Тірек сөздер: мәтін, сценарий, айтылу, жинақтау, құрылым, грамматикалық сұраныс, теория,
лексикалық құрам, ұқсас әдіс, құрылым, талдау.
Annotation: The article was dedicated to the important problem of the cinematic language. There are
interesting factors about semantic level of the visual speech, metaphorical elements of language. Therefore, the
fact on getting of objects other meaning in addition to their original ones,gives ground for speaking about
proximity of poetry and film in semantic plan.
It is stated that, various comparisons made in horizontal direction both in poetry and screen texts always give
the same results. Words connected to each other in horizontal line are turned into phrases; combination of phrases
generates sentence in the cinematic language; sentences are turned into concrete idea.
So, special event through the phonographic text: words, expressions are combined and changed into new
quality-expression of certain judgment. In the end, the words, expressions, sentences are mounted at least for
lexical meaning. All this and other meaning take special place in the article.
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