Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Summary A.T. Mamekova –master,Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Zhetysu State University. Students interactive psychological bareers in the puecess of learning Abstract of the article
In this article, the author describes the social and psychological relationship between the subjects of the educational
process in the course of pedagogical dialogue as a phenomenon. The peculiarity of pedagogical communication is the
performance by subjects of dialogue social, role-playing and business roles. In reality, the situatios of dialogues is the
main form of pedagogical activity. Lectures, seminars, exams, essays, test papers, defense of term papers and diploma,
all these happens in the process of mutual cooperation and communication. In accordance with new approaches in
education, in the process of communicating the concept of "object-subject" becomes to "subject-subject" as one of the
priorities. And the difficulty of interpersonal pedagogicalcommunication in process of teaching are discussed in the
sections of educational psychology. In the process of pedagogical communication between teachers and students can
arise character of interpersonal difficulties and psychological barrier. Accordingly, the teacher should indicate their
professional attitude in dealing with students.
In the process of pedagogical communication between teachers and students interpersonal difficulties can arise
character, psychological barery. Accordingly, the teacher should indicate their professional attitude in dealing with
Кеywords:communication, subject, social psychology, the problem of condradiction, pedagogical communication.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г. 62