The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know system of testing of First Certificate at the rate of FCE.
be able to use the main skills of possession of English according to
the international standards.
have 5 aspects: Audition (Listening), Reading (Reading), Letter
(Writing) and Communication (Speaking), Lexicon and Grammar
(Use of English).
DETL 3506
Diachronic and Evolution of Target language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: acquaint students with the main concepts and
regularities of evolution of language, stages of development of
language, and also its condition of phonetic, lexical and
grammatical systems at each stage of its development and
methods of modern diachronic linguistics.
Tasks: characteristics of the main stages of historical
development of language; the analysis of formation of English
language system during the various historical periods of its
development in phonetic, syntactic, morphological and lexical
Course content: the course covers nature of typological
transformation of English in diachrony, chronology of system
transformations of English and a problem of periodization of its
history, variability of language during the Old English period,
Anglo-Saxon dialects, written monuments of the Old English
period, the main stages of historical development of studied
language, formation of studied language system during the
various historical periods of its development (phonetics,
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know: the main conceptual device of linguistics, the basic facts and
processes in the history of English and their influence on modern
be able to: carry out the linguistic analysis of texts of the various
periods of language development, use knowledge in the field of
comparative-historical linguistics for detection of similarity and
distinction of studied language with other languages;
have: idea of evolution conditions of English; the reasons of
language changes in phonologic, morphological, lexical, syntactic
grammar, lexicology, graphics).
PCEL 3507
Phraseological Corpus Of English Language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : ITPP 2301
Purpose: Acquaintance with theoretical works on contrastive
Tasks: teach skills of detection of similarities and distinctions in
compared languages, use linguistic classifications for the
contrastive description of languages, study features of
phraseological structure of modern English, a way of its
development, regularity of functioning of phraseological units in
different types of texts.
Course content: Within a course features of phraseological
structure of modern English, a way of its development, regularity
of functioning of phraseological units in different types of texts,
and their adequate use are studied
The competences mastered as a result of studying of the module:
the student has to
know: main concepts, terminological apparatus, tasks and methods
of contrastive (comparative) linguistics, its current state;
be able to: distinguish features of phraseological structure of
modern English, a way of its development, regularity of
functioning of phraseological units in different types of texts;
have skills to reveal features of phraseological structure of modern
English and ability to compare different languages.
AW 3508
Academic Writing (1-st Foreign Language)
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: to know lexical, grammatical, stylistic, composite and
pragmatical features of scientific-theoretical texts;
Tasks: to form communicative intercultural and professional
competence of students and to acquaint them with main types of
a scientific genre.
Maintenance of a course: creation of idea of laws of
construction academic (scientific, professional) text.
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
to know: lexical, grammatical, stylistic, composite and pragmatical
features of scientific-theoretical texts;
to be able: to create language and speech skills and abilities on
writing of scientific-theoretical texts with observance of genre and
stylistic features of texts of this type;
to have: to use corpuses and programs konkordanser as effective
remedies for the solution of language tasks.
FSEL 3509
Functional Stylistics of English language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: Mastering by the prepared and unprepared dialogical
and monological speech according to speech subject and the
communication sphere.
Task: formation of cross-cultural competence through
systematization of skills and abilities on the basis of a speech
communicative material.
Maintenance of a course: the course helps students to take
control of universal receptions of language creation of literary
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
to know this course stylistic variability, and also the general
regularities of creation of the text also acquaints students with
language styles and receptions of studying of expressional means
of language.
to be able to distinguish and use functional styles of language in
oral and written language.
to own universal receptions of language creation of literary works.
FLPP 4510
Foreign language for Professional purposes
Foreign language)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: Development in students of perception of a foreign
language as source of information and foreign-language
communication medium for its use for formation of own
statements and understanding of other people.
Tasks: To prepare students for communication in oral and
written forms, both in professional, and in social communication
spheres, to open before students of possibility of a foreign
language as source of expansion of their language, informative
and cross-cultural competences.
Maintenance of a course: The course is directed on training of
students in the basic grammatical rules, expansion of a lexical
stock, development of skills of audition for possession of oral,
written language and studying by terminology in the specialty.
Levels: (Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Advanced).
The course is directed on training of students in skills of
communication on various general and educational and
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
to know: norms of the literary language in the theory and in
practice, achievements professional the focused level of an training
to be able: to read and take necessary information from authentic
texts of various genres, leaning on the studied materials and
sociocultural knowledge; to use knowledge of bases of the theory
of studied foreign languages in professional activity;
to have an oral and written form of studied foreign languages in
their various functional styles and genres, conceptual model of
communication, to have idea of the main thesis and its place in
speech work, to know about language and technical registration;
professional subjects.
FTR 4511
Fundamentals of Typological Research
2 credits /3 ECTS
Prerequisites : FLAP 4411
Purpose: studying of bases of the conceptual device of
linguistic typology, questions of historical typology, principles of
the typological analysis of languages of a various system.
Task: To teach the student to establish properties, characteristic
for language in general, and lines of concrete languages which
become more distinctly noticeable against comparison to other
Maintenance of a course: the course covers research contrastive
linguistics and phraseology of modern English
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
to know bases of the conceptual device of linguistic typology
to be able to investigate the terminological case of modern English
and cognitive processes.
to own the basic principles of comparison of various languages and
their classifications.
HLS 3512
History of
Linguistic Studies
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FTTFL 3417
Purpose: to give the chance to the student to acquire knowledge
of history of linguistic doctrines, since linguistics origin in
ancient India, Ancient Greece. The course acquaints students
with the Alexandria school of grammar, grammar of the Time of
the Grand piano.
Task: to teach the main language units according to regularities
of their variation.
Maintenance of a course: The module is directed also on
further improvement of communicative and all-professional
competences of students. Training in the second foreign language
has the complex character including further training in phonetics.
During this period possession of oral and written language are
laid the foundation. The language material is characterized by
standard correctness. The active dictionary goes deep and
Studying of the linguistic concept of V. Humboldt, comparative-
historical linguistics, mladogrammatizm, Ferdinand de Saussure,
L.V.Shcherby, Baudouin de Kurtene's views. The module
acquaints with history of the Soviet and domestic linguistics.
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
to know: the main language units according to regularities of their
to be able: to distinguish developments of linguistic doctrines and
scientific researches on the specified course.
to have: practical skills in various thinking, methods of the
linguistic analysis.
IET 3 Training: technique and analysis
Scientific writing
1 credit / 2ECTS
Prerequisites: no
The main objective of development of discipline – to help
students to get acquainted with the principles and to seize
receptions of implementation of the research project
Problems of discipline
to create idea of the basic principles of modern science as
specific form of social activity in a context of formation of
humanitarian knowledge;
to show as justification of rules of scientific activity is connected
with functioning of scientific community, with the directions of
the academic career offered them and forms of scientific
To create idea of an order of the organization of the research
project, to show the skills necessary at each stage of its
implementation – from the formulation of a subject and selection
of sources before text and representation writing to its scientific
Nobility: terminology of the description of the degree or
dissertation project: concepts of a subject, object and problem of
scientific research; technology of implementation and presentation
of the analysis of sources of different types; rules of optimization
of a ratio between a subject and sources; rules of the bibliographic
description; main opportunities of search of research literature;
technologies of scheduling of own research as way to organize
research activity how to represent itself and the scientific work in
certain communities as forms of a statement of the content of work
and as models of conceptualization of a subject;
To be able: to work with information: its search, redistribution
and editing in aspect of approach to set (for example, the employer
or scientific community) to a format; to describe research projects:
both own, and the companions on group, other representatives of a
profession in which the student intends to self-actualize.
BC 2503
Business correspondence
3 credits /5 ECTS
Purpose: To prepare students for carrying out effective
communication during business communication in standard
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
Prerequisites : BFL 2403
situations of the business sphere: to break barriers in
communication, it was able to conduct business conversation,
negotiations, meetings, not to allow the interlocutor to operate
itself, successfully to address to audience.
Tasks: to develop the general outlook, a view of prospect; to
develop logical thinking at students; to form motivations on the
best knowledge of a foreign language.
Maintenance of a course: the course gives the chance to
students to understand modern production, ethical and
psychological requirements to the main forms of business
communication: conversation, negotiations, office meetings,
business correspondence.
to know: To understand modern production, ethical and
psychological requirements to the main forms of business
communication: conversation, negotiations, office meetings,
business correspondence. To behave cultural in establishments, in
public places, on business receptions.
to be able: to follow the moral principles, to norms and etiquette
rules. To write business letters esthetically correctly, to be able
correctly to speak by phone.
to have: To make the plan of conversation, a meeting, negotiations.
PG 3503
Practical Grammar (2nd foreign language)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : FL 2412
Purpose: to give to students of knowledge of theoretical and
practical bases of grammar of the second foreign language;
formation of skills of conducting business conversation
Task: formation at students of language competence, sufficient
for professional written and oral business communication in
English; to use foreign language in interpersonal communication
and professional activity.
Maintenance of a course: the course helps to take control of the
second foreign language in an oral and written form for
communication implementation in educational, scientific,
professional and welfare spheres of communication
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
To know: the main concepts and terms in English, connected with
the theory and business practice.
To be able: to put into practice a language material for discussion
of the questions connected with business subject;
To have: the second foreign language in an oral and written form
for communication implementation in educational, scientific,
professional and welfare spheres of communication
MWMMP 2504
Methods of Work with Mass Media Publication
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : BFL 2403
Purpose: to teach to estimate the importance of arguments, to
separate opinion from the fact, beautiful history from the actual
Tasks: To acquaint students with modern English, to teach
students to read, take information from the text, to conduct
conversation, to do messages on a newspaper material, to carry
out a political information and "Press conferences"; that serves
activization of intersubject communications;
Maintenance of a course: Work with the newspaper is aimed at
the development of critical thinking in students, and its task to
show that there can be absolutely different points of view on the
same problem that newspaper article the purpose can have an
advance of a certain point of view. Careful selection of a material
taking into account its relevance, information and ideological and
political importance, suitability for discussion and retelling;
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
to know: to make the short review of a number of newspaper
articles; to read, take information from the text, to conduct
conversation, to learn to find in signatures under photographic
materials the most common newspaper expressions and a cliche, to
give them equivalents;
to be able: to deal with the general structure of newspapers, with
placement of materials published in them, headings available in
newspapers; to learn to look through newspapers, paying attention
to headings of articles and the blocks of the text gathered by the
allocated font to receive general idea from number; the student has
to be able to analyze newspaper headings which have the language
features: often articles, quotes fall, syntax becomes simpler,
infinitive turns of the purpose and so on are used.
to have: to do messages on a newspaper material;
ST(TOEFL) 2505
Standardized tests (TOEFL)
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: to acquaint with the international system of testing of
TOEFL for definition of level of knowledge of English according
to the international standards and requirements of the European
certification of knowledge.
Tasks: acquaintance and practical work of students with tests on
the 4th aspects: audition, reading, letter and talking; (fast and
effective reading the academic texts, accurate and right
expression of thoughts in writing, carrying out independent
researches, development of skills of critical thinking, skills of
carrying out oral presentations and participation in seminars,
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has
To know properly knowledge of the lexical, grammatical
phenomena and regularities of language, including the cognitive
organization and ways of storage of knowledge of the language
phenomena, availability (extraction from long-term memory, use);
to have intellectual and emotional development of the personality,
to seize the cognitive receptions developing readiness for
communicative and cogitative activity on the basis of problem
tasks, knowledge of research actions.
effective making an abstract)
HDEL 3506
Historical Development of English Language
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : SFLGP 3409
Purpose: formation at students of idea of the main regularities
of historical development of English national language, English
system during the various historical periods of its development at
phonetic, syntactic, morphological and lexical levels.
Tasks: acquaintance of students to fundamental laws of
historical development of language; characteristics of the main
stages of development of language;
Contents: Studying of a course has to give to students a fair idea
of an English origin, of the main stages of historical development
of studied language, of formation of system of studied language
during the various historical periods of its development.
Results of training mastered as a result of module studying: the
student has to
to know: overall picture of development of English in close
connection with history of the English people; characteristics of
phonologic system, grammatical system and the lexicon, caused by
interaction of internal and external factors; to know the main
characteristics and tendencies of development of the English
literary language.
to be able: to understand texts; to be able to show their
evolutionary way which has led to their modern look or a condition
on separate phonologic, morphological, lexical or syntactic units;
to analyze
to have: idea of historical and linguistic conditions of evolution of
English and reasons of language changes.
MEL 3507
Modern English Lexicography
3 credits /5 ECTS
Prerequisites : ITPP 2301
Purpose: formation of lexicographic competence at students
Tasks: understanding of requirement of the appeal to the
dictionary for the solution of informative and communicative
tasks; ability to choose the necessary lexicographic edition taking
into account its type and a genre; ability to perceive the text of
the dictionary and to take from it necessary information on the
word; ability to compare various dictionaries.
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