S. Amanzholov East-Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
This article deals with comparative study of languages of different systems, their na-
tional-cultural features and methods of reproduction. Using a comparative method carried out
semantic and structural analysis. Linguistic picture of the world reflects the experience of the
people, their culture, way of life, customs, traditions.
Keywords: semantic field “zoonyms”, internal form, the basis of comparison, compari-
son standard, culture.
Мақалада әртүрлі жүйелі тілдердің салыстырмалы зерттеу жұмысы, ұлттық-мәдени
ерекшеліктері және оларды бір тілден екінші тілге жеткізу әдістері қарастырылады.
Салыстырмалы тәсіл тілдердің семантикасын және құрылымын зерттеуге бағытталған.
Әлемнің лингвистикалық бейнесінен халықтың тәжірибесі, мәдениеті, өмірі, әдет-
ғұрпы көрініс табады.
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
Түйін сөздер: «зоонимдер» семантикалық өрісі, ішкі құрылым, салыстыру
сатысы, салыстыру стандарты, мәдениет.
В статье рассматривается сопоставительное исследование разносистемных языков,
их национально-культурные особенности и способы их передачи. Сравнительный анализ
направлен на выявление семантики и структуры языков.В линвистической картине мира
находят отражения опыт народов, культура, жизнь и традиции.
Ключевые слова: семантическое поле «зоонимы», внутренняя форма,
сравнительная степень, стандарты сравнения, культура
The relatively recent emergence of phraseology as a linguistic discipline is one
of the reasons of still insufficient development of many problems in this area. This
branch of linguistics studies specific language component, namely the set expressions
of different structure, semantics and functions. In linguistics they are called phraseo-
logical units, set word-complexes. According their structure, phraseological units are
specific phrases of a language, characterized by the fact that they exist in the language
as ready language formations and in the ready form are used in speech.
Phraseology - is a branch of linguistics, studying set expressions in the language,
of a different structure, semantics and functions. As an independent linguistic dis-
cipline phraseology appeared relatively recently. This is one of the reasons of still
insufficient development of many problems in this area. Still among linguists there is
no common understanding of phraseology object and as a result of this - disorder of
phraseological terminology. Abundance of terms is explained by insufficient develop-
ment of the basic concepts of phraseology, many of which are synonymous and some
cannot even be called terms, so they are not accurate.
Lack of consensus on the scope of phraseology does not allow getting a clear
idea of
what set word- complexes are characteristic for a particular language or for a
particular set of languages.
The ideas of the French linguist Charles Bally influenced the development of
phraseology, he is considered to be the ancestor of the theory of phraseology, because
he was the first to systematize combination of words in his book “French stylistics”, in
which he included a chapter about phraseology.
As for the British and American linguistic literature, there is a large number of
works specifically devoted to the theory of phraseology. Even in the most significant
works of A. McKay, U. Weinreich, L.P. Smith, there are no such fundamental issues
as the science-based criteria of phraseological unit’s selection, correlation of phra-
seological units and words, phraseology systemic, phraseological variation, formation
of phraseological units, method of studying phraseology and so on. Also, British and
G.K. KAPYSHEVA, ZH.S. ALIMBEKOVA. 4 (72) 2016. P. 188-196
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
American scientists do not raise questions of phraseology as a linguistic science. This
explains the lack of the term for this discipline in English.
Central issue for the phraseology was the attempt to answer the question, what is
the specificity of
idioms meaning unlike the meanings of words, what is the structure
of the content of this meaning. In other words, phraseological units-idioms continued
to be studied “in themselves and for themselves”, apart from their ability to perform
certain communicative settings and roles in the organization of an utterance.
During this period there was found the whole palette of phraseological units-
idioms meanings - its objective content, as well as the whole range of evaluating-
expressive “shades”, setting the tone to the stylistic coloring of the meaning.
Expressive potential of phraseological units the most thoroughly described in the
works of A.I. Fedorov, who connected it with their “connotative essence” and argued
that phraseological units are not for the name of any new developments, but for the
concretization and figurative-emotional evaluation of objects, phenomena, qualities,
which were already mentioned in the language.
Considerable attention is paid to the study of synonymy of phraseological units-
idioms by such linguists as A.D. Reichstein, Y.P. Solodub, M.V. Mokienko. They also
engaged in comparing phraseological units of languages with different structures
at the
level of identity or similarity, lying on the base of images.
Since phraseology as linguistic phenomenon is a system of interconnected and
correlative with the words and with each other, insofar phraseological units should be
studied from different perspectives. This discipline helps to learn the literary norms
of word usage, namely the use of set phrases, because mistakes in speech reduce its
expressiveness and effectiveness.
Words are givens, already existing in the language and embodied in the human
mind during the development of language as means of communication, and word
combinations and sentences are formed in the speech. Compatibility freedom is never
absolute, it is always relative. However, in language there are many phrases that occur
in the speech and are used in it as ready verbal units. They are so-called set expres-
sions or, as they are often called, phraseological units, set phrases [1]. Thus, in the
phraseology all set expressions are studied: the units, which are equivalent to the word
and the units, which are proper to the sentence in the semantic and structural relation
In the system of phraseological units of any language in this sense a special
place is occupied by comparative phraseological units, because they reflect the central
form of mental operations of people, and in this respect in every language there are
their own stereotypes and national preferences in the comparative thinking, in building
imaginative analogies and comparisons.
According the grammatical structure phraseological units can be phrases,
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
predicative combinations and sentences. Leaning on the nature of the meaning,
resulting from the structure interaction, compatibility and semantic transformation of
component composition, M.D. Stepanova and I.I. Chernysheva deduce the structural-
semantic classification of phraseological units [3]. It comprises three groups:
1) phraseological units;
2) phraseological combinations;
3) phraseological expressions.
It should be noted that M.D. Stepanova and I.I. Chernysheva also include to
the group of phraseological unities word pairs and comparative phraseological units,
which are the subject of our study. They call them phraseological unities with ex-
pressed structural properties.
The main structural feature of word pairs is that they are binary combinations,
they consist of two tokens, belonging to the same part of speech. Word pairs are very
productive group. Along with the old ones, we can observe a large number of word
pairs, formed just recently. From the point of view of semantics, word pairs have re-
sumptive character.
V.V. Eliseeva, considering structural types of phraseological units, argues that
“despite its unsemulatedness, phraseological units are quite well distributed according
the types of forming structures” [4]. On this basis she marks:
1) Phraseological units, which are identical with the corresponding free phrases
according their form (take silk, break the ice);
2) In this group coordinative structures are formed (pick and choose, rain or
shine, light to darkness, for love or money, by hook or by crook);
3) Phraseological units with predicative structure (as the matter stands, before
you could say Jack Robinson, as they crow flies). This group includes phraseological
units in the form of imperative mood (Take it easy! Bless my soul! Take your time!),
and also units of comparative character (as dead as door-nail, as mad as a hatter).
Comparative phraseological units are stable and reproducible combination of words,
phraseological specificity of which is based on the traditional comparison.
Another important classification is the classification of V.S. Vinogradov, in his
opinion, if we set pragmatic goals, it is advisable to subdivide set combinations into
three large groups:
1. Lexical phraseological units. They are semantically correlated with the words,
conceptually similar to them. For example: a bull in a chine shop, kill the goose that
lays golden eggs.
2. Predicative phraseological units. They are usually complete sentences, fixed
in the language in the form of stable formulas. For example:
cry wolf too often, an ass
in a lion’s skin, a fly on the wheel.
3. Comparative phraseological units. They were fixed in the language as a stable
G.K. KAPYSHEVA, ZH.S. ALIMBEKOVA. 4 (72) 2016. P. 188-196
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
comparisons. For example: as brave as a lion [1].
As we can see from the above set of classifications, not all linguists add
comparative phraseological units to a group, it proves once again that there is no
consensus about what phraseological unit is , hence there is no unity of views on the
composition of these units in language. Some researchers (L.P. Smith, V.P. Zhukov,
V.N. Telia, N.M. Shansky, etc.) include set combinations to the phraseology, others
(N.N. Amosova, A.M. Babkin, A.I. Smirinitsky, etc.) include only certain groups. So,
some linguists (including academician V.V. Vinogradov) do not include proverbs, say-
ings and winged words to the phraseological units, believing that they on the semantics
and syntax structure differ from phraseological units. Differences in opinion and
attitudes says that the phraseology as a special branch of linguistics is not always on
the same place and constantly evolving.
The paper deals with comparative phraseological units of impredicative type
that relate to the specific method of comparison expression. They are a system of
expression means, in which significance of inner form, the wealth of fine language
resources become apparent with special clearness and at the same time the originality
of the national culture, national mentality of imaginative thinking are revealed.
Comparative phraseological units of impredicative type are stable and replicable
combination of words, phraseological specifics of which is based on the traditional
comparison, that is, those set phrases that consist of two or more components having
the semantics of comparison and combined in one unit.
Comparison is one of the oldest ways of knowing reality. It expressively, clearly,
vividly describes a person, natural phenomena, everyday situations. The analysis
of comparative components gives the opportunity to address the fact of language,
where the choice of the subject for comparison only committed, as well as to trace the
formation of the internal form of comparative component.
Traditionally, comparative phraseological units of impredicative type are
subdivided depending on the nature of the base of comparison into adjectival, verbal,
substantive, partial and with implicit module.
Comparative phraseological units constitute the largest category of adjectival
phraseological units. Adjectival phraseological units are those that functionally
correlated with adjectives, i.e., phraseological units, the core component of which is
an adjective. The share of adjectival phraseological units in the total value of studied
phraseological units is negligible.
Among adjectival phraseological units in English, Kazakh and Russian languages
two main structural subclasses should be divided, they are common for phraseological
units in these languages
I. Adjectival comparative phraseological units. They are phraseological units,
that have in their composition comparing component (as, как, сияқты). This subclass
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
most fully represented in English: greedy as the wolf, in the Russian language it is
relatively small in number: трусливый как заяц, гордый как павлин, свободный как
птица; in Kazakh: абжыландай арбады.
In English as a dependent component proper name may be performed:
every dog
is a lion at home.
English phraseological units also allow interchangeability of both core and
dependent components: close as an oyster, true as a flint, cheerful as a lark.
II. Phraseological units with the structure adj+prep+n:
As brave as lion with a
. The core and dependent components, which are in postposition, are connected
to each other by adjoining. Between the components of phraseological units attributive
syntactic relations are identified, hence for this phraseological units adjectival-nominal-
prepositional subtype of attributive-prepositional type with postposition and adjoining
are typical. Dedicated class is a very small and atypical in these languages.
The English language has another subclass with the structure adj+and+adj. Be-
tween the components of phraseological unit of this subclass there is coordinative
bond, uniting equal components of phraseological units [5].
According to M.D. Stepanova and I.I. Chernysheva, comparative phraseological
units are stable and reproducible combination of words, phraseological specificity of
which is based on the traditional comparison. Structural and semantic peculiarity of
phraseological units of this group is that the characteristic of properties or action occurs
through the comparative group or comparative subordinate clause. Characteristic con-
junctions for such structures are equivalents in Russian language как (будто, точно),
in English as (like). For example: as close as an oyster. Comparative group or sub-
ordinate clause describes the property or action, the condition through the concrete
image, which shows a comparison. Within the semantics of comparative phraseology
the meaning is characteristic, representing the intensity of the movement, the degree
of manifestation of a property, assessment. For example: as daft as a brush – глупый
как пробка – тауықтың миындай ми жоқ. Semantic transformation is that the com-
parison group in combination with the component receives the new meaning. The
second distinguishing feature of the comparative phraseological units is firmly fixed
compatibility of stable comparison with strictly defined terms of adjectives, verbs.
This allows to consider comparative phraseological units as binomial structures.
Researchers of the structure of comparative phraseological units in English,
German and French hold the opinion that the comparative phraseological units have
mainly two-component structure (I.I. Chernyshev, A.V. Kunin, A.G. Nazarian).
Comparative phraseological units of impredicative type really mostly consist of two
components, which are connected with the corresponding comparative conjunction:
1) The basis, the object of comparison, which, because of its variability, is not
included to the comparative phraseological unit;
G.K. KAPYSHEVA, ZH.S. ALIMBEKOVA. 4 (72) 2016. P. 188-196
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
2 ) Comparison part, through which the characteristic properties or actions are
The bases of comparison are the words that denote qualitative attributes
(adjectives and adverbs) and words, expressing various processes (verbs). On the basis
of permanently fixed relations of the two constant components phraseological units
occurs the transformation of comparison element into the element of intention and
generalized characteristics .
The viewpoint about ternary composition of comparative phraseological units
caused by the logical construction of a “comparison operation”, consisting of three
things: a comparison object, the image of comparison and indication of similarity.
However, the comparison object is not constant, and its inclusion to the composition
of comparative phraseological units would enter into conflict with one of the main
features of phraseological unit - consistency of lexical structure.
Proponents of a single-component composition of comparative phraseological
units come from the fact that rethought part of comparative phrase is the comparison
group itself, and the word, that expresses a sign of similarity, is used in its basic
nominative meaning. The English, Kazakh and Russian languages are very far from
each other, they belong to different language families, cultures of these three unrelated
languages also are very not similar, and these people, in particular, the Kazakh people
in relation to English and Russian throughout almost all the centuries-old history had
practically no direct language and cultural contacts. Comparative sphere of linguistics,
in particular, a comparative study of different systems, structurally and genetically
related and unrelated languages, including the phraseology of their system is very rel-
evant in the Kazakh linguistics.
Phraseological component of a language takes a special part in any language
for various reasons: it is in demand of the system inside, by outer linguistic factors
and functionally. Not only the features of the language nature of phraseological units
itself, but also of other levels of the language system, as well as universal and national
peculiarities of different languages and their speakers are reflected in phraseological
system and its units called phraseological ones.
Consideration of phraseology and phraseological system of one of different lan-
guages in terms of linguistic universals - this is a new trend in linguistics. Traditionally
the phraseology is considered in linguistics as a system and language section, reflect-
ing primarily the national cultural identity of that language carriers. However phraseo-
logical language system has universal qualities and properties at different levels of the
intralinguistic phraseological units organization, its functioning, in various aspects of
existence, development, interaction with other languages, qualities and characteristics,
inherented in most languages and unique phraseological ethnical properties, which are
peculiar to only one, particular language or a group of related languages, but absent in
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
all other languages. Linguistic universals raises linguistics as a science to a new level,
giving it a new cognitive quality, improving its cognitive, methodological capabilities,
expanding its horizons, as it involves all the new languages, compares multiple related
and unrelated languages.
Linguistics of universals analyzes and is interested in features that allow you to
combine a variety of languages or languages. Establishing similarities and differences
in languages of different types is one of the central problems of linguistics. In the early
days of its development, linguistics was interested in more languages in relation to
their origin. The nature and type of language were based on the construction of any
language to any original condition. In recent years, the study of a common language
was made by identifying similarities on the basis of certain characteristics or specially
selected groups, justified from the standpoint of linguistics universals and typological
linguistics. Languages are grouped due to the nature of the spatial distribution and jux-
taposition, their local contacts, which is the subject of the so-called areal linguistics or
on the basis of their internal consistency - the actual typological features, which is the
subject of typological linguistics.
The summary for all the above can be formulated in the following generaliza-
1. Methodological basis of identifying of language universals form a complex
inductive-deductive method of analysis of language, linguistic phenomena and their
properties in terms of their similarities and differences.
2. It is not always necessary to divide the universals to «language ones» and
«linguistic ones».
3. According to its logical form language universals have many implications. In
every case their analysis includes quantitative, statistical relationship between them.
Implication-universals are considered scientifically as informative, even though inves-
tigation of the possibility of identifying and set of «absolute universals.» They form a
set of basic parameters that must be the basis of case studies and is an ancillary.
4. Based on the close relationship of linguistics universals and typological lin-
guistics, typological analysis of phraseological system is considered as an effective
approach and method for identifying and set of phraseological universals.
5. The implication being set in the typological analysis of phraseological sys-
tems does not represent a universal in the narrow sense of the word, because there is
no evidence of excluded cases.
In the analysis of the national language features are included, as it is known,
on the one hand, those which are caused by the national culture of the people and a
speaker, and those that relate to the internal organization and structure of the language
system. The first and the second are not the same and should not be confused.
G.K. KAPYSHEVA, ZH.S. ALIMBEKOVA. 4 (72) 2016. P. 188-196
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
1. Eliseeva V.V., Leksikologija anglijskogo jazyka. Uchebnik. SPb. SPbGU, 2003 (in
2. Ajupova R.A. Problemy sopostavitel’noj frazeologii anglijskogo i russkogo jazykov.
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