Ключевые слова: информатика, дифференциальное обучение, задание, профессионально ориентированные
Abstract Features of the use of case studies, taking into account the professional orientation of high school students in computer science Isabaeva DN - candidate of pedagogical Science,, а. professor, head of monitoring and evaluation of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Almaty, Dostyk 13. Daraja_78@mail.ru Rakhimzhanova LB - candidate of pedagogical Science. a.professor of Kazakh National University named after Al- Farabi, Almaty, al-Farabi, 71., lazatr@mail.ru The article discusses the features of the use of case studies, taking into account the professional orientation of high
school students in computer science.
High school students have different levels of knowledge and skills in computer science. It depends on whether they
have access to a computer, the ability and self-interest. Therefore, the training requires a differentiated presentation of
educational material, based on the selection of the senior professional and ways of involvement of students in learning
activities. The main task - to help the student, owning enough material to open and enable advanced, as well as
demonstrate their future profession senior. In order to implement it is necessary to apply the lessons of informatics
technology of individually-oriented method of teaching based on the selection of senior professional.
System of objectives and tasks, differentiated according to vocational guidance school students must meet certain
requirements, which contribute to better assimilation of the material, not only for science, but also of great practical
significance and connection with life. If you choose wisely such tasks and tasks system, then the learning process and
the quality of the knowledge of students in the classroom computer to increase significantly. This system of tasks
necessary to develop a teacher in computer science because presented in the textbooks tasks and jobs are not
differentiated according to the professional orientation of senior pupils. Keywords: computer, differential training, job professionally oriented tasks
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-нің Хабаршысы, «Педагогика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2 (50), 2016 ж. 367