Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine
The article deals with the up-to-date issue of media ecology and analyses the positive
and negative impact of mass media upon society. The methods of protection of public con-
sciousness from the destructive influence of mass media are determined in the article.
Keywords: mass media, media ecology, public consciousness, the Internet, information
Экологиялық бұқаралық ақпарат құралдарының қазіргі жағдайы мақалада
талданды. Қоғамдағы бұқаралық ақпарат құралдарының жағымды және жағымсыз әсері
жазылған. Деструктивті бұқаралық ақпарат құралдарының әсерінен қоғамдық сананы
қорғаудағы әдістері анықталған.
Түйін сөздер: бұқаралық ақпарат құралдары, экологиялық бұқаралық ақпарат
құралдары, қоғамдық сана, Интернет, ақпараттық қоғам.
В статье проанализировано современное состояние вопроса экологии массмедиа.
Описано позитивное и негативное влияние массмедиа на социум. Определены методы
защиты общественного сознания от деструктивного влияния массмедиа.
Ключевые слова: массмедиа, экология, общественное сознание, Интернет, ин-
формационное общество.
In the late 1960s problems of media ecology attracted the attention of research-
ers in the USA and Western European countries. The first thorough research in the field
of media ecology in Ukraine appeared at the turn of XX-XXI centuries in the Media
L.Ya. ZAIKO. 4 (72) 2016. Р. 67- 75
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
Ecology Institute, Lviv Ivan Franko National University.
The rapid development of the information type of the society involves obtainment
of a large information flow by the audience through various channels. The mass media
is a powerful information channel and one of the factors of the social consciousness
formation. The society is exposed to both positive and negative effects of the mass
media. The problem of media space ecology still remains topical.
Literature review. There are different approaches to issues of media ecology
in the sources of the communication researches. M. McLuhan argued that the media
shape human perception of reality [1; 2; 3; 4]. This approach was the basis for the
study of media ecology. N. Postman considered that television culture blurs the bound-
aries between a child and an adult, erases social secrets, and undermines the concept
of the future and the value of restrictions and discipline [5]. According to N. Postman,
fundamental transformation of society took place due to the emergence of new media.
In 1971 he created the first training program at New York University, giving the way
for institutionalization of media ecology as a science [6]. Studies made by U. Ong on
the transition of society from oral traditions to a society based on written traditions of
communication are important for media ecology [7]. Work “No Sense of Place: The
Impact of Electronic Media on Social Behaviour” (1985) by D. Meyrowitz is still
invaluable in the field of media and communications and relevant “even taking into
account the transformations that media ecology has survived in the era of the World
Wide Web” [6].
Problem statement. The main aim of the research is to analyze the current state
of media ecology, emphasize the importance of preserving a healthy environment for
the media to minimize the destructive impact on the public consciousness.
Main part. First of all it is necessary to analyze the definition of media ecology.
N. Postman states that “Media ecology seeks to understand how media technologies
affect human perception, understanding, feeling and values; and how our interaction
with media increases or decreases our chances of survival. The word “ecology” means
the study of the environment, ecosystems: their structure, content, impact upon peo-
ple. Environment is a complex communication system which imposes certain ways of
thinking, feeling and behavior” [8].
Spanish scientist K. Skolari, who explored the history and historical background
of media ecology discipline, came to the conclusion that “it is an expanded theory that
covers, depending on the preferences of the researcher, almost all aspects of communi-
cation processes, from the relationship between the media and the economy to changes
in the processes of perception and thinking of individuals who are exposed to media
technologies” [6].
Media Ecology is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge at the intersection of
social ecology and media sciences that studies the problems of interaction between
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L.Ya. ZAIKO. 4 (72) 2016. Р. 67- 75
ISSN 1683-1667
humans and information environment, which is formed by the media. The focus of the
media ecologists’ attention is the impact of media technologies upon the individual
psyche and socio-cultural processes in the society [9].
Media Ecology (Greek oikos – house, environment + lit. lohos – science) is the
newest branch of science of mass communication, which upholds and develops the
principles of manufacturing high-quality information mass product, which would not
have a negative (pathogenic) impact upon consumers [10]. Content, technologies and
the social context, where they are used, form the interactive system – a media ecosys-
tem (an ecology of media) [11].
The analysis of the definition indicates that in the center there is the problem of
the mass media influence on the individual and society through the media environ-
ment, observance of principles of the manufacture of high-quality media content.
According to V. Sliusar “there is a new spiritual situation where the appearance
of the audio-visual media has opened the possibility for both quantitative and qualita-
tive transformation of culture. On such condition a person loses their individual au-
tonomy, being more dependent on technological advances, the specific things that are
fixed in their daily life, losing its basic functionality, shifting attention to minor” [12].
Professional presentation of information through mass media turns them into
a tool of social and cultural changes in society, creates a model of behavior and life
for its followers. Thus, media ecology is an ecosystem that has the influence on mass
media users through the influence on the public consciousness.
According to the level definition of media ecology by V. Stepanov they can be
divided into:
1. Micro level (autoecology) – the level of organisms.
The peculiarity of this level is interaction between humans and information en-
vironment, the existence in a symbolic reality, which is formed by mass media. The
purpose of media ecology at this level is adaptation of the person in the media environ-
2. Meso level (synecology) – the level of groups and communities.
At a higher level media ecology studies the interaction of media and social in-
stitutions, the influence of media technologies on society, their role in the creation and
development of culture (as a complex system of signs).
3. Macro level (panecology) – the level of the infosphere, the global information
We consider global and the most general principles and trends of media tech-
nologies, the evolution of the media, the emergence of new kinds and effects of these
transformations in the future (prognostic aspect) [9].
Due to socio-cultural activities humanity forms the moral climate in the society.
Society is engaged in the production, preservation, translation, exploration and devel-
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Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
opment of all gradations of the human culture – artistic, historical, political, environ-
mental, spiritual and moral. One characteristic of human living space is the spiritual
and moral atmosphere. The human living space in information society is under the
constant influence of mass media.
According to the definition of “Dictionary of philosophical terms” social con-
sciousness in the broadest sense is the totality of all without exception products of
human spiritual creative work, including the natural sciences. In a narrow sense, the
public consciousness is just human overview about social phenomena [13].
The constructive influence of mass media on public consciousness can be mani-
fested in the implementation of:
– Information function (preservation and accumulation of information, the avail-
ability of information to the general audience occur due to mass media);
– Communicative function (the possibility of communication between the gen-
erations due to the emergence of writing, and later other storage information technolo-
gies – print, audio, photo, video, digital (electronic) format, the possibility of commu-
nication between society and the authorities, the opportunity to conduct intercultural
dialogues, which is the reason of information space globalization);
– Educational function (interactive learning using the latest multimedia mass
media, distance learning with the use of the Internet resources for communication, the
use of traditional printed mass media in the form of educational complexes);
– Revitalization of public debate;
– Formation of public opinion;
– Formation of positive moral values of the society;
– Socializing function (social networks blur the boundaries between people,
make it possible to feel easily in the process of communication, stimulate the raising
of individual self-esteem, provide an opportunity to feel a sense of ownership in a
social group);
– Entertainment (relaxing) function (the possibility of unlimited access to vari-
ous kinds of the entertainment media content).
The destructive influence of mass media on public consciousness can be mani-
fested in:
– Development of the media dependency of audience;
– Information loading on the human psyche and society;
– The increase in the amount of advertising in the air time, including political
advertising during election campaigns;
– The imposition of a particular way of life – construction of reality (stereotyp-
ing perception of reality);
– Manipulative influence on the consciousness of the audience;
– Information wars;
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L.Ya. ZAIKO. 4 (72) 2016. Р. 67-75
ISSN 1683-1667
– Media violence;
– The negative impact on children’s consciousness;
– The availability of negative content for different age audience (for example,
pornography, video killing people, animals, etc.).
Let us dwell on the description of the destructive influence of mass media on the
audience. Development of media dependency of audience manifests itself in a constant
consumption of information, the background usage of mass media (such as always-on
TV or radio), video game addiction (children and youth psyche is especially amenable
to influence).
One of the most current problems of media ecology is increase in the amount of
data. A possibility of production, storage and distribution of large volumes of informa-
tion in cyberspace has appeared due to the latest mass media technologies. Traditional
printed mass media – books, periodicals (newspapers, magazines) in comparison with
the electronic is expensive to produce (editorial preparation + printing) and less opera-
tional to update the information (the production cycle is more extended in time).
Increase in the amount of information is a social problem for a person (defense-
lessness against unauthorized access to personal information; failure to maintain the
confidentiality of private life; overload of human nervous system by information) and
society as a whole (the accumulation of large volumes of information, the difficulty in
the control and protection of information space from the negative content, distortion
of information, cyber-crime, etc.).
In connection with the development of market relations in the media sector, in
particular television, radio, printed periodicals (newspaper and magazine), online pub-
lications, web sites and other media increase its share of advertising content for profit.
In connection with the upgrade of technology advertising production (neuromarket-
ing), advertising performs not only information functions in relation to the consumer
of goods and services (the main function of the advertising product), but also has a ma-
nipulative impact on the mass media audience (thus, the public consciousness) through
the distribution of unfair hidden advertising.
The imposition of a specific way of life is another problem connected with me-
dia ecology. Information space of many countries that do not have enough resources
(financial, material and human) while creating their own information content is subject
to cultural expansion on the part of stronger holders of more information products.
Thus, they are able to impose their way of life audience. V. Sliusar notes that the
imposition of stereotyped patterns of behavior to an individual company, “gives rise
to the phenomenon of standardized consciousness, which is typical for many people”
Using the methods of manipulating public consciousness in the content of the
mass media plays a significant role in fomenting conflicts at interethnic, interdenomi-
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national, international levels. The need to protect the public consciousness from the
manipulative influence of the media becomes urgent.
M. Onuchko states that information war goals are completely different than the
goals of the war in the common sense: it does not mean the physical destruction of
the enemy, the elimination of its armed forces, the destruction of important strategic
and economic objects, but it means large-scale disruption of financial, transport,
communication networks and systems, partial destruction of the economic infrastructure
and the subordination of the targeted country population to the will of the winner
country [14]. Filling the information space with necessary meanings of attacking side
happens through mass media (traditional media, books, movies, social networks) that
contribute to the capture of public consciousness.
Media violence manifests itself in the forced influence, informational pressure
on the audience, dissemination of information content with signs of aggression –
violent scenes (staged and real). Audiece accumulates aggression in conscious and
B. Braiant and S. Thompson argue that “regardless of individual differences,
viewers often feel similar negative effects caused by watching scenes of violence in
a specific context. Sociologists have identified five key components of the context of
enhancing spectators’ sensibility to the negative impact of media violence. Children
are more susceptible to the negative influence than other people and tend to imitate
violence that they have seen, especially if the image of violence act has these five
1. The offender is an attractive role model.
2. Violence seems justified.
3. There is no retaliation for the violence (criminal acts do not cause remorse, are
not condemned and punished).
4. The victim of violence bears minimal damage.
5. The scene of violence is perceived by the audience as realistic.
(The US President Report on the results of the study of television violence, 1998,
p. 33)” [15]. This negative impact is manifested in the form of behavior imitation.
Children audience is inclined to copy especially aggressive behavior through imita-
tion of television characters. The susceptibility to frights and desensitization (loss of
sensitivity) are the immediate effects of violence consumption [15].
One of the most convenient channels to popularize media violence is the In-
ternet. Possibility of uncontrolled dissemination of information in social networks,
user anonymity, and privacy of correspondence are incentives for the promotion of
negative content. According to Ukrainian scientists, it can have consequences, that “a
person, who begins to perceive the world through the Internet, has a new vision of the
world. Under this condition even the traditional notion of the sign systems is chang-
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L.Ya. ZAIKO. 4 (72) 2016. Р. 67-75
ISSN 1683-1667
ing” [16]. As the authors of the study note, the opportunity to verify the information,
to determine what the truth is and what is not, is lost. There takes place the language
change as the basis of communication, and this in turn gives rise to a global transfor-
mation in society [16].
Availability of negative content, such as pornography, video killing of animals,
people, etc. for different age audiences leads to increased aggression in society. N.
Postman argues that television and the Internet culture rob children of their childhood,
showing of all social secrets, depreciate and objectified the spiritual side of human
nature, which leads to stereotyped perception of the reality by their audience, negate
moral values.
The negative impact upon children’s consciousness takes place through a num-
ber of negative trends in the society. Accessibility and ease of the use of the latest gad-
gets leads to the rejection of the traditional mass media – such as books. Education of
visual generation makes children reluctant to be engaged in time-consuming process
– reading. This in turn leads to a change in the consciousness of both the individual
and society as a whole. Negative content of news releases (with elements of violence,
use of weapons, showing the victims and frightened people) involves the risk of psy-
chological pain, fear, especially fear for the future.
The media ecology upholds and develops the production principles of high-qual-
ity information product that would not have had a destructive effect on consumers.
Government institutions, communities, information content producers need to under-
stand the responsibility to the consumer audience and observe healthy media ecology.
It is necessary to pay attention to measures to protect the public consciousness.
They may be set at such levels:
– Protection of state information and communication space:
– reduction of the legal framework to the highest ethical standards;
– a common information and communication policy of the state;
– production of national informational content;
– priority of the national language in the information field of the state;
– a ban on certain types of information content, which threatens national secu-
rity, territorial integrity or public order with the purpose of the prevention of disorder
or crime;
– a ban “on war propaganda, violence and cruelty, incitement of ethnic, racial,
religious animosity, acts of terrorism, attacks on human rights and freedoms” [17];
– Protection of public consciousness:
– legislative control;
– public control;
– Protection of children’s consciousness:
– regulatory legal acts;
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– ethical professional codes (eg., journalists, advertisers);
– media literacy (the orientation in the information space, determination of the
quality level of the mass media content, the ability to recognize quality, hidden and
unfair advertising and others);
– public control;
– parental control.
Society should paid particular attention to the formation of children’s audience
consciousness. The priority of rising generation education should be the development
of critical thinking (independence, commitment, self-organization, self-awareness).
Education of authorship analysis, target media’s message, context of media products
delivery are necessary. Moreover it is significant to teach the audience a critical approach
to advertising, which helps to promote goods and services. The free development of
media literacy and the credibility of the information obtained from various sources is
necessary for generation of the information society.
There occurs a need for the children’s audience access restrictions to the choice
of video, print media. Parents should realize the significance of their responsibility to
monitor the “consumption” of the information by their children, as well as to pay spe-
cial attention to time when their children use the media technologies.
The current state of media ecology gives grounds to assert that researchers pay
much attention to this topic in the information society. Depreciation and objectifica-
tion of the spiritual side of human nature happens through the media, which leads to
stereotyped audience perception of the reality.
To improve the state of media ecology it is necessary to develop new legal acts
and more complete and effective implementation of the existing legal framework.
State and public control over the media ecology protection measures is important.
Increasing media literacy of the audience and media literacy training of chil-
dren’s audience play an important role in the recognition of manipulative technologies
of mass media and allows avoiding negative mass media content.
The media ecology upholds and develops the production principles of high-qual-
ity information product that would not have had a destructive effect on consumers.
Government institutions, communities, information content producers need to under-
stand the responsibility to the consumer audience and observe healthy media ecology.
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