To be able: to work with information: its search, redistribution
and editing in aspect of approach to set (for example, the employer
or scientific community) to a format; to describe research projects:
both own, and the companions on group, other representatives of a
profession in which the student intends to self-actualize.
LBC 2502
Language of Business Communication (1
foreign language)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : BFL 2403
Aim: studying the language of business communication of the
country whose language is learned, its business style, style of
negotiating and doing business.
Tasks: mastering the professional standard of the language
necessary for communication in the modern world of business,
forming the skills of holding negotiations;
Content of the course: The course develops communicative
competences necessary for business communication, extends
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
знать: the main business vocabulary necessary for business
communication and peculiarities of speech behavior in business
be able to: make presentations, to express his/her own opinion,
hold negotiations, write business letters and contracts;
have: basic skills of business communication, as making
presentations, taking part in meetings and negotiations.
appropriate business vocabulary. .
SFLPP 3503
Second Foreign Language for Professional
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FL 2412
Module gives the student the opportunity to acquire knowledge
on the history of linguistic studies, beginning from the origin of
linguistics. The course improves the communicative and
professional competence of students. Teaching the second
language is complex, including further teaching phonetics. At
this stage is laid the foundation of fundamentals of the oral and
written speech. The active vocabulary is extended at this stage.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: the main linguistic units;
be able to : distinguish the similarities and differences with the
first foreign language;
have: practical skills in four linguistic activities: reading, writing,
speaking and listening.
LP 2504
Language of Press (1-st Foreign Language)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : BFL 2403
Aim: studying the language of the press of the country whose
language is learned, its publicistic style, style of newspaper
publications and its stylistic varieties in different means of mass
media - newspapers, advertising, radio and TV.
Tasks: developing of the skills of eliciting and using the
information, taken from the English press.
Content of the course: Consideration of the role of linguistic
factors in creating the specific character of newspaper texts.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: the main vocabulary of the language of the press and
peculiarities of the linguistic behavior;
be able to: : make presentations, express their own view on
different topics;
have:skills in political communication, in making presentations, in
ST(IELTS) 2505
Standardized Tests (IELTS)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Aim: Forming the abilities of intercultural communication,
deepening of productive and receptive linguistic material;
Tasks: mastering the professional standard of the language
necessary for communication in the modern world of business,
forming the skills of holding negotiations;
Content of the course: The course introduces the system of
testing The International English Language Testing System
(IELTS) for the determination of the level of language
competence in English in according to international standards
and requirements of the European certification of the knowledge
of the English language.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: all the aspects of the English language;
be able to: use the necessary volume of the lexical material in all
spheres of life and in different topics;
have: skills in 4 aspects: Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking.
HSL 3506
History of Target Language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: formation at students of idea of the main regularities of
development of English national language, system of English
language during the various historical periods of its development
at phonetic, syntactic, morphological and lexical levels.
Tasks: acquaintance of students with fundamental laws of
language development; characteristics of the main stages of
language development; acquaintance with formation of the
national literary language in connection with nation formation;
acquaintance with the main options of existence of English
Course content: Studying of a course has to give students a fair
idea of those changes which took place in English throughout its
development. The main stages of historical development of
studied language. Formation of system of studied language
during the various historical periods of its development
(phonetics, grammar, lexicon, graphics).
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know: overall picture of English language development in close
connection with history of the English people; characteristics of
phonologic system, grammatical system and the lexicon, caused by
interaction of internal and external factors; know the main
characteristics and tendencies of the English literary language
be able: understand the texts giving an idea of Old English
classical prose, texts in the literary language, reflecting
development of London dialect; be able to show their evolutionary
way which has led to their modern look or a condition on separate
phonologic, morphological, lexical or syntactic units;
have: idea of historical and linguistic conditions of evolution of
English language and reasons of language changes.
TCMEL 3507
Terminological Corpus of Modern English
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : ITPP 2301
Purpose: acquaintance of students with the terminological
corpus of English and formation at students skills of comparison
to other languages.
Tasks: knowledge of the basic principles of comparison of
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know: basic principles of comparison of various languages and
their classification;
various languages and their classification, possession of skills of
comparison of the terminological corpus of modern English with
other languages.
Course content: This course is devoted to questions of research
of the terminological corpus of modern English and the cognitive
processes which are taking place at reconsideration of terms and
their transition from special professional spheres of the use in
common language
be able: to establish properties, characteristic for language in
general, and lines of concrete languages;
have: skills of comparison of the terminological corpus of modern
English with other languages.
Academic reading (1st Foreign Language)
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
professional competences of students.
Tasks: adequate understanding and critical analysis of explicit
and implicit information of all types of texts; possession of skills
of conducting the foreign-language professionally focused
communication in the academic and scientific environment.
Course content: acquaintance with concept of scientific
academic communication, forming of idea of culture of the
academic communication and national and cultural specific of
speech behavior in the academic environment.
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know: adequate understanding and critical analysis of explicit and
implicit information of all types of texts;
be able to: creatively to express the thoughts in different
composite and speech types and types of written discourse in the
professional purposes;
have: skills of conducting the foreign-language professionally
environment, including professionally focused speaking in a
monological and dialogical format, reading and the analysis of the
academic and popular scientific texts.
The System of Styles and Norms in Modern
English language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: acquaint students with different language styles and
types of the stylistic and lexico- grammatical analysis of the text.
Tasks: learn stylistic features and use it in the theory and
practice fully.
Course content: the course covers systems of styles and norm
in modern English
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know: adequate understanding and critical analysis of explicit and
implicit information of all types of texts;
FLSP 4510
Foreign language for Special Purposes (1
Foreign language)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: prepare students for communication in oral and written
forms, both in professional, and in social communication
spheres, open before students possibility of a foreign language as
source of expansion of their language, informative and cross-
cultural competences.
Tasks: Development in students of perception of a foreign
language as source of information and foreign-language
communication medium for its use for formation of own
statements and understanding of other people.
Course content: The course is directed on training of students in
the basic grammatical rules, expansion of a lexical stock,
development of skills of audition for possession of oral, written
language and studying by terminology in the specialty. The
course is directed on training of students in skills of
communication on various general and educational and
professional subjects.
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know the main lingvo-pragmatical, standard and theoretical
questions of development of English language; spelling, orthoepic,
lexical, grammatical norms of the second foreign language.
Be able to: use methods of the lexical and grammatical and
stylistic analysis of the text.
have main bases of communicative intercultural competences
taking into account all types of speech activity (speaking, writing,
listening, reading).
FCL 4511
Fundamentals of Contrastive Linguistics
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : FLAP 4411
Purpose: acquaint the student with the main concepts, terms
framework, tasks and methods of contrastive (comparative)
linguistics, its current state.
Tasks: Studying of theoretical works on contrastive linguistics,
development of skills of detection of similarities and distinctions
in compared languages, use of linguistic classifications for the
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know features of phraseological structure of modern English, a
way of its development, regularity of functioning of phraseological
units in different types of texts.
be able to distinguish similarities and distinctions of languages in
contrastive description of languages.
Course content: the course helps students to distinguish
similarities and distinctions of languages in lingvodidactic and
lingvocultural aspects.
lingvodidactic and lingvocultural aspects.
have lexicography and phrazeography questions, practical
questions of translation of phraseological units and their adequate
GL 3512
General Linguistics
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FTTFL 3417
Purpose: forming of complete idea of object and subject of the
theory of language, linguistic terminology.
Tasks: develop foreign-language communicative competence in
students, improve communicative abilities in four main types of
speech activity and teach to plan the speech and nonverbal
Course content: The course gives the chance to the student to
acquire knowledge of the most important problems of the theory
of language and methods of the linguistic analysis, expands
knowledge of regularities of development and language
functioning. The course acquaints with the new directions in
domestic and foreign linguistics, innovative methods of
knowledge of reality.
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know the main lingvo-pragmatical, standard and theoretical
questions of development of English language; spelling, orthoepic,
lexical, grammatical norms of the second foreign language.
Be able to: use methods of the lexical and grammatical and
stylistic analysis of the text.
have main bases of communicative intercultural competences
taking into account all types of speech activity (speaking, writing,
listening, reading).
IET 2 The Theory And Practice Of Teaching
Scientific writing
1 credit / 2ECTS
Prerequisites: no
The main objective of development of discipline – to help
students to get acquainted with the principles and to seize
receptions of implementation of the research project
Problems of discipline
to create idea of the basic principles of modern science as
specific form of social activity in a context of formation of
humanitarian knowledge;
to show as justification of rules of scientific activity is connected
with functioning of scientific community, with the directions of
the academic career offered them and forms of scientific
To create idea of an order of the organization of the research
project, to show the skills necessary at each stage of its
implementation – from the formulation of a subject and selection
of sources before text and representation writing to its scientific
Nobility: terminology of the description of the degree or
dissertation project: concepts of a subject, object and problem of
scientific research; technology of implementation and presentation
of the analysis of sources of different types; rules of optimization
of a ratio between a subject and sources; rules of the bibliographic
description; main opportunities of search of research literature;
technologies of scheduling of own research as way to organize
research activity how to represent itself and the scientific work in
certain communities as forms of a statement of the content of work
and as models of conceptualization of a subject;
To be able: to work with information: its search, redistribution
and editing in aspect of approach to set (for example, the employer
or scientific community) to a format; to describe research projects:
both own, and the companions on group, other representatives of a
profession in which the student intends to self-actualize.
PCBE 2502
Practical Course in Business English
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : BFL 1402
Purpose: skills possession of sociocultural and cross-cultural
communication; overcoming of a language barrier and
development of sure oral speech in situations of business
communication, communication with mass media in English.
Tasks: form and develop a lexicon / special terms and
idiomatic expressions/; improve understanding of oral speech of
informant (native speakers) of English aurally, including
perception of the speech transferred through media carriers
(video, audio, conference communication, etc.)
Course content: The course is directed on formation of skills of
conducting business conversation, and also on simultaneous
development of rules of office etiquette (speech, behavioural),
development and improvement of abilities which provide
communication, thus speech reaction has to have character of the
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know: official style in registration of official papers; principles of
conducting business conversation, rule of business telephone
conversation, etiquette.
be able to: expand the volume of linguistic and cultural
knowledge, skills and the abilities connected with adequate use of
language means and rules of speech and nonverbal behavior
according to norms in the countries of studied language
to have: necessary knowledge and practical abilities for English
use in various fields of activity of the businessman; to form interest
to professional communication and activity for the purpose of
conscious professional self-determination.
dialogical and monological statement.
PCSC 3503
Practical Course in Speech Communication (2nd
foreign language)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FL 2412
Purpose: acquaintance with language styles and receptions of
studying of expressional means of language.
Tasks: enrichment of scientific outlook of students, acquisition
of the skills necessary in their scientific and educational and
professional activity, improvement of oral informal language.
Course content: the course teaches students to skills of stylistic
editing of the text; to communicative qualities of good speech:
accuracy, clarities, expressiveness, relevance.
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know: universal receptions of language creation of literary works,
and also general regularities of creation of the text.
be able to: understand a role of lexical and syntactic units of
modern English.
have: skills of stylistic editing of the text; communicative qualities
of good speech: accuracy, clarity, expressiveness, relevance.
SPV 2504
Socio-political Vocabulary (1st foreign
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : BFL 2403
Purpose: investigate publicistic style and its genre types.
Tasks: enrichment of outlook of students, acquisition of the
skills necessary in their professional activity, improvement of
oral informal language.
Course content: The course considers assimilation of the
professional language standard necessary for communication in
the modern social and political world, development of skills of
extraction and use of information received from the English-
speaking press.
The results of teaching the module: The student should:
know: functional-stylistic differentiation of the language;
be able to: separate the synonymic and antonymic series; analyze
анализировать the structure of the word and models of word
choose and use adequately lexical units depending on the context;
use the phraseological units and idioms;
choose and adequately use category forms and other grammar
forms in the text;
have: the ability to make the linguistic analysis of the text;
an idea about the rules of speech etiquette, ethical and moral rules
of etiquette, skills in using the linguistic units in the scientific field
of speech in a normative and stylistic correct way.
Standardized tests (FCE)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: acquaint the student with the new FCE version.
Tasks: teach the student skills of written language, synthesizing
and estimating information within studied speech subject with
observance of logic of statement.
Course content: the course learns to use the main skills of
possession of English according to the international standards.
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