Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
The system of organization of social and pedagogical work in inclusive school
Khalitova Islamiy Ramazanovna –
doctor of pedagogical sciences professor, Kazakh National Pedagogical University
named after Abai. Em.:hakitova46@yandex.ru
Abstract: In connection with the adoption of state laws and programs concerning education organized inclusive
schools. The next problem is to make some changes to the content, the system of work and methods of social and
pedagogical work. However, the features of educational work in an inclusive school, as the organization of socio-
pedagogical work requires revision. In this article we attempt to address the problem and the author offers his vision of
the organization concerning the system of social and pedagogical work in an inclusive school. Make sure your areas of
work with students ogarnichesnnoy opportunity such as the definition of student status to the limitations opportunity
individulnoy drawing up programs for education, development, repair, maintenance, assistance, etc., protection of
interests and rights of the joint organizational work with the school administration, family, teachers, , klassnymy
leaders, psychologist, paramedic, physiology, etc. On the other specialists.
Keywords: inclusive, student with disabilities, social pedagogical work, system, goal, objectives, directions.
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