The article is devoted to one of the particular issues of comparative study of languages – the
meanings and Kazakh “суық” in their metaphorical conceptualizations. The authors of the article
rely on the main thesis of the cognitive theory of metaphor, developed by J. Lakoff, his idea boils
down to the following: metaphorization processes are based on the processing of knowledge
structures - frames and scripts. The knowledge realized in frames and scenarios is a generalized
experience of human interaction with the outside world - both with the world of objects and with
To describe the metaphorization processes of meteorological vocabulary, it is necessary to
identify the initial semantic meaning of lexical units belonging to the thematic group of coolness,
Вестник КГУ им. Ш. Уалиханова ISSN 1608-2206 Серия филологическая, № 4, 2019
The present research work follows the basic fundamentals of Conceptual Metaphor Theory
(CMT) [1]. Over the last thirty years, studies on metaphor have been playing a crucial role in
cognitive linguistics, a development of which began with the proposed theory of Lakoff and
Johnson’s in their monography “Metaphors We Live By”. Goatly A., the linguist who made a
valuable contribution to the description of metaphors, in his book The Language of Metaphors [2,
15-16], he defines the metaphor as follows: A metaphor arises when a discourse unit is used as an
unconventional reference to an object, process or concept, or is encountered in an unconventional
way and also when this unconventional act of exile or collision is interpreted according to the main
similarities, correspondences or analogies with the participation of the ordinary referent or the
colligate of the unit and the actual non-traditional referent or the colligate [2].
Modern cognitive linguistics considers a metaphor not a figure of speech designed to decorate
speech and make an image more understandable, but a form of thinking.
Accordingly, the cognitive function of metaphor stands out as the main one, that is, the function of
processing information. It should be clarified that the cognitive function is the main, but not the
only function of the metaphorical model [3, 21].
A language metaphor is easily replaced by literal equivalents, which is not possible with
respect to metaphor in prose which violates the usual taxonomy of objects, while a linguistic
metaphor verbalizes the logical-conceptual system in a language, i.e. a metaphor in prose reflects
the individual picture of the world of its creator or author, and the linguistic metaphor reflects the
general linguistic [4, 43].
The main thesis of the cognitive theory of metaphor comes down to the following idea:
metaphorization processes are based on the processing of knowledge structures, which are
described in categories of frames and scenarios in one of the meta-languages of cognitive science.
The knowledge recorded in the human cognitive system in the form of frames and scenarios is a
generalized experience of human interaction with the outside world - both with the world of objects
and with society [5, 16].
So, at present, the problem of metaphor has gone out of the rhetoric, where it originally
existed as one of the tropes, stepped over the boundaries of linguistic stylistics (where it was studied
as a means of creating expressive coloring of the text) and moved to a fairly comprehensive
laboratory, becoming the subject of research of the above related to linguistics disciplines [6, 63].
In domestic linguistics, a model of the semantic (seminal) structure of nuclear materials
developed by V.G. Gak on the example of a metaphor, a fox is a cunning person. The nominative
(initial) LZ of the word fox has a certain set of sem categorical archisem A (animated creature) +
clan seme B (animal) + species differentiating seme C (quality assigned to the fox is a tricky). The
following semantic transformations lead to metaphorization: the elimination of the family and
species sem and the actualization of potential seme [7].
Metaphorical models are models of the transition from propositional or figurative-schematic
models of one area to the corresponding structure of another area. Metaphorical transfer assumes
the presence of a source region and a target region. In the transfer process, the structure of the
source region model is transferred to the corresponding structure of the target region. For example,
the “channel” metaphor allows you to move from knowledge about moving objects in containers to
understanding communication as moving ideas in words [8].
Сorpus analysis revealed interlanguage matches/correspondences or so called equivalent and
non-equivalent metaphorical conceptualizations of cold in English and Kazakh Languages.
To investigate non-literal meaning of coldness in Kazakh language we applied to Kazakh
Corpus where for the entry суық /cold we found 365 entries, 38 documents
[Қияқ шабарман суық хабар әкелген…] trans. they brought cold news, суық хабар (cold) =
bad news (unpleasant);
Ш. Уәлиханов атындағы КМУ хабаршысы ISSN 1608-2206 Филология сериясы. № 4, 2019
[...сұлу мұртты Жәнібек пен жалаңаш қанжардай түсі суық Керейге көз қиығын аудард
ы]. Zhanibek got a glimpse at severe, stern Kereу…. түсі суық = stern (tough) appearance;
[...кірпік астынан қадалған суық жанарға мысқыл шапты] суық жанар = cold eyes/look;
[Ал тілеулес ағайынның әзір суық сөзі естілмейді…]
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