Keywords: reading strategies, morphological level, phenomena mistakes, Turkish languages, lingua, word-
formation, information, stylistic device, logical thinking.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж.
Reading skills formation is one of the main tasks in the process of teaching a foreign language, it is
especially of great importance in the three language instruction schools. As we know understanding a written
text means extracting the required information from it as efficiently as possible. Different reading strategies
are applied to have the better result. Reading is an active skill; it constantly involves guessing, predicting,
checking and asking oneself questions.
Language comparative analysis on the morphological and syntactical levels may be the tool for prognosis
and predicting the mistakes which arise due to the language interference of the three languages (Kazakh,
Russian and English). The author [1, p.70] understands the likeness as the basics for understanding and the
differences as the possible interference in the above mentioned levels.
O.N. Ivanova, U.K. Yusupov [1,p.70, 2,p. 36] suggest the lingua comparative analysis which is based on
the following principles:
1) simplicity principles
2) synchronical principle.
As an example we can mention the brief typology of difficulties experiencing by the Kazakh pupils in the
morphological and syntactical levels while teaching reading which is based on the lingua comparative
analysis of the three languages.
The main difficulty of the morphological level is the absence of some phenomena in the native language.
1. In the very beginning of learning English the pupils face one of the main difficulties – the absence of
articles and grammar category of the general and private in the Turkish languages which are expressed by
special service words. The difficulty is not only in the practical using of the article in their utterances. It is
also necessary to form a special coincidence in the concepts of definite and indefinite which are differently
expressed in the native and foreign languages.
2. Different types of word formation in the compared languages are the source of the
numerous mistakes of the students. They experience difficulties in defining the parts of speech using the
word-formation affixes.The endings -s, -es are homonymous, and this prevents the students from the
semantization of the word meanings while translating.
3. The absence of the cases produces a lot of difficulties for the English language learners where the
word order and the system of prepositions play the leading role.
4. The Turkish languages lack such phenomenon as the vowel changing or the whole word changing
while changing the non-standard verbs. It is quite strange for these languages where the root is never
changed and the verb changing system is formed by gluing the affixes. Only a special system of exercises
may help to overcome the difficulties, to develop the skills of identifying the English non-standard verbs in
5. The Gerund performs complex functions in a sentence. The Gerund is homonymous because the stem
of the verb with the –ing- ending may also be a participle, and the verbal noun; these formations are
completely strange for the Turkish languages. So, the Gerund is one of the most difficult for schools with the
Turkish instructive language.There are some similarities on the morphological level which may be used as
basics. Both English and Kazakh lack the grammatical category of gender, and this general characteristics
doesn’t need any additional exercises to overcome these difficulties.
As N.O. Ivanova mentions [1, p. 71] the adjective usage doesn’t produce any difficulties with the Turkish
language students. Here we can have a native language as a support.
The sentence structure is formed differently in three languages – Kazakh, Russian, and English, so the
ability to master the sentence as a grammatically formed instruction unit is a very serious problem for the
schools with the Kazakh language of instruction. Though the word order in the compared languages operates
the same functions there is still a great difference between them. Mentions that the word order in the Turkish
languages mainly performs the stylistic function, but in English it performs the semantic-syntactical
function’’. This is the consequence of the morphological structure of both of these languages. As it is known
the English language which has lost its rich reflective forms, the word-order mainly expresses the objective-
subjective relations.
In the Turkish languages which are rich of the morphological means the syntactical ties between the parts
of the sentence are mainly performed by the formal indices; in this connection the word-order in the given
language family first of all has got a meaning of a stylistic device.
The following are the main difficulties which the students of the three lingua school, whose native
language is Kazakh, come across on the syntactical level while reading an English sentence: