Ш. Ш. УӘлиханов атындағы тарих және этнология институты

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p. 367-376; Lanier L. L' Asie Centrale. Choix de lectures de Geographic. P., 1899; Rocca F. de. Les
possesions Russes dans L'Asie Centrale / / Revue Britanique. 1877, vol. 3, no 6, p. 389-459; Stumm
H. Russia in Central Asia. Historical Scetch o f Russia's progress in the East up to 1873. L., 1885;
Wartenbury G. de La penetration Russe en Asie. P., 1900 etc.
112 H illS. S. Travels in Siberia. L., 1854, vol. 1, p. 195; Trench F. The Russo-Idian question. L.,
1869, p. 1; Towle G. M. The Russians in the East / / The Atlantic Monthly. (Boston), 1875. July,
p. 71-72; Curzon G. N. Russia in Central Asia in 1899 and the Anglo-Russian question, 2nd ed. L.,
1899, p. 392; Schierbrand W. Ph. Russia: Her strength and her weakness. A study o f the present
conditions o f the Russian Empire. N. Y., 1904, p. 13, 25 etc.
113 Bouldger D. Ch. England and Russia in Central Asia, vol. 1. L., 1879; Idem. Central Asian
questions. Essays on Afghanistan, China and Central Asia. L., 1885; Krausse A. Russia in Asia. A
Record and Study. 1558-1889. L., 1899; Serine F. H. The Expansion o f Russia. 1815-1909. L., 1903.
114 Courant M. L’ Asie Centrale aux XVIIe et XVlIIe siecles. Empire Kalmouk ou Empire
Mantchou? Lyon; P., 1912, p. 66, 126, 128.
115 Венюков M. Новые английские сочинения о Средней А зии / / Русский инвалид.
1876, N 234.
116 R a e ff М. Siberia and the reforms of 1822. Seattle, 1956, p. 27, 67, 106.
117 R a e ff M. Patterns o f Russian Imperial policy towards the nationalities / / Soviet nationality
problems. N. Y., L., 1971, p. 28-30, 38-40.
118 Hoetzch O. Russland in Asien. Stuttgart, 1966, s. 25-27, 47-49, 101-102.

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