Regulatory references қР 27 шілде 2007 ж. «Білім туралы»

Technologies for solving problem situations

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2. Technologies for solving problem situations
Technologies for solving problematic situations are aimed at using problematic methods of teaching a foreign language. Problematic methods in the foreign language natural science educational process can be research, discussion, case study, incident method, search, project method and others. Problem-based learning is considered to be the use of teaching methods and techniques that allow students to develop cognitive thinking.
M. I. Makhmutov defines problem-based learning as a type of developmental learning that combines "systematic independent search activity of students with their assimilation of ready-made conclusions of science, and the system of methods is built taking into account goal-setting and the principle of problemativeness" [131, p. 5]. A.A. Leontiev noted the importance of using problem situations in the educational process "We must transform the learning process into a system of problem situations. And the content of education is included in the system of means aimed at resolving these problematic situations" [132, p. 108].
The teacher creates a problem situation containing problematic issues that require study and solution in accordance with specific real conditions in a real situation. The problem situation contributes to the development of the student's motivation for a conscious search for a solution to the problem situation, as a result of which the student acquires new knowledge. When using this technology, the teacher must follow the following rules:
- demonstrate and establish contradictions that determine the occurrence of some phenomenon, do not provide ready-made solutions;
- to measure the complexity of the problem situation with the likely capabilities of students;
- to direct students to independently find a solution;
- be based on didactic principles of teaching: consistency, clarity, scientific and others [133].
From the above, it can be determined that problematic situations in foreign language natural science education are problem-communicative situations that stimulate students to effective foreign language speech activity, to the ability to express their own thoughts as a result of conscious perception and understanding of foreign language speech when solving a speech-thinking task.
The use of problem-oriented tasks contributes to improving the effectiveness of students' speech activity and the formation and development of skills of practical use of a foreign language in communication, contributes to the development of foreign-language educational natural science competence. 3. Technologies of step-by-step formation of foreign language natural science communicative competence Mastering a foreign language communicative competence involves communication in a foreign language that satisfies professional needs, making business contacts at a professional level in the field of one's professional activity.
N. Chomsky was one of the first to introduce the concept of "communicative competence", and Ferdinand de Saussure identified the difference between language as a system. Researchers in this field (N.D. Galskova, V.V. Safonova, R.P. Milrud, I.L. Bim and others) interpret foreign language communicative competence as the ability to communicate in a foreign language in various situations, which implies the reality of involvement in communication, the ability to adequately mutual intercultural communication.
For the gradual formation of foreign-language natural science communicative competence, it is necessary to focus on the national level model of foreign language education developed at the KAZUMO named after Abylai Khan, according to which the minimum-sufficient level (I-NS) corresponding to levels A1, A2 of the Pan-European Competence Scale (OEC), the level of basic sufficiency (II-NS) corresponding to the level B1 of the OEC, the level of basic standard (III- HC), corresponding to the level B2 of the OEC, the level of super-basic standard, corresponding to the level C1 of the OEC, the level of super-basic standard, corresponding to the level C1 of the OEC + LSP.
4. IBM (Inquiry Based Methods) - research-based methods
The goal of IBM technology is the formation and development of a creative personality capable of independently conducting research and evaluating cause-and-effect relationships, able to correctly and reasonably build their speech utterances, the development of critical thinking of the individual. Heuristic methods used in teaching a foreign language contribute to the development of an intellectual and creatively developed personality, which increases the motivation of students in acquiring knowledge. This technology in foreign-language natural science education provides an increase in the effectiveness of the educational process, as there is an active involvement of students in the educational process due to topics of interest to them and the possibility of realizing the creative potential of the individual. Using this technology, it can be noted that students acquire research and introspection skills, cognitive skills based on their experience and acquired knowledge and skills, the ability to develop speech-thinking activity.
For example, using this technology, it is possible to develop webquests for students. Webquests contain problematic tasks, the solutions of which students must find on their own, using various websites offered by the teacher on the Internet. Currently, webquest is one of the most common modern educational technologies using Internet resources. Webquests contribute to improving the level of foreign language proficiency, as students have to work with authentic materials, in addition, students develop research and cognitive abilities. An example of a webquest in a foreign language natural science education can be a development in the discipline "Biochemistry" - "Viruses in our life: benefits and harms". The task of the teacher is to initiate students into the essence of the problem of the upcoming project and divide the students into groups. The main role of a teacher to provide a webquest solution to students is the correct selection and classification of Internet resources in which students must find the appropriate material that allows them to find a solution to the problem, containing the necessary facts and evidence. Students study the problem, discuss it in groups, and then, students develop the ability to express their own opinion on the problem, to draw conclusions. The end result of this webquest will be to write a discursive essay "Viruses in our lives: benefits and harms".
IBM technology assists the teacher in preparing for classes and contributes to meeting the cognitive needs of students; the teacher is given the opportunity to prepare his students for classes using developed questions that motivate students to "explore" and "to seek the truth." In the process of learning based on this technology, the student's questions, ideas and reflections are at the center of the educational process. This technology is based on the Confucian motto "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, involve me and I will understand." Through research, students move from accumulating more knowledge to acquiring useful applicable knowledge, which contributes to the formation of citizens of the 21st century, critical thinkers [134].
Thus, all of the above technologies are relevant in the foreign language natural science educational process and contribute to the development of high-quality educational services in accordance with the requirements of modern education and the training of a competitive specialist.
One of the most popular technologies today is the technology CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning / Subject-language integrated learning). CLIL involves the study of some subjects of the school curriculum in English, and in this case, the language becomes not the goal, but the means of studying the subject [135].
The concept of CLIL was first proposed by David Marsh in 1994, according to the author, such subject-language integrated learning can be applied to any educational process focused on mastering the subject (content) and language (language). That is, this teaching technology pursues two goals: the study of the subject and the study of the language. The fundamental elements of this technology are:
- cognitive-oriented focus on the development of cognitive abilities of the student;
- parallel mastery of the subject and a foreign language;
- conscious understanding of the information received through a foreign language. [136].
Subject-language integrated learning is based on the principle of four components, that is, content, communicative, cognitive and cultural components. When using CLIL technology in the educational process, the student develops levels of proficiency in subject and foreign language competencies. The introduction of this training technology is actively used in European countries in Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Sweden and others. This teaching technology is used both in schools and universities, where some subjects are taught in a foreign language. The use of an integrated approach fosters a system where a foreign language becomes a tool for mastering the subject.
D. March of technology CLIL as a teaching methodology and study General subjects, both in school and at University, in concert with a foreign language [137]; another researcher P. Vidal believes that the main goal of CLIL method is the study of a special subject, together with the study of a foreign language [138].
Other researchers, such as L. L. Salekhova, K.S. Grigorieva [139], O. Meyer [140] and others have also been engaged in research in the application of CLIL technology in the educational process.
The application of the method of subject-language integrated learning has its drawbacks. According to this teaching technology, the main emphasis in the learning process is placed on mastering the subject rather than a foreign language, and the language in this case is only a tool to study the subject, W. Smith believes that learning a foreign language as a special discipline when using CLIL technology becomes meaningless, and therefore the author believes that it is necessary to use a balanced approach to learning, which should be based on professional content and language integration [141].
When using this technology, both subject teachers who do not speak a foreign language at the proper level and foreign language teachers who are incompetent in the content of the profile discipline may also face problems. Thus, such an educational innovation in our country far exceeds the training of appropriate teaching staff who could work to implement the technology of subject-language integrated learning.
Another common modern training technology is the use of team-teaching technology. This method of teaching is effectively used in "Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools (NIS)". The essence of this technology is cooperation, teaching two or more teachers at the same time, that is, the learning activity takes place in a team. This teaching method promotes the development of critical thinking of the student, the formation of his metacognitive skills, motivates students to learn a foreign language and other integrated subjects. Teaching involves interdisciplinary cooperation of teachers, simultaneous professional development of teachers takes place and the work of students is activated.
This method of training also has its drawbacks. These include the lack of assistance from teachers working in a team. When preparing an integrated lesson, joint, collective work of teachers is necessary. An important fact is the specific definition and allocation of time when studying various skills during the educational process in order to avoid conflicts and disagreements during the lesson and to prevent organizational and psychological difficulties.
The successful functioning of these systems of conceptual approaches, principles, technologies and methods is carried out with the implementation of the following foreign-language-didactic foundations for the formation of a foreign-language natural science complex: the creation of a special educational environment based on problematic situations of a communicative orientation that contribute to personal and professional growth; the development of an integrative component of learning in a foreign-language natural science educational process; the use of interactive methods and forms of learning to work out the communication algorithm as a means of reaching the communicative position of the student; the use of methodological techniques to stimulate learning activities in foreign language education.
The didactic foundations are the learning conditions formed as a result of the selection, creation and application of various methods, forms, means and techniques of learning to achieve the goals of the educational process. For the effective work and development of the methodological system, a number of didactic foundations are needed for the implementation of the educational and cognitive process.
For the foreign language natural science educational process, we have identified a system of methodological techniques that serves as the basis for the formation of a special educational foreign language environment: the creation of a special educational environment based on problematic situations; the development of an integrative component of learning in a foreign language natural science educational process; interactive forms of learning to develop a communication algorithm and the use of methodological methods to stimulate learning activities.
1) The first foreign-language-didactic basis we have identified for the formation of a foreign-language natural science complex is the creation of a special educational environment based on problem situations of a communicative orientation that contribute to the personal and professional growth of students. At the present stage of globalization of the world community, there is a need to develop the ability of foreign language communication to interact at the international professional level, and the use of problem-based learning contributes to the formation of a harmoniously developed creative personality with developed logical thinking, capable of independently acquiring new knowledge and forming new skills. The use of methodological techniques for the use of problem situations in the educational process contributes to the development of communicative professionally-oriented competence of students, their creative potential on the basis of problem-based learning. A.V. Barabanshchikov [142], V.N. Gulyaev [143], Yu.B. Akimov, A.M. Donchenko, V.I. Malkov [144], A.M. Vorobyov [145], P.Ya. Galperin, N.F. Talyzina [146] and others were engaged in the study of problem-activity training. In the process of this training, conditions are created under which students independently realize the proposed problem, consciously and practically approach the solution of a professionally directed problem situation, choose and find the most optimal ways to solve the problem through a foreign language.
For the successful implementation of problem-activity learning, it is necessary to create the following foreign-language-didactic foundations for the formation of a foreign-language natural science complex: problem-oriented thinking, the development of intensive thinking, independence in student actions, expressing different points of view on the same problem, encouraging students to compare, generalize, compare facts, draw conclusions. 1. One of the methodological methods of training and the formation of creative competencies is a professionally based situational problem task (case study). The introduction of this teaching method into the educational process in the education system is very relevant, since the use of case studies is focused on the development of the student's professional competence, the development of thinking and personal abilities. In addition, this method of teaching contributes to the development of the student's ability to behave appropriately in various situations, and to solve extraordinary problems. The application of this training method is based on a specific situation from real life. Students need to find the right solutions using their complex of knowledge, practical skills and abilities. In this case, the teacher acts as a moderator, generates questions and records answers, and is a moderator in maintaining the discussion. The methodological method of the case study develops the value system of students, their professional positions and a sense of their future professional activity. This method of training promotes the development of students' own independent thinking, they learn to work in a team, find optimal ways to solve non-standard situations. Situational and problematic tasks for a foreign-language natural science educational complex will be proposed in the next chapter of this study.
2. The next effective method of training is industry project creativity. The design should be problematic. The formulation of the task should have a problem, it is necessary to set goals and objectives to solve the problem. Problematic installations in the design contribute to the formation of the following abilities:
- reflect (understand and analyze the problem);
- set goals and achieve them;
- plan;
- to model (to make schemes, models);
- analyze;
- express your point of view and be able to defend it, arguing;
- evaluate the point of view of others;
- to summarize the conclusions.
Project tasks for a foreign-language natural science educational complex will be described in the next chapter of this study.
3. One of the modern methods of teaching using ICT is the development and use of webquests. Webquest is a structured website on the Internet where you can create training tasks for trainees. The webquest is created by the teacher on the website , where the teacher places the goal, tasks, and process for completing the webquest. A webquest is a problem task, for which the student
uses information resources and Internet sites. The teacher selects the necessary information and gives students hyperlinks to it. Students can work in groups or individually when completing a task, this is determined by the teacher. The end result of working with a webquest can be any creative product, taking into account the goal. These can be essays, posters, magazines, presentations and even webpages. The technology of webquests is based on an activity-based approach, since students do not have prepared answers when completing quests, they have to perform the proposed tasks independently. This method of training pursues the following goals:
- organization of independent search for the necessary information;
- development of critical and creative thinking;
- individual approach;
- develops cognitive abilities.
Thus, all of the above teaching methods are effective innovative methodological techniques in the modern educational process and in foreign language natural science education, in particular. For a foreign-language natural science direction, we believe, a set of CCOCS is needed using modern innovative teaching methods, which include communicative tasks, exercises, pragmatic professional tasks, problem situations, case studies, webquests, industry project creativity, organized by topics and areas, examples of which will be discussed in the next chapter of this study.
2) The second foreign-language-didactic basis for the formation of a foreign-language natural science complex is the development of an integrative component of learning in a foreign-language natural science educational process. At the present stage, the integration of different fields of knowledge is studied as a pedagogical category (J.H. Bakhareva, V.G. Afanasyev, etc.), and an integrative approach to learning is considered as a strategy of pedagogical activity (N.S. Svetlovskaya, V.N. Maksimova, K. I. Buzarov, Y.S. Tyunnikov, A.Ya. Danilyuk and others) [147]. Integration is understood as an increase in professional interaction in the field of their activities, the development of academic mobility of students in order to exchange knowledge in the field of their specialization. A. I. Timonin believes that integrative means contribute to the formation of professional skills [148]. Currently, in all areas of education, the discipline "Foreign Language" is being integrated into other disciplines, which implies the use of various methods, methods and techniques of teaching, integrated foreign language courses are being created and all this effectively affects the learning process.
When integrating academic disciplines in a foreign language natural science educational process, there is a constant systematization of educational material, the possibility of applying the acquired knowledge to study the material in a foreign language, students form a holistic picture of the world in their minds, which contributes to an increase in students' motivation.
3) The third foreign-language-didactic basis for the formation of a foreign-language natural science complex, we identified the use of interactive forms of learning to work out the communication algorithm as a means of entering the student's communicative position. The main task of the education system is to create favorable conditions for self-realization and development of the student's abilities. At the present stage, interactive forms of teaching in foreign language education are becoming increasingly important, since they are aimed at the joint activity of the teacher and students, the active position of the student in the course of communication.
M. V. Clarin believes that "interactive learning" is learning based on direct interaction of students with the learning environment in order to gain new experience [149, p.22]. According to V.K. Dyachenko "interactive learning" is a way of cognition based on dialogical forms of interaction of participants in the educational process, during which they form skills of joint activity. This approach is based on the principle "everyone teaches everyone and everyone teaches everyone [150, p.16]. It follows that interactive learning involves the interaction of teachers and students and contributes to the formation and development of cognitive activity of students through a dialog form during the educational process.
When using interactive forms of learning, the student becomes an equal respondent of the educational process; with interactive learning, students develop the ability to think critically, solve problems using information analysis, participate in discussions, polemics and communication. For the successful organization of interactive learning, the teacher must carefully consider the course of the lesson, including interactive forms of learning, such as pair and group work, work in small groups, role-playing and business games, research projects, case technology, incident method and various creative works.
4) The fourth foreign-language-didactic basis for the formation of a foreign-language natural science complex, we determined the use of methodological methods and techniques to stimulate educational activity in the process of mastering a foreign language. To stimulate learning activities in a foreign language natural science educational process, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for motivating the student, meeting his needs and interests. Choosing a natural science direction, students have already consciously made their choice, so they have clearly defined their future professional activity and purposefully follow to achieve their goal. Motivation promotes purposeful activity of the student and focuses on the choice of appropriate methods and techniques to achieve the goal. Motivation is a key factor in foreign language education that ensures effectiveness, while it is necessary to take into account that motivation is an indicator of the subjective side of the student, it is caused by his conscious motives and needs. In the foreign language natural science educational process, various interesting forms of classes can be used to stimulate learning activities and develop cognitive interest, such as round tables, debates, discussions, brainstorming, case studies, project technologies and others. These methods and techniques of organizing the educational process allow us to develop the cognitive interest of students, their creativity, and the ability to communicate in a foreign language. The interactive teaching method has already been repeatedly mentioned above, which also stimulates learning activities, a greater emphasis in this method of teaching is placed on the active activity of the student, and the teacher is an assistant, consultant, guiding the student in the right direction. To develop the cognitive interest of students, the teacher must create interactive special systems of tasks and exercises, during which students acquire new knowledge, new experience, develop students' independence, determine the learning trajectory, develop the student's personal qualities.
Thus, all the above-mentioned foreign-language-didactic foundations of the formation of a foreign-language natural science complex contribute to the successful implementation of the model of the formation of the IOC, the composition of which is determined by the following subcompetencies: basic metacognitive, basic operational, basic functional, basic pragmacommunicative.
For the formation and development of the IOENC and its constituent subcompetencies, a CCOC was developed containing a set of tasks and exercises in accordance with the principles and approaches we have identified that are necessary for the formation of a foreign-language natural science educational complex in a specialized school.
As it was noted in this paper, three levels of mastering foreign language activity in foreign language natural science education were identified: elementary-conceptual-presentative, speech-productive branch, analytical-interpretative.
I. In order to form and develop an elementary conceptual and presentational level of mastering foreign language activities in foreign language natural science education, it is necessary to provide students with tasks focused on the primary reception of language means, terms - the linguistic component of foreign language natural science communication. To this end, it is necessary to offer students authentic texts of a natural science orientation and tasks for them. The use of professional texts contributes to the development of speech activity, but at the first elementary conceptual and presentational level of mastering foreign language activity, texts perform an informational function, carry a functional and semantic load. Authentic texts of natural science orientation enrich the student's vocabulary with specialized terminology, introduce him to his future profession. Acquired knowledge in the natural science field in the native language contributes to the successful assimilation and mastery of foreign language activities in the same field. At this level, in addition to authentic texts for reading, you can also use authentic audio materials of a professional orientation and tasks of such a nature as shown above, which contribute to a conscious understanding of terminology and its correct use.
These tasks were compiled on the basis of the principles of cognitive-conceptual basing, scientific-applied adequacy and cognitive-interpretative projectability and the following approaches - cognitive-conceptual based approach, functional-deterministic approach. At this elementary conceptual and presentational level of mastering foreign language activity in foreign language natural science education, the following technologies are used: step-by-step formation of foreign language natural science communicative competence, IBM (Inquiry Based Methods). The foreign language-didactic foundations at this level are the development of an integrative component of learning in the process of studying the disciplines of the natural science cycle and the use of methodological methods and techniques to stimulate learning activities in the process of mastering a foreign language. When performing tasks of this type, students form a basic metacognitive subcompetence and a basic operational subcompetence, which are components of the IOC.
Thus, at the elementary-conceptual-presentational level of mastering foreign language activity in foreign-language natural science education, elementary conceptual ideas in a foreign language are formed, the student begins to receive initial knowledge about the sphere of his future professional activity using a foreign language, his idea of his future professional activity is formed and developed through the use of popular scientific texts of professional orientation. Moreover, the student focuses on what qualities and competencies he should develop in himself, which will contribute to his effective professional activity. At this level, the student begins the initial study of a foreign language, career guidance in his professional activity using a foreign language, studies the metalanguage of the specialty, studies professional terminology and represents it in a foreign language, the student acquires his elementary experience of foreign language activity. On at this level, the learner learns key categories, forms and develops basic skills, knowledge and instrumental foundations of competence are formed and developed, and the student reproduces terms.
II. The next level of mastering foreign language activity in foreign language natural science education was determined by the speech-productive branch level, which assumes the speech activity of an individual for the formation of speech skills in all four types of activities. Speech activity is an essential and integral part of all activity. To systematize speech activity, it is necessary to provide interrelated training to all four types of speech activity, since training in a complex promotes organization, continuity, consistency and consistency in the formation of speech skills and abilities. As E.A. Maslyko notes, "The use of the theory of speech activity makes it possible to form motives for foreign language speech communication in the learning process and ensure their implementation in situations simulated in training sessions" [154, p. 14]. Further, the author believes that in order to systematize teaching methods in foreign language education, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: to form the linguistic foundations of learning, taking into account the possession and mastery of a foreign language; to teach the language system; to measure the conditions for the implementation of the communicative function of the language and mastering it. When selecting speech material, it is necessary to apply "the principle of assessing their communicative expediency (V.G. Kostomarov) and the principle of active communication (A.A. Leontiev)" [154, p. 15]. Thus, when selecting speech material, it is important to take into account the expediency of the proposed educational resources in further foreign language communication.

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