have: skills to annotate written and oral authentic publicistic,
popular scientific and scientific texts in the specialty in English and
Russian languages;
FLAP 4411
Foreign Language for Academic Purposes
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3410
Purpose: to prepare students for communication in oral and
written forms, both in professional, and in social communication
spheres, to open before students of possibility of a foreign
language as source of expansion of their language, informative
and cross-cultural competences.
Tasks: development in students of perception of a foreign
language as source of information and foreign-language
communication medium for its use for formation of own
statements and understanding of other people.
Maintenance of a course: the course is directed on training of
students in skills of communication on various general and
educational and professional subjects. The course is directed on
The results of training mastered as a result of studying of the
module: the student has to
know: norms of the literary language in the theory and in practice,
achievements professional the focused level of an obuchennost in
use of foreign languages for professional communication.
be able: to read and take necessary information from authentic
texts of various genres, leaning on the studied materials and
sociocultural knowledge; to use knowledge of bases of the theory
of studied foreign languages in professional activity;
have an oral and written form of studied foreign languages in their
various functional styles and genres, conceptual model of
communication, to have idea of the main thesis and its place in
training of students in the basic grammatical rules, expansion of
a lexical stock, development of skills of audition for possession
of oral, written language and studying by terminology in the
specialty. Levels: (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced).
speech work, to know about language and technical registration.
Module 4. Foreign Language
FL 2412
Foreign Language (western )
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : no
Purpose: acquisition by students of the communicative
competence, which level at separate stages of language
preparation allows to use a foreign language both in professional
activity, and for self-education.
Tasks: to reach functional literacy in knowledge of a basic
foreign language and combination of grammatical and
communicative approaches.
Maintenance of a course: Training in a foreign language has the
complex character including training in phonetics, grammar and
lexicon of the second foreign language. During this period
possession of oral and written language of the second foreign
language are laid the foundation. The language material is
characterized by standard correctness.
The results of training mastered as a result of studying of the
module: the student has to
know : basic , spelling, orthoepic, lexical, grammatical norms of
the second foreign language;
be able: to own basic bases communicative intercultural
competences taking into account all types of speech activity (a
talking, the letter, audition, reading);
have: skills of basic reading, talking, audition and the letter in the
second foreign language;
FL 2413
Foreign Language (western extending course )
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FL 2412
Purpose: Mastering by the necessary volume of the lexical
material, being characterized high common use, wide
compatibility and reflecting neutral, colloquial and publicistic
Tasks: Formation of ability of students to foreign-language
communication in the second foreign language.
Maintenance of a course: the course learns to understand the
main ideas of literary messages on different general subjects, to
be able to make the coherent message on the general subjects;
The results of training mastered as a result of studying of the
module: the student has to
know: the lexicon calculated on this level;
be able: understanding of the main ideas of literary messages on
different general subjects; ability to make the coherent message on
the general subjects; ability to describe impressions, events; ability
to state and to prove the opinion;
have: skills by all four types of speech activity;
FL 3414
Foreign Language (western advanced course)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FL 2413
Purpose: formation of cross-cultural, communicative and
professional competences of students.
Tasks: to form at students of the communicative and
the competences, expressed in the adequate solution of
objectives, the non-standard situations providing cross-cultural
professional communication.
Maintenance of a course: formation of cross-cultural
communicative and professional competences; formation of
ability of students to foreign-language communication at cross-
cultural level with a support on knowledge formed at students,
abilities and personal qualities.
The results of training mastered as a result of studying of the
module: the student has to
know: special lexicon of this course;
be able: to write texts of the set composite type of speech; global
and detailed understanding of the heard text; the prepared and
unprepared speech
have: skills and abilities to read and take information according to
the set strategy of reading from authentic texts of various genres;
PUPR 3415
Oral and Written Speech Practice
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FL 2413
Content of the course: Module gives the student the opportunity
to acquire knowledge on the history of linguistic studies,
beginning from the origin of linguistics. The course improves the
communicative and professional competence of students.
Teaching the second language is complex, including further
teaching phonetics. At this stage is laid the foundation of
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: the main linguistic units;
be able to: distinguish the similarities and differences with the first
foreign language;
have: practical skills in four linguistic activities: reading, writing,
speaking and listening.
fundamentals of the oral and written speech. The active
vocabulary is extended at this stage.
LP 4416
Language of Press
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FL 2413
Aim: studying the language of the press of the country whose
language is learned, its publicistic style, style of newspaper
publications and its stylistic varieties in different means of mass
media - newspapers, advertising, radio and TV.
Tasks: developing of the skills of eliciting and using the
information, taken from the English press.
Content of the course: Consideration of the role of linguistic
factors in creating the specific character of newspaper texts.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: the main vocabulary of the language of the press and
peculiarities of the linguistic behavior;
be able to: make presentations, express their own view on
different topics;
have: skills in business communication, in making presentations,
in negotiating.
Module 5. Fundamentals of Theory and Methods of Target Foreign Language
FTTFL 3417
Fundamentals of Theory of Target Foreign
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FLAP 4411
Aim: Teaching students the fundamentals of the theory of the
learned foreign language for the profound comprehension of its
contemporary regularities and peculiarities, and also tendencies
of its development.
Tasks: Teaching students to think analytically and generalize the
gained theoretical knowledge in practice.
Content of the course: Theoretical course
«Fundamentals of the theory of the foreign language» must
develop linguistic thinking.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: basic stages of the development of the learned language; the
phonetic system, specific character of the intonation and the
rhythm system of the learned foreign language, peculiarities of
grammar of the learned foreign language;
to be able to: master knowledge of linguistic studies, including
knowledge of the basic phonetic, lexical, grammar and word
building phenomena and laws of functioning of the learned foreign
Have: an idea about the development of the lexis of the learned
foreign language, the national-specific peculiarities of the lexis,
the peculiarities of the style of the fiction, sociopolitical journalism
and newspaper.
LEL 3418
Lexicology of English language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : IL 1420 ,BFL 2404
Aim: The aim of teaching the subject «Lexicology of the English
language» – training of the philologically educated specialist in
the field of linguistics, having a formed idea about the lexical-
semantic system of the language and its role in fulfilling the
expressive, communicative and pragmatic functions of the
Tasks: Developing the notions about the lexical units and their
relations in the system;
Content of the course: Introduction of the contemporary
methods of research in the field of lexicology and their use with
concrete aims. Development of students’ skills in using
theoretical knowledge in lexicology in practice.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: functional-stylistic differentiation of the language;
be able to: separate the synonymic and antonymic series; analyze
анализировать the structure of the word and models of word
choose and use adequately lexical units depending on the context;
use the phraseological units and idioms;
choose and adequately use category forms and other grammar
forms in the text;
have: the ability to make the linguistic analysis of the text;
an idea about the rules of speech etiquette, ethical and moral rules
of etiquette, skills in using the linguistic units in the scientific field
of speech in a normative and stylistic correct way.
MMFLT 3419
Modern Methods of Foreign Languages
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : no
Aim: teaching students the modern state and perspectives of the
development of the linguistic education in our country, the
organization of the educational process of teaching pupils at
Tasks: teaching students skills to use innovative teaching
technologies in an effective and creative way, to carry out
research work, to use knowledge of the basic teaching methods
in their own teaching practice;
Content of the course: The course teaches to use modern
technologies in teaching effectively and creatively.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: modern approaches to the organization of the teaching
process foreign languages;
be able to: use modern teaching methods in an effective and
creative way;
have: an idea about the interaction between ―approach‖ and
―method‖ in the process of teaching foreign languages.
FPPP 3420
Fundamentals of professional pedagogy and
Purpose and tasks: to submit the main concepts of pedagogics
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : no
and modern technologies of planning, the organization and
training and education diagnostics.
Contents: the course considers an education role in
accumulation and preservation of the social and cultural world
values acquired by mankind.
know: specifics of process of education in comparison to
socialization processes of the personality;
be able to: to define pedagogical opportunities and efficiency of
application of various methods, receptions, techniques, forms of the
organization of training and education have: the main directions of
pedagogical activity in the conditions of globalization of the
society directed on integration into the world community.
Module 6. General Theoretical Course and Literature
IL 1421
Introduction to Linguistics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : no
Aim: forming linguistic competence. Tasks: mastering basic
knowledge on the origin of the language and its inner structure,
the specific character of the language, consideration of its
functions, mastering mastering the key concepts of the sciences
on the language, the structure of phonetics, phonology,
lexicology, grammar and its components.
Content of the course: It consists of teaching different
classifications and principles of systematization of the languages
of the whole world.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
знать:.knowledge about aims and tasks of the science of the
language, the role of the linguistics in the modern world, the
system of linguistic symbols, the classification of the languages
and the correlation of the languages on the linguistic map of the
be able to: observe the linguistic facts, analyze and generalize
them with the help of different methods of of the linguistic
analysis, use modern dictionaries and handbooks professionally
and use linguistic terminology;
have: linguistic competences.
IRGP 1422
Introduction to Special Philology
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : no
characteristics of modern Germanic and roman languages;
Tasks: Determining the area of their expansion in Europe and
outside Europe, clarification of the object of the Roman-
Germanic languages philology as a scientific and educational
subject, laying the foundation of theoretical training of
Germanists and Romanists-philologists; Content of the
course: The course gives the opportuninty to have an idea about
the basic methods and ways of resarch and practical work in the
field of lexicology.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
знать: the main concepts in the field of theory and history of the
learned language and literature, theory of the philological analysis
of the text, something about history, the modern state of philology
and perspectives of its development;
be able to: be aware of the modern trends of the lexicology
research, use gained knowledge in the field of theory of the
language in scientific-research work;
have: an idea about the basic methods and ways of research and
practical work in the field of lexicology, pragmatic skills in word
use, skills in analyzing a definite linguistic material.
LTLC 3423
Literature of Target Language Country from the
beginning till XX century
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Aim: forming an idea about the object and subject of theory of
literature. . Determining the place of theory of literature in
culture, science, in art sciences, characterize the main concepts in
theory of literature in different schools.
Tasks: determining the cognitive tasks of the subject, giving an
idea about the possibilities of using theory of literature in
journalistic career, teaching the analysis of the text;
Content of the course: The course gives the student opportunity
to gain knowledge on important problems of the theory of
literature and methods of literary analysis. The course contributes
to mastering theory of literature as art of word, ways of
systematic analysis of fiction works, works of writers. The
course introduces new tendencies in home and foreign literature
studies, innovative methods of cognition of the reality.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: form and content of fictions, , general tendencies of the
development of literature, specific character of fictions, methods of
literary analysis of a fiction and determination of individual
peculiarities of the author;
be able to: master theoretical knowledge, allowing to research
tendencies of the development of literature, interpret fiction works
independently on the basis of modern methods, deal with literary
works of home and foreign literature.
have: theoretical – methodical knowledge, allowing to understand
the systematic complex specific character of the subject.
ILS 3424
Introduction to Literary studies
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Aims: forming an idea about the object and subject of theory of
literature. . Determining the place of theory of literature in
culture, science, in art sciences, characterize the main concepts in
theory of literature in different schools.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: form and content of fictions, , general tendencies of the
development of literature, specific character of fictions, methods of
literary analysis of a fiction and determination of individual
Tasks: determining the cognitive tasks of the subject, giving an
idea about the possibilities of using theory of literature in
journalistic career, teaching the analysis of the text;
Content of the course: The course gives the student opportunity
to gain knowledge on important problems of the theory of
literature and methods of literary analysis. The course contributes
to mastering theory of literature as art of word, ways of
systematic analysis of fiction works, works of writers. The
course introduces new tendencies in home and foreign literature
studies, innovative methods of cognition of the reality.
peculiarities of the author;
be able to: master theoretical knowledge, allowing to research
tendencies of the development of literature, interpret fiction works
independently on the basis of modern methods, deal with literary
works of home and foreign literature
have: theoretical – methodical knowledge, allowing to understand
the systematic complex specific character of the subject.
LFC 4425
Literature of Foreign Countries
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : ILS 3423
Aim: Introduction of the main stages of the formation and
development of home and foreign literature;
Tasks: determining the cognitive tasks of the subject, giving an
idea about the possibilities of using theory of literature in
journalistic career, teaching the analysis of the text;
Content of the course: The course gives the student opportunity
to gain knowledge on important problems of the theory of
literature and methods of literary analysis. The course contributes
to mastering theory of literature as art of word, ways of
systematic analysis of fiction works, works of writers. The
course introduces new tendencies in home and foreign literature
studies, innovative methods of cognition of the reality.
The student should use gained knowledge in other subjects, be able
to deal with a definite fiction work in the context of the culture of
a definite country, know the content of the main world fiction
IET 1 Practice and theory of the learned foreign language
Scientific writing
1 credit / 2ECTS
Prerequisites: no
The main objective of development of discipline – to help
students to get acquainted with the principles and to seize
receptions of implementation of the research project
Problems of discipline
to create idea of the basic principles of modern science as
specific form of social activity in a context of formation of
humanitarian knowledge;
to show as justification of rules of scientific activity is connected
with functioning of scientific community, with the directions of
the academic career offered them and forms of scientific
To create idea of an order of the organization of the research
project, to show the skills necessary at each stage of its
implementation – from the formulation of a subject and selection
of sources before text and representation writing to its scientific
Nobility: terminology of the description of the degree or
dissertation project: concepts of a subject, object and problem of
scientific research; technology of implementation and presentation
of the analysis of sources of different types; rules of optimization
of a ratio between a subject and sources; rules of the bibliographic
description; main opportunities of search of research literature;
technologies of scheduling of own research as way to organize
research activity how to represent itself and the scientific work in
certain communities as forms of a statement of the content of work
and as models of conceptualization of a subject;
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