Түйін сөздер: т`рбие, отбасы, `леуметтендіру, м`дениет, коммуникация, карым катынас, үлттық т`рбие,
м`дени ж`не үлттық өзгешеліктер, эмпатия.
The family as a source of communication development and national education of younger school students
Lantseva T.V. - master of pedagogical sciences, senior lecturer of pedagogical faculty of the Karaganda State
University of the name of academician E.A.Buketov, tmanapa@gmail.com
In this article we consider problems of communication and national education of younger school students. It also
identifies aspects of communication in the family and society. In this article it is specified that for fruitful education it is
required to solve a number of key problems which, as a rule arise in the course of communication and education of
younger school students in families. We have considered ways and have offered recommendations about applying of
aspects of speech communication and other nonaggressive verbal and nonverbal signals supporting to improve emotions
of younger school students in the course of communication and education.
Keywords: education, family, socialization, communication, culture, association, national education, cultural and
national peculiarities, empathy.
Вестник КазНПУ им. Абая, серия«Педагогические науки», №2 (50), 2016 г.
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