Рабочая учебная программа по дисциплине: английский язык для специальностей

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Topical vocabulary
1.archery n стрельба из лука
2.artistic gymnastics (cal­listhenics) шейпинг
3. boxing n бокс
4. car (motorcycle) racing мотогонки
5. cycling n велоспорт
6. diving n дайвинг
7. fencing n фехтование
8. figure-skating n фигурное катание
9. gliding n. планеризм
10.gymnastics n. гимнастика
11.mountaineering n. альпинизм
12.rowing and canoeing гребля на байдарках
13.skating n конькобежный спорт
14.skiing n лыжный спорт
15.ski – jump n фристайл
16. sky diving (parachuting) прыжки с парашюта
17. swimming n плавание
18. weight-lifting n тяжелая атлетика
19.windsurfing n серфинг
20.wrestling n борьба
21.yachting яхтенный спорт
22.hurdle races скачки с препятствиями
23.marathon n марафон
24.pole vault (vaulting) прыжки с шестом
25.race/ run n легкая атлетика
26.barbell n штанга
27.beam n
28.chessboard n шахматная доска
29.draughtsman n шашка
30..trampoline n батут
Open air games
badminton n net-ball n
basket-ball n rugby n (colloq. rugger)
cricket n (lawn) tennis n
football n (colloq. soccer) volley-ball n
golf n water polo
Ex.1. Suggest the Russian for
1archery n 2. car (motorcycle) racing3.pole vault (vaulting) 27.barbell n 4.beam n 5.chessboard n 6.rings n 7.puck n 8. sky diving (parachuting) 9. weight-lifting n 10.windsurfing n 11.wrestling n 12.yachting 13.hurdle races 14.marathon n 15. gliding n. 16.hang gliding n. 17.mountaineering n. 18.rowing and canoeing 19.fencing n 20. figure-skating n 21.diving
Ex.2.Fill in the gaps with the words given in brackets.

  1. The most popular "outdoor" winter sports are ... ... ... .

  2. Summer affords excellent opportunities for... ... ... .

  3. Among outdoor games ... takes the first place in public interest; this game is played in all the countries of the world.

  4. Among indoor games the most popular are... ... ... ... .

  5. The results of chess you tournaments are ... ... by thousands of enthusiasts in different countries.

(swimming, boating, yachting; studied and discussed; football; billiards, table, tennis, draughts; skating, skiing, hockey;)

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