Summary Development of written speech students of technical universities based on professional texts Mizanbekov S.K. – PhD, Acting associate professor of state and foreign languages ATU, Kulbaeva A.Z. – Master of Education Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Kazakh and Russian
languages KazNAU,
The article is devoted to one of the main demands of the modern Russian language teaching – forming and
development of the communicative skills in the field of writing speech.
The increase of writing speech demands is embodied in the definition of the main competences, among which are
skills of the text extracts making, plan writing and thesis preparing; logical analysis of the text, its combining and
compression as well as its structuring.
The article is devoted to the topical problem of teaching a Russian language writing to students of non-linguistic
faculties, as currently this type of speech activity enables more efficient training of graduates in mastering the subjects
in the context of their major and future profession.
The objectives and tasks of developing communicative competence are defined. The requirements for developing
Russian language writing skills in the process of studying at higher school are defined as well. The author gives a
review of different types of written texts which are included into the curriculum. It is suggested that the process of
developing writing skills has to be divided into several stages. Stylistic devices, grammar and vocabulary are important
issues in the process of developing writing skills. Different examples of those phenomena are given in the article.
Keywords: competence, writing speech, communicative customs and skills, Russian language teaching methodolo-
gy, professional training, communicative competence, exercises on transformation, exercises on combining, business
play, exercises on gap filling, collocations, stylistic devices, grammar, vocabulary.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж. 53