S. Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan
The paper presents different languages units in comparative study; contrastive research
has a theoretical applied and practical significance. This article deals with comparative study
of languages of different systems, their national and cultural features and methods of repro-
Keywords: linguistic universals, interlanguage correspondence, equivalents.
Мақалада әртүрлі құрылымды тілдердегі бірліктерді салыстырмалы зерттеуде
теориялық, практикалық және қолданбалы мақсаттарға байланысты мағлұматтар,
әртүрлі жүйелі тілдердің салыстырмалы зерттеу жұмысы, ұлттық мәдени және оларды
бір тілден екінші тілге жеткізу ерекшеліктері қарастырылған.
Түйін сөздер: лингвистикалық бірліктер, тіларалық сәйкестіктер, эквиваленттер.
В статье рассматривается сопоставительное исследование языковых единиц
в разносистемных языках в практическом и теоретическом ключе, их национально-
культурные особенности и способы их передачи.
Ключевые слова: лингвистические единицы, межъязыковые соответствия,
G.K. KAPYSHEVA. 1 (69) 2016. Р. 157-162
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
Phraseological language system is characterized, like the whole language or
other language systems, with a universal feature: that it contains both universal and
particular properties and attributes, that are common to all systems related and unre-
lated languages, or just a few, but most of the languages or from a limited number of
languages. It is this fact that gives reason to investigate phraseological system in terms
of linguistic universals. In the science is presented the view that all languages are cre-
ated in the likeness and image of a single, universal language that can be imagined in
fact and mentally, and all the specific, real world languages are qualified as its options,
one or more system – its structure variety.
In linguistics, universals are expressed in convincing form that language univer-
sals are detectable at all levels of language – phonetic, morphological, lexical, syntac-
tic, word, communicative. We can apply to the typological analysis, which will reveal
not only these or those national cultural characteristics of phraseological system of
a language, but also some typological features relating to its systems, structures and
typology units.
Linguistics of universals analyzes and is interested in features that allow you to
combine a variety of languages or languages. Establishing similarities and differences
in languages of different types is one of the central problems of linguistics. In the early
days of its development, linguistics was interested in more languages in relation to
their origin. The nature and type of language were based on the construction of any
language to any original condition. In recent years, the study of a common language
was made by identifying similarities on the basis of certain characteristics or specially
selected groups, justified from the standpoint of linguistics universals and typological
linguistics. Languages are grouped due to the nature of the spatial distribution and
juxtaposition, their local contacts, which is the subject of the so-called areal linguistics
or on the basis of their internal consistency – the actual typological features, which is
the subject of typological linguistics. Today linguistics universals are not acting as a
science, and in conjunction with the typological linguistics. Compare: «Involvement
in the study of general features for the large group of languages set the stage for the
second stage of generalization of these features that is establishment of the general
character of a large range of languages or all languages of the world. That is why now
the problem of universals of a language refers to the problem of simultaneously typol-
ogy of languages «. However linguistics universals and typological linguistics, though
related, are similar but not identical to linguistic science. The similarity of languages,
its genetic, areal, typological similarity – it is always, their proximity to each other
in any specific characteristics inherited by them really. They are the real basis for the
classification of languages. They are found in the languages themselves in one form
or another of the real state of the language. It is, of course, about the empirical, but
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
not the universal sign of a language. They are different things, and they must be dis-
tinguished: «But the establishment of a common language of their different levels and
sub-systems, in whatever form it was carried out, there is only an empirical statement
of some state language, a certain amount of characters. Here we must clearly distin-
guish between the language and the generalization of facts establishing universal sign
language. Direct assertion that language universals is the generalization of observed
facts of a language essentially bypasses the question of the nature of universals, since
it reduces to the problem of maximum coverage of the features of a group of languages
that exhibit some common ground.
The study of a language, not related to the general supervision of some empirical
facts and not depending on the cause of generating similarities, is a totally different
field of study. It leaves its origins not in the study actually specific to language, but to
detect signs of a language in general in terms of its specific character as an attribute of
human activity. Relationship between linguistics universals and typological linguistics
does not exclude, but confirms the vitality of the universals probability, as an excep-
tion. It is found in different areas and types of quasi-universal laws and is extremely
important from the standpoint of the theory of typological linguistics and linguistic
universals. They reveal the deeper nature of language universals, universal processes
and features in one and different languages.
Their usage can install typologically significant features and characteristics of
related and unrelated languages. In addition, the boundaries between the absolute and
the probable universals are fluid or removed because of preferences and advantages
in the universal implications. With universal implication we are not talking about type
«available in all languages». Here is a particular inexact case, for example, it is just a
revision of the implication that takes the general form, or it entails a certain refinement
of relevance conditions of any implication. The summary for all the above can be for-
mulated in the following generalizations:
1. Methodological basis of identifying of language universals form a complex
inductive-deductive method of analysis of language, linguistic phenomena and their
properties in terms of their similarities and differences.
2. It is not always necessary to divide the universals to «language ones» and
«linguistic ones».
3. According to its logical form language universals have many implications. In
every case their analysis includes quantitative, statistical relationship between them.
Implication-universals are considered scientifically as informative, even though inves-
tigation of the possibility of identifying and set of «absolute universals.» They form a
set of basic parameters that must be the basis of case studies and is an ancillary.
4. Based on the close relationship of linguistics universals and typological lin-
guistics, typological analysis of phraseological system is considered as an effective
G.K. KAPYSHEVA. 1 (69) 2016. Р. 157-162
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
approach and method for identifying and set of phraseological universals.
5. The implication being set in the typological analysis of phraseological sys-
tems does not represent a universal in the narrow sense of the word, because there is
no evidence of excluded cases .
Central problem in the study of idiomatic universals is to determine their place
in the typology of linguistic universals. Traditionally there are the following types of
language universals: phonological, grammatical, semantic and symbolic.
In modern linguistics, there is a distinction between the natural and logical-con-
ceptual, extra linguistic universals, that means, between the intellectual, conceptual
and linguistic universals.
In the analysis of the national language features are included, as it is known,
on the one hand, those which are caused by the national culture of the people and a
speaker, and those that relate to the internal organization and structure of the language
system. The first and the second are not the same and should not be confused.
Similarly, there is a need to consistently distinguish these two factors in the
analysis of common, universal features of the language. It is important to point out that
the existence and the presence of so-called «extra linguistic» (linguistic and logical,
logical-conceptual, cognitive) universals are universally accepted. These are reality
and logical-conceptual categories, which are reflected in mental sphere by language
and expression. So they must also be examined in the study of a language. Considered
as invalid attempt, extra linguistic exception of universals is caused from the scope
of linguistic research or explanation of all the universals in all languages by external
So the object of linguistic universals is the proper linguistic and extra linguistic
universals. It is quite clear that there are signs of events that can be inherent and truly
present in all languages. Each language is a sign system and it can be shown and con-
firmed empirically by studying many languages and their comparison to the deductive
theoretical basis. The first are linguistic universals, the second – cognitive ones. The
identification of both types of universals is, strictly speaking, the identification of ele-
ments of the system in which objects and processes of the real world are noted with
human consciousness.
Many scientists differ two types of universals: a) universal properties of natural
languages that are systemically inherent, immanent, and b) universal characteristics
of natural languages, stemming from the fact that the world is material physical unity,
much the same for all mankind.
Many of the objects and phenomena of the physical world are imprinted in the
consciousness, mind, reason, and memory of all the people. This leads to the fact that
we are dealing with almost two not identified and no identifiable levels: 1) the linguis-
tic level (language system), 2) cognitive level (cognitive-epistemological level) .
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
Proceeding from this differentiation typology of universals should be refined, in
order to be able to correctly identify the location of phraseological universals. In the
application of the two typologies a need to separate the traditional semantic universals
into two groups arises: a) the conceptual-semantic, and b) the lexical-semantic univer-
sals. The system of phraseology distinguishes these two types of universals:
a) Extra linguistic due to phraseological universals (i.e., those that relate to con-
ceptual semantic ones)
b) Intralanguage phraseological universals (i.e., those that relate to the lexical-
semantic ones).
Figurativeness, indirect vision and representation of reality, and therefore, an
indirect understanding and interpretation of real world through one or another picture
or association are typical, prototypical features of phraseological units, phraseologi-
cal semantics as opposed to lexical semantics, which is more directly the nature and
structure of the world. In the metaphor, thus there are combination of the phenomena
of the world, their relationship, simultaneous parallelism, their plate at each other,
their associative relationship, and thus the duality of the world and its phenomena,
and multidimensionality. Direct, immediate reflection, understanding and conception
of the world is a feature of vocabulary, and mediated and dual nature are typical for
phraseological units, phraseology. The combined vision, understanding, interpretation
and conception of the world are the distinctive features of idiomatic way of nomina-
tion and phraseological picture of the world. This is because the phraseological se-
mantics is formed in a special cognitive-semantic way and based according special
thought operations, works of consciousness during phraseological conceptualization
of the world. The gist of it is not that one phenomena of the reality is characterized by
another, somewhat similar to the first, besides in each language there are such typical
correlations and pairs. In linguistics such metaphors are designated terminologically
as cognitive metaphors.
Notions and concepts are set as synthetic generalities, knowledge and world’s
characteristics in the language, not in all types of language and speech formations and
units, but only in two types: in a word and in phraseological units, respectively, in the
vocabulary and phraseology. In this sense the primary systems are, first of all, such two
language systems as the lexical and syntactic. They are sufficient for the realization of
the next main needs of person: nominative, communicative, pragmatic and diversion.
These systems include two major necessities for the implementation of these needs:
a) the word; b) the rules and the possibility of organizing new units of speech and
language – phrases, words, sentences, texts and thus, the very speech and communica-
tion. The word is the most simple, convenient, succinct and effective language formula
for all these types of human needs and activities. This is due to the following features
of the linguistic nature and words structure: simplicity and generality of word’s form
and content, implementation convenience of the operations and activities. The word
G.K. KAPYSHEVA. 1 (69) 2016. Р. 157-162
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
is adapted especially for the distinctive feature of human thinking, learning, reflection
and representation of the real world, its events, connections and relationships between
them. This feature is that during learning and reflection man creates, first of all, ideal
entities, and in one quality form, namely in the form of generalizations. These are con-
cepts, with the help of which man organizes judgments, inferences, that is, thought,
thinking activity, speech and communication. Generalization is a necessity in cogni-
tive and mental activity of man, otherwise it would have died in the individual and
separate particulars, also in the isolated from each other events and would not have an
idea about the integrity and coherence of the world and its phenomena, about its cat-
egorical nature, that is, its class system, that the world consists not so much from the
individual, separate events, as from the classes, genera, species, groups, subgroups of
various objects and the world’s phenomena.
1. Kursisa A., Deutsch ist easy! Lehrerhandreichungen und Kopiervorlagen, Deutsch
nach Englisch. A. Kursisa , Für den Anfangsunterricht. 2011, 18, 102, 104 (in Deu).
2. Rösler D., Deutsch als Zweit und Fremdsprache, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschie-
de. D. Röessler , Deutsch als Fremdsprache. 2011, 14, 149, 160 (in Deu).
3. Rösler D., Deutsch als Fremdsprache außerhalb des deutschsprachigen Raums.
D. Roessler , Ein praktischer Beitrag zur Fortbildung von Fremdsprachenlehrern. 2011, 12,
105, 108 (in Deu).
4. Marion G., Neue methodische Ansätze im DaF-Unterricht mit Beiträgen deutscher
und usbekischer Wissen schaftlerInnen. G. Marion , Neue methodische Ansaetze. 2011, 55, 58
(in Deu).
5. Jakobson R., Implications of language universals for linguistics. R. Jakobson , Uni-
versals of language. 2006, 11, 107, 111 (in Eng).
УДК 336.712 (574)
Восточно-Казахстанский государственный университет имени С. Аманжолова,
г. Усть-Каменогорск, Казахстан
Уровень экономического развития региона во многом зависит от эффективности
использования его внутренних финансовых ресурсов и интенсивности процессов на-
копления, поэтому важную роль в развитии экономики каждого региона играют банки.
Ключевые слова: экономика региона, региональная банковская система, финан-
совые ресурсы.
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
Аймақтық экономиканың дамуы оның ішкі қаржы ресурстарын тиімді пайдалану
және жинақтау қорларына тәуелді сондықтан әрбір аймақтың экономикасының дамуын-
да банктің орны ерекше.
Түйін сөздер: аймақтық экономика, аймақтық банк жүйесі, қаржы ресурсы.
Region’s level of economic development depends on the efficiency of using its internal
financial resources and the intensity of the processes of accumulation, that is why banks play
an important role in the development of every region’s economy.
Keywords: region economy, regional bank system, gross regional product, financial
На сегодняшний день сформировалось несколько теоретических подходов,
рассматривающих взаимодействие банковского и реального секторов экономи-
ки. Банки способствуют созданию ресурсной базы для реализации инфраструк-
турных и социально-экономических проектов, на них ложится нагрузка по обе-
спечению региональной экономики денежными средствами.
Огромное влияние на формирование клиентуры коммерческих банков ре-
гиона и возможность осуществления ими банковских операций оказывают реги-
ональные структурно-отраслевые особенности и специфика межрегиональных
финансовых взаимосвязей. Таким образом, реальный и банковский секторы эко-
номики региона диалектически взаимосвязаны и раскрывают специфику отно-
шений в данном взаимодействии: количественные и качественные параметры,
характеризующие развитие банковского сектора региона, зависят от масштабов
и качества развития экономики, а динамика показателей региональной общеэко-
номической конъюнктуры, в свою очередь, определяется основными характери-
стиками банковской системы [1]. Поэтому к анализу роли регионального бан-
ковского сектора в развитии экономики необходимо подходить с двух позиций:
как со стороны банков, так и со стороны предприятий и организаций реального
сектора экономики.
Одним из условий сохранения темпов роста экономики и производства
конкурентоспособных товаров на внутреннем рынке, создания национального
богатства, развития общества и повышения уровня жизни страны и каждого ре-
гиона в отдельности является стабильная и эффективная деятельность банков-
ского сектора. В связи с этим одним из актуальных вопросов является определе-
ние особенностей банковской деятельности региона во взаимосвязи с реальным
сектором экономики [2].
Региональная банковская система является центральным элементом реги-
Г. МАРАТҚЫЗЫ, А.А. АПЫШЕВА. 1 (69) 2016. С. 162-168
ISSN 1683-1667
Тоқсанына бір рет шығарылады
Шығыстың аймақтық хабаршысы
ональной финансовой системы, в которой циркулируют все денежные потоки в
сфере хозяйственной деятельности субъектов территории. В самом общем виде
экономическая роль региональной банковской системы заключается в ее функ-
циональных связях [3]. С одной стороны, финансовое посредничество банков
является неотъемлемой частью процессов экономического взаимодействия, воз-
никающих между всеми экономическими субъектами, с другой стороны, банков-
ская система выступает в роли основного субъекта инвестиционной активности
экономической системы, направляющего финансовые ресурсы из капиталоизбы-
точных секторов экономики в сектора, испытывающие недостаток инвестицион-
ного капитала [3].
Реализация социально-экономических задач региона во многом определя-
ется инвестиционным потенциалом региона, который, с одной стороны, харак-
теризует величину ресурсных возможностей, а с другой, совокупность подраз-
делений кредитных организаций, обеспечивающих эффективное привлечение
и распределение ресурсов между различными секторами экономики, оказывая
определенное регулирующее воздействие на инвестиционную активность в ре-
гионе. Следовательно, институциональная инфраструктура регионального рын-
ка банковских услуг становится самостоятельным фактором комплексного со-
циально-экономического развития региона.
На сегодняшний день в 22 больших и малых городах Казахстана функцио-
нируют областные и региональные филиалы АО «Народный Банк Казахстана»,
под началом которых работают 40 центров по обслуживанию клиентов малого
и среднего бизнеса. В НБК трудятся около 10 тысяч человек, которые обслужи-
вают почти 6 миллионов физических лиц, более 60 тысяч юридических лиц [4].
Восточно-Казахстанский филиал АО «Народный Банк Казахстана» являет-
ся лидирующим банковским институтом в области по многим ключевым показа-
телям. Это единственный банк второго уровня, представленный во всех районах
Восточного Казахстана. Сеть областного филиала включает 7 районных управ-
лений, 3 Центра персонального сервиса, Центр VIP-сервиса и 23 отделения. На
территории региона функционируют 83 банкомата, 26 мультимедийных киосков
[4] Народного Банка.
Аграрный сектор является одним из важных отраслей для развития эконо-
мики стран. Являясь одним из приоритетных направлений развития экономики
республики, сельское хозяйство располагает огромным потенциалом и больши-
ми резервами.
Рост портфеля кредитов банков второго уровня сельскому хозяйству возоб-
новился в апреле и составил 2% (к марту 2015 года). С апреля 2013 года (начало
реализации программы «Агробизнес 2020»), общий объем кредитов сектору уве-
личился на 56% (на 173 млрд тенге).
Региональный вестник Востока
Выпускается ежеквартально
Рост портфеля кредитов банков второго уровня сельскому хозяйству возоб-
новился в апреле и составил 2% (к марту 2015 года). С апреля 2013 года (начало
реализации программы «Агробизнес 2020»), общий объем кредитов сектору уве-
личился на 56% (на 173 млрд тенге).
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