Педагогикалық жǩне психологиялық ғылым - қоғамға - Педагогическая и психологическая наука − обществу diffi culties (students could not determine which
rhythmic pattern justifi ed the characters). It
should be emphasized that while fantasizing
more than half the students in their rhythmic
fi gures did not use the pause.
The results obtained to the readiness of the
future teachers of multifunctional use of music
in professional activities indicate that today’s
students do not possess the theoretical and
methodological knowledge of the pedagogical
potential of music and have no motivation to
his conscious and purposeful use in working
with children of preschool age. Given that the
modernization process of modern teaching
preschool educational institution priority for the
educator determines the holistic development
of the child and considering the pedagogical
potential of music as a means holistic development
of the child, we believe that the model of musical
and pedagogical training of future teachers
should be primarily psychological- pedagogical
orientation, based on the results of current
research in the fi eld of medicine, psychology and
pedagogy of the multifunctional properties of
music, counterpoint its impact on human rights.
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УДК 37.01:39
К.Ш. ШАРИФЗЯНОВА, Ю.Н. ШТРЕТЕР Приволжский Межрегиональный центр повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников профессионального образования К(П)ФУ г.Казань, Республика Татарстан