and student inter-
actions (Nitko, 2004).
In directing instruction, assessment is a
means to diagnose learning difficulties; it
helps the instructor identify the learner’s areas
of strength and weakness. Secondly, assess-
ment provides feedback about success of a
study program. Information from the assess-
ment of student learning utilized in program
evaluation (Pratt, 1998). Thirdly, assessment
reports individual learning achievements or
grades for various parties including students,
parents, education institutes to which learners
may apply for admission, potential employers,
occupational, and professional licensing bod-
ies. As stated by Nitko (2004), results from
classroom learning activities, quizzes, tests,
class projects, assignment papers, informal
observations on how well the student has at-
tained the intended learning targets can be
used to grade students for a lesson, or unit, a
marking period, or course.
Moreover, assessment is useful in en-
hancing student motivation, self-concept, and
sense of self- efficacy. When assessment, de-
signed to produce real success in student
learning and curriculum experience, frequent
use stimulates student confidence and willing-
ness to learn. Meherns and Lehman (1991)
described the importance of assessment in in-
creasing student motivation towards a course,
encouraging good study habits, and in provid-
ing feedback that identifies strengths and
weaknesses of learners. Teachers can use as-
sessment to guide decisions about the learners.
The better the diagnostic and achievement
data from assessment the teacher has about the
students, the more appropriate will be the
guidance to provide learners about their learn-
ing, and about their academic and occupa-
tional choices. Therefore, instructors in higher
institutes should aware the salient role of as-
sessment among the curriculum components
and internalize proper skills and applications
to effectively implement curriculum at course
Вестник КАСУ
“Is student self-assessment' used to help un-
derstand their progress and criteria for judging
success?” and “What skills do students need to
be good self-assessors?”.
Assessment is one essential component
of curriculum practice that has salient contri-
bution for effective curriculum operation and
implementation. Instructors' recognition for
continuous assessment and practice has sig-
nificance for students learning of substantive
knowledge and skill. They should integrate
plan for continuous assessment with the in-
structional process to raise learning standards
of students. Moreover, they should devise as-
sessment tasks that practically challenge stu-
dents, engage students in the assessment proc-
ess. However, as discussed in this review arti-
cle, the current state of assessment, particu-
larly formative/continuous assessment in
higher learning programs is not in line with
best practices to enhance student learning and
actualize curriculum intentions. Furthermore,
current changing paradigms of learning such
as cognitive and constructivist have implica-
tions for awakening and changing instructors'
views and practices of assessment in order to
prepare competent graduates with marketable
knowledge and skill in their specific fields of
Here is a part of the lesson where the
educator promotes self-assessment to the
learners to improve their reading skills. Each
student should be provided with the computer.
Learners work with Audacity program to cre-
ate podcasts. Audacity is an open source cross
platform audio editor. (It can be downloaded
from http:// audacity. sourceforge. net/). This
is a great reflective tool for students to assess
their own reading by recording themselves and
then listening back to the recording. Students
like to work with this program, because it al-
lows them to record themselves and listen to
their pronunciation. After the text is recorded,
students listen to the text they have recorded
and try to answer such questions as: “What do
you do well when you read aloud?”, “How do
you think your pronunciation sound?”, “Do
you change your voice as you read?” or “How
could you improve your reading?”. At the end
of this activity students save their readings and
share them with the teacher. The teacher gives
analysis to the students and discusses their
answers to the questions mentioned before.
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