Summary To the question on defining the concept “technology of foreign language training in a higher educational establishment” Zhetpisbayeva B.A. – dean of the faculty of foreign languages of Y.A. Buketov Karaganda State University, doctor of
pedagogical sciences, professor, Shaikhyzada Zh.G. – PhD student of the faculty of foreign languages of Y.A. Buketov
Karaganda State University, The demand of Kazakhstan’s society for competitive in the modern labour market specialists who are able to use a
foreign language as a tool in solving professional tasks has defined the teaching of foreign languages to specialists of
various profiles as a compulsory component of their higher professional education. In this article the authors define the
concept “technology of foreign language training in a higher educational establishment” which can serve as a new
methodological approach in the foreign language education system and contribute to achieving the main aim of foreign
language teaching in higher educational institutions – the formation of foreign professional-communicative competence
of students.
Key words: foreign language education, foreign language training, pedagogical technology, teaching technology,
education technology, technology of foreign language training.