UDC 372.881.111.1
Еeacher of English FL, Bissengaliyeva A.M
NIS Atyrau
Жұмыстың жалпы сипаттамасы. Жұмыстың кіріспе бөлімінде зерттеудің өзектілігі,
мақсаты мен міндеттері, нысаны, зерттеу барысында қолданылған әдістер, зерттеудің
теориялық және практикалық құндылығы айқындалады. Негізгі бөлімде білім беру
жүйесіндегі әң әдісі алатын орны, мектепте оқушылардың ауызекі сөйлесу әрекеттерін
белсендіру мен қарқынды дамытудың, сапалы әрі тиімді жолы ретінде ән әдісің пайдаланып
оқыту технологиясын ағылшын тілі сабағында қолдану жолдары ғылыми-теориялық
тұрғыдан баяндалған. Екінші бөлімде зерттеу жұмыстардың әдістемесі мен материалдары
талқыланған. Әң әдісі оқыту технологиясын енгізе отырып оқушылардың тілге
қызығушылығын арттыру тәсілдері айтылған. Зерттеу тәжірбиелік жұмыстарының
нәтижелері берілген. Қорытындыда жалпы жұмыстың мазмұны педагогикалық, әдістемелік
теориялар мен дидактикалық қағидаларды басшылыққа ала отырып жасалғандығы
Существует много способов обучения и преподавания языка. Одним из наиболее
эффективных методов являются песни. В этой исследовательской работе рассматривается
вопрос о роли песен, которую они играют в изучении иностранного языка. Представлено
руководство для успешного использования песен и анализируется роль песен в подготовке
учащихся к коммуникации.
Introduction. Nowadays learning of English is very popular. There are
different ways of learning foreign language culture. One of them is singing activity.
First of all, let us give definition of this term.
The song is as one of the most important kinds of musical creativity thanks to
existence of the verbal text. It is capable most precisely to reflect imaginary to
various parties of social life of the people; to influence intelligence, emotions of
learners, their figurative and art memory; to promote esthetic education of pupils.
It is known that the song, especially authentic, is an important element of any
language and therefore deserves the closest attention. Also it’s very effective way of
repetition of a language material, especially at the senior grade level.
The goal of the study – to execute the practice-focused project: to pick up
interesting approach to English studying through using of song materials at the
Statement of the problem - Do the songs help to learn English better? There
is a step by step guide how to make effective singing activity that can help learners to
understand how they can learn language of English people.
The research questions for this study:
studying of methodical literature on a subject;
allocation of a basic lexical and grammatical material within each song and
selection of exercises together with the head of work;
systematization of the selected material;
attitude of students toward the learning of second language before and after
using singing activity;
We were guided by S. V. Perkas's methodical recommendations, E.V.
Izmaylova, etc. in a choice of interesting tasks. Lyrics were selected on authentic
English studying by means of songs promotes development of skills of the
communicative speech of students, gives the chance to seize sound system of
English: its phoneme structure, rhythm, intonation. Songs focus students on the
statement of own opinion, the relation to the heard. Besides, songs enrich a lexical
stock of pupils, recover teaching, develop sense of beauty, causing positive emotions,
and serve the best assimilation of culture of the countries of learned language [1].
Using of a song material helps the best assimilation of a language material.
Depending on a methodical problem of a separate stage of the lesson the song
material is used [2]:
- for phonetic charging at the initial stage of a lesson;
-at a stage of introduction, primary fixing, and also training of pupils in the use of a
lexical and grammatical material;
-at any stage of the lesson as incentive for development of speech skills and abilities;
- as some kind of relaxation in the middle or at the end of the lesson when the
discharge removing stress and restoring them working capacity is necessary for
Lessons with application of a song are usually conducted in special situation
than usual lessons. For example, students can sit down in a circle; it is also possible
to conduct similar lessons in assembly halls. Songs are selected by the same
principle, as texts for home reading: they have to be authentic, available in
information and language plans, problematic, actual, and also are melodious, but the
main thing, they have to correspond to the age features of students.
Using songs at English lessons. Principle of selection of a song material.
The principles of selection of a song material:
the principle of authenticity providing expansion of a lingual country studying
outlook of students; according to this principle point of selection of a song material
starts from national songs, short songs, rhyming serve;
the principle of impact on the emotional and motivational sphere of the
personality taking into account age features and interests of students (it allows to
allocate from a large number of a song material compositions with a bright,
memorable melody);
the principle of methodical value for formation and improvement of speech
skills and abilities which is provided with compliance of a song material to scope of
oral speech and reading at this grade level.
Foreign-language singing at the lessons shouldn't be reduced to simple learning and
performance of songs. Its efficiency sharply increases if the contents of the song are
somehow connected with the maintenance of a material [3] studied at the lesson.
Work on the songs can be conditionally divided into some aspects (this
division is very conditional):
- The grammatical
- Phonetic
- Technical (ways of storing of the maintenance of a song)
- Lexical
- Socio cultural
At the lessons we learn to use verbal forms of different times. For example, in
English there are irregular verbs, which forms we can remember singing some
phrases of songs. Very often we meet the form of a verb "to be" - was, were, and
others. Thus, in songs grammatical rules are better acquired.
We study singing, repeating, many times listening to the studied song sung by
the native speaker from CD. That is, we have the correct sound registration; we work
over movement of language, a uvula, the sky, the upper and bottom teeth of a mouth
where English sounds are formed more. Songs promote improvement of skills of a
When we pass a topic of the lesson, for example, "Bats" new words for us are
entered in the lyrics (in the 11
grade). Singing the song “Echolocation” is an easy
and a quick way to remember these words. And we meet already familiar words in a
new environment that helps our activity. Certainly, our lexical stock in this subject is
How we learn to sing English songs?
At first, we listen to the song in the original, and then there is a translation of
the text on Russian, literal and literary. We acquire new words; we make the
dictionary to the song. After the translation once again we listen to the song in the
original. There is a text storing, repeating the text after the native speaker, listening of
songs in the original. Also collective singing accompanied by a song soundtrack is
carried out. Work on a pronunciation happens from the very beginning. After,
depending on contents of the song we will sing in a group, or solo.
There are some ways of storing of the text of the songs:
"Incomplete Phrase" (complete the phrase). The teacher speaks or writes the
phrase beginning on a board. Pupils on memory finish it. It is desirable to divide
before it pupils into teams.
At small group each student says the same line, as much as possible
approaching the pronunciation to the announcer's.
"Snowball». Each subsequent pupil repeats the phrase previous and adds the
"Chain" (chain). Each pupil tells one line of a couplet, and so in turn up to the
Competition "Order the lines". The class shares two groups. Each group
receives an envelope with the song cut on separate lines. That team which will
quicker collect full lyrics wins.
Performance of the song by students independently under music after the text is
learned. It is possible to hold competition on the best team performance of the song.
It is also possible to hold competition on the best performance of the song. As
homework students can illustrate contents of the song.
On the example of the song ""Price Tag", by Jessie J. we will consider possible
algorithm of work. Studying of a song begins with an explanation of its name, the
musical direction.
Further all difficulties connected with unknown words are removed. On the
board words in which translation students can experience difficulties are written out.
Further the teacher suggests hearing to a song audio recording. After that phonetic
skills are fixed: students read lyrics for the teacher.
At the following stage: exercises on working with a lexical and grammatical
material of a song are offered to students. For example, in our case - the variety of
verb tenses, forms of the verb in Simple group times is considered. It is possible to
give such task: to put a verb in the form of the necessary tenses design. Sample: I (to
smile) - I smile;
Possible exercises\instructions to the song “Price Tag”:
- Listen to the song, and then read the lyrics. Listen to the song again and listen out
for the missing words.
- Gap filling. It helps to practice student’s listening skills and improve vocabulary,
using the present simple tense. Use the verbs in the key words below to help you.
- Speaking tasks: 1) Define the main theme of the song; 2) Speak with your partner
about it. For example: "Price Tag ", by Jessie J. Main Theme: Money. People.
- Writing task: Listen to the song again and try to write reflection.
Other possible exercises for working with the content of the songs:
1) To allocate being rhymed words (waiting-sitting);
2) To consider metaphorical grotesque images:
3) To think up situations in which grammatical designs from this song can be used;
4) To study set expressions – idioms (to be in fine weather – to be in shape), and also
to think up situations for them;
5) the lyrics is given; at the end of each line the word is passed, and instead of it is
given improper on sense, but being combined with rhyming. Task of pupils – to make
a right lyrics, using for a word insert from the list offered (the example is presented in
the Appendix);
6) Songs of close subject are given; task: to pick up to each song a subject
corresponding to the contents (an example in the Appendix);
7) Find out mistakes in the content of the song and correct them; (grammatical
8) The teacher can ask questions about contents of the song.
This type of work is a useful practice which is interesting to students, enriches their
language with new lexical units, allows to study new idioms and without special
work to introduce a grammatical material [6] new or difficult for assimilation into
Thus, importance of use of songs is so big. Song materials improve lexical skills.
Composition of texts
Also songs help to work on grammar structures. For example, for a support to
the theme "Direct and Reported Speech", the teacher can take the song "She said".
Students listen to this song; try to find in the text examples of Direct Speech. And
students can give own examples of Direct Speech. It’s so useful for improvement of
our knowledge.
For a support to the topic " Dealing with culture”, we can take the song
"Englishman in New York».
We have chosen this one because it enables us to discuss
stereotypes since the song is full of references to British and American stereotypes.
We have used those references to open a wider debate between students about
whether stereotypes can be useful to enable dialogue between cultures.
For material fixing on the use of different forms of an auxiliary verb of "to be",
it is possible to use the song "It's Only Love" performed by The Beatles group:
Why am I so shy,
When I’m beside you?
It’s only love and that is all,
Why should I feel the way I do?
Strong storing of song texts is promoted by a complex of such factors, as a
rhyme, a harmony, a tonality, a melody. Numerous repetitions, characteristic for a
song genre, promote easy and involuntary storing of lexical and grammatical designs,
thereby, increasing efficiency of training.
On the basis of song texts it is possible to carry out the most various work on
formation and improvement of lexical and grammatical skills of speaking which is
useful for combining with a traditional technique of work.
The technique of use of each song provides preliminary introduction, activity
and fixing of a lexical and grammatical material [3].
I try to systematize texts of all songs for the 8
, 11
grades. I think that it will
help teachers and students more easily and quickly to acquire songs. The contents of
the songbook will be enriched over the years. In the songbook only those songs
which learned at the lessons and on classes of a circle in language are included. These
songs are scattered on lessons of textbooks 8
, 11
classes and are united in the
that consisted of 5 question items. The first item asked the participants to answer if
they liked singing or not. Their responses revealed that most of the students liked
About 95 percents of the students (39) indicated they liked singing, whereas
about five percent of the students (2) indicated that they did not.
The second question asked the students if they think that songs help to learn
English. 98% of students (40) answered yes.
The third question – how do the songs affect on learning English. Students answered
that songs help to learn new words (33% -14), to improve listening skills (21%-9). 20
students (47%) noticed that songs help to enrich our lexis, to improve listening skills,
to improve grammar.
The fourth question asked the students whether the teacher frequently conducts
singing activity. About 83% of the students indicated they often perform singing
activity while nearly 18% sometimes.
In order to collect data I used questionnaire for our students. A research was
made with 40 students of NIS. All were between 14-17 years old and studied at our
Addressing to singing at the lesson, we can solve at once some problems:
- to form pronunciation and intonation skills on the example of singing in a foreign
language with preliminary phonetic exercises;
- to remove stress with use of a song of the corresponding melody and the contents;
- to acquaint pupils with musical culture of the people which language is learned;
- to fix studied grammatical structures and to expand a lexical stock of students by
means of a song material.
The subject of this work is interesting in non-standard and creative approach
to studying English which was considered in detail. Use of song materials at the
lessons allows to improve a lexical stock, and also to fix grammatical structures.
Thus, songs in English are one of forms of occupations loved by us.
Performance process which includes collective creativity and cooperation during
singing, work with contents of the songs can promote development of feeling of unity
and ability to work in group. As a result of this work, it is possible to note that songs
and music with the texts in English increase motivation to EFL studying, promote
formation of socio- cultural competence.
Belayonov A. Using of songs at the English lessons.\\ Methods of Teaching English,1998, #2,
Г.С. Синькевич. Песня на уроке английского языка.\\ ИЯШ,2002, №1,с.50-51.
С.В.Перкас. Американская песня в качестве музыкальной иллюстрации при изучении
страноведческого материала\\ИЯШ,2004, №1,с.79-82.
Е.В.Измайлова. Песни и стихи на уроках английского языка\\ИЯШ,2005,№3,с.34-36.
UDC 372.881.111.1
Teacher of English FL, A.Dugina,
school № 4, Aksu, Pavlodar oblast
Ќазіргі аќпараттыќ технологиялардыњ ќолданудыњ тиімділігі б±рынѓы білім
ж‰йесінен ќазірѓі жања білім сатысына аусудыњ мєселесімен байланысты. Алып єлеуметтік
µзгерістер,ѓылыми –техникалыќ озыќтыќ єр адамды оќу жєне тєрбиелеуге , оныњ біліміне
жєне µздігінен білім алуына, єлеуметтік дамуына жоѓары талаптар ќажет етеді. Айтылмаш
ж±мыста аѓылшын тілін оќытуда аќпараттыќ- коммуникативтік технологиялардыњ ќолдану
жєне де электрондыќ оќыту артыќшылыќтары кµрсетілген.
Актуальность использования современных информационных технологий состоит в
том, что имеются проблемы перехода от старой системы образования на новую ступень
развития на современном этапе. Огромные социальные преобразования, научно-технический
прогресс предъявляют все более высокие требования к обучению и воспитанию каждого
человека, к его образованию и самообразованию, к его социальному развитию. В данной
технологий, а так же электронного обучения в преподавании иностранных языков.
An acceleration of development is a specific feature of all public activities. The
system of education is not an exception. Innovative processes that combine the
creation, development and application of pedagogical innovations into force of this
unity can significantly accelerate the school, the education system as a whole.
We can assume that the innovation processes, expanding their implementation
is a logical development of modern education, leading and stable trend in its update.
Weight of variety of contradictions inherent to the modern system of education
hides after the tendency adopted higher. Leading contradiction of the first stage
between old and new is generated both social and pedagogical needs in changing the
education system and its components. Currently, the requirements are characterized
by a new quality of life, due primarily to scientific and technical progress, the global
challenges of our time, that is, the need to address both within government as the
world's socio-economic and educational tasks. All this requires updating the content,
the process of training and education at all levels of lifelong learning.
Great social transformations are taking place in our country, rapid scientific
and technological progress are placing ever greater demands on the training and
education of each individual, to his education and self-education, his mental
development. In these circumstances, it becomes especially important in the
formation of all people active life position in work and in teaching. Basics such
education is laid in school - primarily due to the daily educational work of teachers
with students.
The implementation of this provision is only possible if the system will be the
subject of study is targeted to the individual student, his real needs and motivations,
socio-cultural and individual development programs. Therefore, the construction of
the educational process should be carried out in terms of the logic of the development
of the individual student, his subjective internal state, its individual program of
mastering the language is spoken. To implement this provision, it is necessary to put
into practice didactic-methodological techniques that aim to continuous learning
creativity, the formation mechanism of self-organization of each individual student.
As both linguistics and psycholinguistics consider language as an aspect of
human activity - social (speech activity is intellectual and creative activities), the
teaching of foreign languages aimed at developing students' language personality is
conscious, it is a creative process, not a "programmed behavior."
Teaching the language at the present stage means teaching culture, referring to
the related communicative, social and cultural development of the student. As the
speech activity is, in fact, thinking and speech language learner is a means to express
their intentions, this use of language is creative and language training should be
linked to the development of a critical thinker.
The use of information technology in the classroom foreign language is a very
important part of the system, which is essential for the development of interest in
foreign languages and information technology itself, due to the expansion of the
scope of application of computer and information science methods.
Computer technology is used in almost all subjects training, provide access to
new sources of information, improve the efficiency of independent work, provide
new opportunities for creativity, acquisition and retention of skills and allow the
implementation of a fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching.
To date, methodical standards of teaching foreign languages, of course, is
communicatively-oriented method, which is closest to the actual conditions of the
process of communication models. To provide an environment that will facilitate the
implementation of this method is very difficult. But with the advent of the computer,
new and more effective ways to solve the above problem. Many authors, who
develop this problem, note that the computer is the most appropriate tool in learning a
foreign language, which is intended to interactive communication.
Using the latest developments in the field of teaching foreign languages, based
on the use of multimedia technology, the learning process moved to a new level -
now it's safe to say that even under artificial communication, you can simulate a
situation of real, natural communication.
It is necessary to distinguish several advantages of computer teaching foreign
1. Creating a favorable psychological climate, increasing the motivation of
learning a foreign language.
2. Methodological dignity Computer Training: a high degree of interactivity of
learning than when working in the classroom or language laboratory; the opportunity
to choose their own pace and level of the type of project complies with the principles
of individual instruction. In addition the rate of assimilation of grammatical
constructions and vocabulary accumulation in learning a foreign language using a
computer increased by 2-3 times.