Regulatory references қР 27 шілде 2007 ж. «Білім туралы»


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The theoretical analysis of the state of foreign-language natural science education in a specialized school and the definition of the foreign-language educational natural science competence being formed with its constituent components dictate further step-by-step training. The proposed foreign-language natural science educational complex in a specialized school, integrating natural science cycles, requires further development and practical application in a specialized school, which is reflected in the following three subsections of this study.

3.1 Cognitive-content aspect of the foreign language natural science educational process in a specialized school

In this study, the foreign language training of students of a specialized school in the natural science direction is defined as the main task for the preparation of subjects of foreign language activity who are able and ready to navigate in the future professional domestic and international space. To implement the task, the higher school should train specialists capable of forming and developing the student's personality in accordance with the state order, that is, in accordance with the requirements of modern education, a student of a specialized school should master not only communicative skills in all types of speech activity in English, but also develop the ability of communicative activity at the subject level, in particular, in a foreign language natural science direction. In this study, a model is proposed for the formation of a foreign-language natural science educational complex in a specialized school for the formation of the IOENC, as a model for teaching students of a specialized school.

For the successful formation of the IOENC, it is necessary to pay special attention to the cognitive-content aspect of the foreign language natural science educational process in the profile school.
In the first chapter of this study, the importance of developing cognitive thinking among students of a specialized school was noted, since active thinking encourages speech processes, and active speech thinking activity contributes to the development of the developing capabilities of a foreign language, and the acquisition of a second language is based on conscious and subconscious mental processes. Learning a foreign language means the development of cognitive activity, and communicative skills serve as a tool for actualizing the intellectual and cognitive needs of students. An important importance in foreign language education should be given to the motivation of students, which includes cognitive and intellectual needs and the need for foreign language communication. In this section of this study, we propose the implementation of an integrated block "Biochemistry" with the corresponding CCOC for a foreign-language natural science educational complex, organized by topics and subtopics for a specialized school with the consistent formation of competencies based on a cognitive-conceptual functional-cyclic approach.
In this work, three levels of training in a foreign language natural science educational complex were identified: elementary-conceptual- presentative, speech-productive branch, analytical-interpretative.
I. For the first elementary-conceptual-presentative level of education, it is necessary to use the cognitive-conceptual level of natural science education with the conceptual (conceptual)-presentation stage for the sequence of studying each object of the natural science block of the natural science direction. At this level, students master the language system, begin by studying elementary particles in each subject area of natural science, and gradually move on to more complex forms. At this level, the linguistic component of foreign-language natural science communication is being formed, new educational concepts are being formed. Thus, the texts of this level should be focused on understanding the conceptual apparatus, terminology, the formation of new educational concepts and should contain conceptual (conceptual) presentation material. The following texts and exercises provided are recommended for the integrated block "Biochemistry" for the elementary conceptual and presentation level of mastering foreign language activities in foreign language natural science education and assimilation of foreign language natural science educational complex.

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