Lesson 9
ГРАММАТИКА: Выражение вероятности действия при помощи модаль
ных глаголов.
Section I
Ex. 1. Pronounce the following words:
go, green, agree, flag, game, garden, glass,
good, great, grey, grow, gram, gas, group,
organic, negative
g + e, i, У
agent, gentle, g/ant, age, change, general,
arrange, genius, hydrogen, halogen, oxygen,
large, gymnasium, gyration, gypsum
but: [g]
give, get, girl, together
long, strong, among, young, interesting,
coating, according, prolong
nk, nc
pink, drink, think, thank, distinct
question, quick, quiet, quarter, quite, quartz,
require, liquid, equipment, quantity
u’nique, tcch'nique
b) chlorine [kb:'nn], hydrochloric ['haidrao'klonk], iodatc [’aiddeit], iodine
[’ai9di:n], alcohol [’aslkohol], halogen [ЪжЫзэп], saltpeter [’so:lt.pi:to], violet
['vaiolit], triiodide [trafaiodaid]
Ex. 2. Read the following words and say, what Russian words help to
understand their meaning.
halogen, unique, molcculc, chlorine, manufacture, electrolysis,
chloride, bromine, cficct, agent, iodine, ion, iodatc, conccntratc, lustre,
violet, chloroform, indicate, alcohol
Ex. 3. Pay attention to the following way оГ word-building:
основа слова + -ine [i:n] —»существительное, глагол
chlorinc, bromine, iodine, hydrazine, examine, determine
основа слова + -ine [atn] —> ирнлагателыюе
crystalline, alkaline
dis- + основа слова —»придает отрицательное значение, указы
вает на лишение, отделение, разделение
discover, dissolve, disappear, disperse, disadvantage, disagreeable,
Приставки. o({означающие количество
perchloric (acid)
E x. 4. D eterm ine w h at p a r t o f speech th e following w ords belong to a n d
find th e ir m eaning in a dictionary.
undergo, touch upon, irritate, volatile, disagreeable, saltpeter, lustre,
pain, sore, spill, skin, throat, Chile, tincturc, hydrochloric, treat with, brine,
gentle, keep
E x. S. D efine th e m ean in g o f th e italicized w ords.
1. Oil is callcd petroleum by the English. 2. Olive oil is used for cooking.
3. Iodine is an almost black crystalline solid with a slightly metallic lustre.
4. A beautiful lustre was hanging in the room. 5. Men arc usually stronger
than women. 6. A strong solution of sodium chloride was prepared.
Text 9 A
The Halogens
Halogens may have interested chemists since early times, for they
possess unique properties. They must have interested scientists as all of
them, F2, Cl>, Br2 and I2, consist of diatomic molecules. We arc going to
touch upon some of their properties in what follows.
Chlorinc (from Greek “chloros”, greenish-yellow), the most common
of the halogens is a greenish-yellow gas with a sharp irritating odour. It
was first made by ihc Swedish chcmist K. W. Schccic in 1774, by the action
of manganese dioxide on hydrochloric acid. It is now manufactured on a
large scale by the electrolysis of a strong solution of sodium chloridc.
The element bromine (from Greek “bromos”, stench) occurs in the
form of compounds in small quantities in seawater and in natural salt
deposits. It is an easily volatile, dark reddish-brown liquid with a strong
disagreeable odour and an irritating cficct on the eyes and throat. It may
producc painful sores when spilled on the skin. The free clement can be
made by treating a bromide with an oxidizing agent, such as chlorinc.
The clement iodine (from Greek “iodcs”, violet) occurs as iodide ion,
I2, in very small quantities in seawater, and, as sodium iodatc, NalOj, in
deposits of Chile saltpeter. It is made commercially from sodium iodatc
obtained from saltpeter, from kelp, which conccntratcs it from seawater,
and from oil-well brines.
The free element is an almost black crystalline solid with a slightly
metallic lustre. On gentle warming it gives a beautiful blue-violet vapour.
Its solutions in chloroform, carbon tctrachloridc, and carbon disulphidc
arc also bluc-violct in colour, indicating that the molecules I2 in these
solutions closely resemble the gas molecules. The solutions of iodine in
water containing potassium iodide and in alcohol (tincturc o f iodine) arc
brown; this changc in colour suggests that the iodine molecules have
undergone chcmical reaction in these solutions. The brown compound
potassium-triiodidc, is present in the first solution, and a compound
with alcohol in the second.
Words and Word-Combinations to Be Memorized
alcohol, bromine, chloride, chlorine, common, diatomic, follow, be going
to, halogen, hydrochloric acid, iodide, iodine, lustre, manganese, oil, possess,
potassium, producc, quantity, on a large scale, sharp, sodium, suggest, tincture,
touch, treat, unique, volatile
. Give the Russian equivalents for the following:
sincc early times, interest smb., possess unique properties, diatomic
molecules, be going to, greenish-yellow, a sharp irritating odour, hydro
chloric acid, be manufactured on a large scalc, a strong solution, occur in
the form of compounds, a small quantity, natural salt deposits, be volatile,
treat smth. with an oxidizing agent, a black crystalline solid, a slightly
metallic lustre, on warming, resemble gas molcculcs, undergo chcmical
reaction, be present in solution
Ex. 7. Give the English equivalents for the following:
галоген, состоять из двухатомных молекул, соляная кислота, в
больших масштабах, электролиз раствора, раствор хлорида натрия,
в морской воде, быть летучим, обладать уникальными свойствами,
3 Степаном
окислитель, встречаться, в очень малых количествах, получать из
морской воды, элемент в свободном состоянии, кристаллическое
твердое вещество, металлический блеск, раствор йода в спирте, под
вергаться реакции, находиться в растворе, предполагать (наводить
на мысль)
. Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary.
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