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2 grade 3rd term

Lesson Plan 6
Theme of the lesson:.


Health and body

Teacher’s name:


Grade: 2

Number present: absent:

Theme of the lesson:

Hats and Bats

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to:

2.L4 recognise with support short basic questions relating to features such as colour and number
2.S8 give simple instructions for others to follow
2.R1 read and spell out words for others

Lesson objectives:

All learners will be able to: pronounce the words correctly and name the sports
Most learners will be able to: respond to the questions
-choose the right words and match the pictures with words about sport
Some learners will be able to: complete all worksheets correctly.

Assessment criteria

- pronounce weather vocabulary words
- choose the words correctly
-do most of tasks correctly.

Value links

Ls will talk about healthy way of life

Cross curricular links

Primary Science

ICT skills

PPT, Video, the use of whiteboard

Previous learning

Ss can measure themselves


Part of the lesson/Time

Teacher’s activity

Student’s activity



Beginning of the lesson
Warm up activity. “Dancing”.
5 мин.

Organization moment :
2. Organization moment.
Teacher asks Ss stand up and listen the song and dance together.
To make a good atmosphere and explain Ss that dancing or doing exercise are useful for everybody.

Ss stand up and dance looking at the video.

The aim: involve Ss to the new lesson and energize them to be active.
Efficiency: Ss be active and keep warm atmosphere till the end of lesson.

Feedback: Teacher evaluates with “The Praise” method.
“well done,
Very good”


12 min.

Look at the blackboard and think what is the theme of our lesson?
Yes, of course, sport.
Dividing into groups
New vocabulary
Pupils learn the words related to the topic. The teacher demonstrates pictures from the PPT or shows the flashcards and the learners pronounce after in chorus or individually. The teacher may use different resources to practice new vocabulary.

Pupils learn the words and drill the pronunciation. After they write them down in their vocabularies (optional).
Aim: practice the pronunciation of the new words.
Efficiency: memorize the spelling of the new words correctly.

Teacher motivates with “The Praise” method.
“well done,
Very good”


Middle of the lesson

Individual work.

10 min.

Project work
Now you Ss need to make a presentation on the topic of sports. The first group is winter sports . The second is summer sports. And the third is water sport.
After finishing the task each group will assess each other.

Ss draw a picture of sport and present to the other groups.
And asks questions and evaluates each other.

Aim: use new topical words in practice to express clearly
Efficiency: Ss work with a pleasure in group, weak students learn from strong students how to divide and define the types of sports.

Group assessment”

In a clock way teacher says evaluating groups. After presenting each group Ss evaluate each others.

A-3 white paper, pen, pencil, markers

Individual work.

Role play’

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