Н.в. ДАНилОвА
Киевский национальный университет имени Тараса Шевченко, г. Киев, Украина
This paper considers outstanding characteristics of the global economic system in com-
mon globalized world. The problem of energy crisis is defined. The main trends in the Euro-
pean market of renewable energy sources (RES) are characterized; they confirm its attractive-
ness to foreign companies. The paper presents a classification of risks affecting the activities
of companies in the market of renewable energy sources in the European Union (EU).
Keywords: energy crisis; renewable energy sources (RES); European market of renew-
able energy sources.
КеЗіНдеГі БеТАлыСы МеН ТӘУеКелі
Мақалада қазіргі жаһандану жағдайындағы әлемдік шаруашылық жүйесінің
даму ерекшелігі қарастырылады. Энергетикалық дағдарыс мәселелерінің пайда болуы
белгіленеді. еуропалық нарықтағы энергияның қайта жаңарту көздерінің негізгі қызметі
сипатталып, оның шетел компанияларына тартымдылығы дәлелденеді. Мақалада
еуропалық Одақтастықтағы (еО) нарық жағдайында жаңарту көздерінің компаниялар
Н.В. дАНИлОВА. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 283-291
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
қызметіне әсер ететін тәуекел жіктелуі көрсетілген.
түйін сөздер: энергетикалық дағдарыс, энергияның жаңарту көздері (ЭЖК),
энергияның жаңарту көздерінің еуропалық нарығы.
В статье рассматриваются характерные особенности развития мировой хозяй-
ственной системы в современных условиях глобализации. Выделена проблема зарож-
дения энергетического кризиса. Описываются основные тенденции функционирования
европейского рынка возобновляемых источников энергии (ВИЭ), которые подтвержда-
ют его привлекательность для иностранных компаний. В статье представлена классифи-
кация рисков, влияющих на деятельность компаний на рынке возобновляемых источни-
ков в европейском Союзе (еС).
Ключевые слова: энергетический кризис; возобновляемые источники энергии
(ВИЭ); европейский рынок возобновляемых источников энергии.
The current stage of development of the world economy is characterized by in-
creased long-term relationships and the interpenetration of national economies of in-
dividual states into a single global system, as well as the mutual influence on the eco-
nomic and social development within the system. Characteristic features of this stage
of the global economic system is a significant population growth on a global scale and
uneven increase in welfare in different countries around the world, creating an urgent
problem in the field of global energy supply. The increasing role of Asia in the global
economy is also a characteristic tendency in the development of the global economic
system, which is caused by high rates of economic growth and population growth in
this group of countries. This leads to a significant increase in energy consumption in
the region, increased demand for energy and leads to imbalances in the global energy
industry. in general, the imbalance in the global energy market is caused by a number
of reasons, among which are objective and irreversible process of globalization; lim-
ited supply and depletion of natural energy resources; volatile prices for oil and gas;
strengthening the relationship between producers, transit countries and consumers of
energy; increase in the cost of extraction of natural resources in some regions of the
world; increase in tariffs for energy produced from traditional sources; increased com-
petition for energy resources; the high costs of the state budget for transfer of refined
petroleum products; technological advances; increase in world population exponen-
tially, that categorically leads to an increase in energy consumption; change in the
proportions of regional energy; lack of investment in the energy sector; changes in the
structure of demand and the role of individual suppliers; increase in demand for the en-
ergy requirements of transport; imbalance in the oil field; ecological disaster and oth-
ers. The modern transformation of the global energy market makes it necessary to find
new ways to generate energy and thus actualize the role of renewable energy sources
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
(RES), the use of which is able to avoid the global energy crisis. That is why developed
countries are developing long-term strategies of industry development of renewable
energy. The European Union (EU), in particular, has put forward to member countries
the basic requirements regarding the development of the energy system in the region
to ensure energy security and competitiveness, which is to increase the share of re-
newables in the energy mix to 27% by 2030. This common purpose is regulated by the
European Parliament and the requirements generated by the Directives on the use of
renewable energy, which increases the importance of risk analysis for companies that
focus on the development of the European market of renewable energy.
With the increased interest to the search and usage of alternative ways of energy
producing, renewable energy market has become the subject of many studies of mod-
ern russian and foreign scientists from various scientific fields (politology, sociology,
economics), including Benny D., M. Kaltshmit, A. Wiese, B. Streicher, B. Rau, B.
Zanner, S. Dunn and others. Equally important is the contribution of national scien-
tists, which are mainly exploring the effective usage of renewable energy and con-
sider the development of their individual destinations. in the national literature in this
case there are some researchers as S. Alexeenko, E. Andreev, B. Baader, A. Bashun,
S. Bilotsky, A. Borodin, Galitsin, v. Geyets, G. Geletukha, v. Gneushev, S. curls B.
Makuha and other.
Despite the fact that every year a growing number of scientists and business-
representatives go deep into the study of the market of renewable energy sources, the
process of its formation is on the beginning, its life cycle is at a stage of development
and trends in the renewable energy market requires continuous research. The dynamics
of the European market of renewable energy is becoming more complex and hopping,
the share of renewable energy in the total energy mix is not stable, the process of creat-
ing a competitive environment in the global market of renewable energy – the totality
of these factors requires a detailed analysis of the risks in the process of entering the
European market for renewable energy.
The purpose of the article is to analyze and to deal with the risks-assessment in
the process of entering the European market of renewable energy sources in current
energy crisis.
The world economy is a dynamic system integration of international relations
between the actors in world economic activity, which is constantly exposed to trans-
formation and is characterized by such economic trends as intensification of inter-
national economic relations; change and increasing technological component in the
production of components; predominance of manufacturing growth over the growth of
energy and raw materials industries, resulting from the introduction of resource- and
energy-saving innovative model of development; an increase in the rate and efficiency
of investment processes and increase the production of goods of final consumption, by
Н.В. дАНИлОВА. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 283-291
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
optimizing the ratio between geographically dispersed units of production; an increase
in the growth rate of non-industrial sectors, which leads to the formation of the service
economy in many countries; objective understanding of the cyclicality of global finan-
cial and economic crises; predominance of demand growth over the pace of growth in
the supply of goods, especially food and extractive industries; increase the develop-
ment gap between countries [3].
The process of formation of a global economy determines the formation of a
single economic space. Within the developed countries (for example, members of the
European Union) observed economic tendency to form similar economic structures,
as well as the rationalization of their form of organization, which leads to the forma-
tion of a competitive market economy, the formation of market structures, similar to
the basic parameters. in developed countries, there is a stable economic trend towards
convergence of the levels of development. For companies that decide to penetrate the
international market, this trend of development is positive and significantly simplifies
the process of expansion of these markets. Negative aspects of globalization of the
world economy is vulnerable to the effects of the crisis, which, in modern conditions
are measured on a global scale.
The harmonization of international reproduction process leads to an intensifica-
tion of capital replacement in the world economy, expands the boundaries of capital
accumulation and eliminating imbalances in the world economy by saturating the for-
eign investments of less developed regions of the world. Thus, increasing the number
of participants in the international movement of factors of production and enhanced
interdependence of international relations.
These trends lead to problems of international competitiveness of countries in
the world economic system, which leads to an intensification of state intervention in
the course of foreign trade operations between the subjects of the world economy.
Among the subjects of international business allocate such groups, individuals, busi-
nesses, multinational structure of education, international organizations and associa-
tions, integration or regional groupings, and the state [4].
in the present conditions of the global economic system, governments in countries
such as Germany, USA, Canada, for example, determine the minimum and maximum
price for some products. Accordingly, the governments of low economic development
can set prices on a wide range of goods for the equilibrium of competitiveness, pro-
viding the satisfaction of effective demand and ensure profits of domestic producers.
Moreover, developing countries building relationships with the rest of the world takes
place on the basis of changes in the priorities of foreign trade – from the exchange of
finished goods / raw materials and the import of equipment for the production of these
goods. imported goods replacing goods of own production, which, when appropriate
quality are competitive. Goods produced in developing countries displace exported
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
goods from developed countries, which are forced to use methods of state intervention
in the balance for the content in the industrial sector, proves the intensification of the
process of internationalization of the South-East and East Asia and the response of
governments the US and the EU on their expansion.
The increasing role of Asian and Latin American regions in the global economy
is also a characteristic tendency in the development of the global economic system,
which is caused by high rates of economic growth and population growth in some
countries in this group. This leads to a significant increase in the consumption of food
and other resources, in particular, to energy consumption, increasing energy demand
and leads to imbalances in the global energy industry. indeed, over the past 20-30
years, the demand for food, water and energy increased by 30-50%, the population
doubles every 40-50 years, and energy production and consumption is growing by 2
times every 12-15 years [5], mainly due to it Asian and Latin American regions, which
could lead to a global energy crisis.
Such transformations in the global energy sector lead to an aggravation of rela-
tions between the major market participants: producers, transit countries and consum-
ers of energy; increased competition for traditional energy resources; the growth rate
of energy consumption; imbalances in the global energy system; slowing growth in
supply of energy produced in the traditional way; The problem of attracting invest-
ments in the energy sector development; change the structure of energy supply and the
role of individual suppliers; increasing tension in ensuring the energy needs of trans-
port and imbalances in oil refining; growth of international trade in energy; changes in
regulatory mechanisms of the global energy market. [6] in addition, the imbalance in
the global energy sector generates an objective need to find new sources of energy that
are capable of increasing the demand for it.
This led to the intensification of market development of renewable energy sourc-
es, which demonstrates the positive trend in recent decades. Renewable energy indus-
try is a strategic direction to achieve energy independence in the developed countries,
particularly in the EU, where she began to develop in the 1970s, resulting in the pres-
ence of a clear mechanism for regulation of the sector which aims to ensure the forma-
tion of market relations in the framework of a new competitive market – the market of
renewable energy sources. That’s why the market of renewable energy in the European
Union is the most attractive for producers of energy from renewable sources. But, at
the same time, there are also new requirements for foreign economic activities of com-
panies, which is especially important for Ukrainian producers involved in the market
of renewable energy.
The European market has its own peculiarities and specific risks for companies
in the process of its development. Trend analysis of renewable energy within the Union
allows you to group and assess the most influential risks for Ukrainian companies in
Н.В. дАНИлОВА. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 283-291
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
entering the European market of renewable energy.
Among the major trends in the European market of renewable energy has been
1. Scientific progress energy
2. increased capacity of the European renewable energy market
3. increase the attractiveness for investors
4. Strengthening of state policy to regulate the modern green energy
5. The emergence of new sources of funding and regulatory institutions to de-
velop the RES industry
6. Height value of renewable energy
7. The need for energy independence
8. The ability to use the advantages of geographical location
9. Strengthening international cooperation
10. The uncertainty in the way of energy security.
Such trends of the European market of renewable energy are positive and in-
dicate its attractiveness for Ukrainian companies who are ready to offer competitive
products for the European market. However, there are a number of barriers when en-
tering the EU market, which companies are considering how external economic risks,
by which is meant a combination of events, which is related to foreign economic activ-
ity of enterprises and influences it, the probability of this event and its consequences,
which make it impossible to achieve the planned objectives and ultimately affect the
income of the enterprise [1].
Thus, in case of such an event are three possible economic outcomes:
– Negative (loss, damage);
– Zero;
– Positive (gain, benefit, profit).
in order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to analyze all possible risks
and their consequences, because it affects not only the result of the company, has de-
cided to enter the market, but also on other economic actors who take part in this pro-
cess, such as banks, insurance companies, technology providers and consumers. Risk
factors and their effects are significantly different for each stakeholder.
For companies that focus on the development of renewable energy market pos-
sible risks such groups (Table 1).
Different groups of risk is not the same effect on the company’s activities in
the European market of renewable energy. The weight of each group of risk is highly
dependent on the activity of the company and the industry in which it operates. in the
process of risk analysis identified the following risk groups, which are the most influ-
ential for producers and consumers in the market of renewable energy in the European
Union (Table 2).
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
Table 1 – A variety of risk sources make up the total risk of a company [2]
Groups of risks
market risk
Legal risk
Tax risk Input risk Operational
of trade
law suits
laws change
price support
anti trust
tax rises
sale tax
input prices
breaks down
Table 2 – Following risk groups which are relevant for sellers and buyers on the EU renewable
energy market [2]
Groups of risks
Producer of renewable energy
Buyer of renewable energy (in
case of a certificate system)
prediction capability of load and grid
imbalance is crucial
for less mature technology performance
is a risk factor
depends on banking strategy of
certificates, otherwise possibly
relatively low risk
market risk
demand expected to rise (favourable),
but at same time competition may in-
crease strongly as well
demand expected to rise (favour-
able), but at same time compe-
tition may increase strongly as
Input risk
bio-energy options: fuel costs impor-
wind and hydro: varies with climate
large profits at risk when long-
term contracts are closed and
prices change
very important: profit strongly depends
on price support import protection
very important: profit & sales
strongly depends on price support
/ tax breaks
Financial risk
in particular relevant without long-term
contracts and for sources where capital
costs dominate (wind, hydro)
depends on inventory size (bank-
ing) and portfolio of contracts
Н.В. дАНИлОВА. 1 (65) 2015. Р. 283-291
iSSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
various groups have different influence with different manufacturers, depending
on the type of renewable energy source they sell. For example, producers of electric
generators who produce energy from renewable sources have such risks, as the change
in the price of electricity, which is determined by supply and demand in the market;
changes in prices for fossil energy sources; change in the conditions of “green” certifi-
cates that determine supply and demand for renewable energy; changes in government
policies regarding subsidies and regulation of the industry. in order to predict the risks
in such area the most influential groups of risks have to be required and measures that
can be taken by companies to minimize risk have to be considered (Table 3).
Table 3 – Risks and measures to limit the risks [2]
Type of risk Description of the
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