Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г. 88
1) The Kazakh students often acquire a word in the end of the sentence as a predicate,because they
transform the native language norms into the studied language. A special attention should be paid to the
ability of the students to place the verb-predicate in the right place in the English sentence.
2) The students experience difficulties to determine the definite and indefinite category which are
expressed by the articles a andthe while translating an English sentence.
3) While reading the English sentences containing prepositions the Kazakh students experience
difficulties because there are no prepositions in the Kazakh language.
4) The students of the high school with the three lingua instruction experience difficulties while reading
the sentences containing participles, gerunds, infinitive constructions, complex objects, complex subjects,
absolute nominative participle construction, because the above mentioned syntactical complexes are
differently expressed in the Kazakh and Russian languages.
In [1, p. 72]N.O.Ivanova suggests the usage of exercises aiming to overcome morphological syntactical
interference while reading texts in the English language. The exercises were based on the results of the
lingua comparative analysis whichproduced the revealing of the similarities and divergences. She thinks that
‘’lingua comparative analysis and three language exercises permit to overcome the inter language
interference on the morphological and syntactical levels. So, there is a great necessity to form the skills and
habits of scanning, searching, studying, and informative types of reading in the English language with the
students of the high school basic level in the three languages functioning conditions.
So, the author D.В.Ivanov[1, p. 72] revealed some specific difficulties of teaching different types of the
reading process – scanning, searching, studying, and informative. They are as follows:
- in the frames of scanning, searching, studying, and informative reading the students experience
difficulties in defining the style, genre, type and structural- compositional characteristics of the text;
- in the frames of studying reading the students experience difficulties in guessing the meanings of the
unknown words according to the context, in fully and exactly understanding the text meaning, in determining
the value of the information, in disclosing the cause-consequence connections, in revealing the implicit
- in the frames of informative reading the students experience difficulties in understanding the general
content, main idea, meaning; they fail to distinguish the primary information from the secondary, factual
from the hypothetic, to state the logical /chronological connection of the facts and events, to classify/ group
information according to some characteristics.
The ‘loop learning’ technology was chosen by (4) as one of the main possible ways to overcome such
difficulties, as lack of time, different level of mastering a foreign language while teaching reading in the high
school. The technology provides all possibilities for formation and development of the general and specific
skills of scanning / searching, studying and informative reading in the English language. The main idea of
the technology may be understood with such concept as ‘discourse understanding’ [4,p. 72]. ‘Discourse understanding’ is a complex many-folded process of the logical thinking.
1 Ivanov О.N. Обучение чтению на английском языке учащихся 10-11 классов в условиях триязы-чия (базовый уровень) // Иностранные языки в школе. – 2008. - № 5. – С.70-76. 2 YusupovU.К. Проблемы сопоставительной лингвистики. – Ташкент: Фан, 1980. – 136с. 3 Walker, C. (1998) [Review of the book Teaching reading skills in a foreign language] ELT Journal, 58, 169-173. 4 IvanovD.В. Об основах аналитического чтения // Ученые записки МОПИ, Т. Х1Х, вып.4. – 1959.