Байланысты: ped and psy 2 nomer 2016.compressed (1)
Ключевые слова: высшее образование, качество образования, система менеджмента качества, образцов
контроля качества, SWOT-анализ, тотальное управление качеством (TQM) и стандартов ИСО.
Summary The role of Quality Management system in Higher educational Establishment Isayeva A. – Master’s Degree student of T. Ryskulov New Economic University
Тел: 8 775 297 33 83, e-mail: ai_2192_ka@mail.ru The purpose of this article is to control the quality of the university system of planning, management in order to
improve and ensure the quality that is necessary to realize the policy in the organizational structure, methods, processes
and resources.
The article gives SWOT-analysis, total quality management (TQM), ISO standards and defines the role of the
university management and provides foreign practices. Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a modern higher educational
institution: the management of education, research and educational activities without an effective quality management
system aimed at improving the quality parameters. Quality management system is the system of the organization in the
field of quality and strategies formulated to achieve high results in education. Improvement of the quality of higher
education is considered as a strategic goal in terms of the tasks of the state and as a mechanism for quality insurance in
the context of the university tasks.
Keywords: higher education, quality of education, quality management system, quality control samples, SWOT-
analysis, total quality management (TQM), ISO standards.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж. 181