Тавасарова А. А

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Participle) формасы арқылы жасалады. Мысалы: I had been working. He had been working. We had been working.

  • Past Perfect Continuous шағының сұраулы сөйлемде бірінші көмекші етістік бастауыштың алдына келеді, мысалы: Had I been working? Had he been working? Had we been working? Had you been working?

    1. Болымсыз сөйлемде бастауыштан кейін бірінші көмекші етістік, одан кейін not демеулігі келеді: I had not been working. He (she, it) had not been working. We had not been working.

    2. Сұраулы болымсыз сөйлемде not демеулігі бастауыштан кейін келеді, мысалы: Had I not been working? Had he not been working? Had we not been working?

    1. Past Perfect Continuous Tense болымды, болымсыз жəне сұраулы-болымсыз сөйлемдеріне берілетін қысқартулар көбінесе ауызекі тілде кездеседі. I`d been working. He`d been working. You`d been working. I hadn`t been working. I`d not been working. He hadn`t been working. He`d not been working. Hadn`t I (he, she, it, we, you, they) been working?

    2. Past Perfect Continuous Tense сұраулы сөйлемдеріне берілетін қысқа жауаптар: Had I been working? Yes you`d (had) been working. Had she been working? – No, she hadn`t (had not) been working.

    7. Past Perfect Continuous шағында мынадай үстеулер қолданылады: for two hour (екі сағаттан бері), for three month (үш айдан бері), for a long time (көп уақыттан бері), for several hours (бірнеше сағаттан бері), since yesterday (кешеден бері), since five o`clock (сағат бестен бері), т.б. It had been raining for two hours when I left home. – Мен үйден шыққанда, екі сағаттан бері жаңбыр жауып тұрған.

    Using the Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Аяқталған-созылыңқы өткен шақтың қолданылуы)

    Cases of using (Қолданылуы)

    Examples (Мысалдар)

    1. Өткен шақта екінші бір іс-əрекеттің

    басталуына сəйкес келіп, оның қанша созылғанын көрсететін созылыңқы іс-əрекет

    I had been working for two hours, when my brother came.

    Ағам келгенде, жұмыс істегеніме екі сағат болған (болды).

    2. Өткен шақта екінші бір іс-əрекеттің тікелей басталар

    алдында аяқталатын созылыңқы іс-əрекет

    He fell tired as he had been playing football for several hours.

    Ол бірнеше сағат футбол ойнағандықтан, қатты шаршағандығын сезінді.

    Conjugating the Past Perfect Continuous Tense (Аяқталған-созылыңқы өткен шақтың жіктелуі) [«had + been» + Past Participle + ing]

    Singular (Жекеше)

    Plural (Көпше)

    Affirmative sentences (Болымды сөйлемдер)


    had been working


    had been working


    had been working


    had been working


    had been working


    had been working


    hadbeen working


    had been working

    Negative sentences (Болымсыз сөйлемдер)


    had not

    been working


    had not been working


    had not

    been working


    had not been working


    had not

    been working


    had not been working


    had not

    been working


    had not

    been working

    Interrogative sentences (Сұраулы сөйлемдер)


    I been working?


    we been working?


    you been working?


    you been working?


    he been working?


    they been working?


    she been working?


    it been working?

    Interrogative-negative sentences (Сұраулы болымсыз сөйлемдер)


    I not been working?


    we not been working?


    you not been working?


    you not been working?


    he not been working?


    they not been working?


    she not been working?


    it not been working?

    Shortened forms

    I had been working You had been working

    You had not been working He had not been working

    I`d been working You`d been working

    You hadn`t been working He had`t been working

    Shortened forms (Қысқарған түрі)

    Singular (Жекеше)

    Plural (Көпше)

    Affirmative sentences (Болымды сөйлемдер)

    I`d [aid] been working

    You`d [ju:d] been working

    He`d [hi:d] been working

    She`d [∫i:d] been working

    We`d [wi:d] been working

    You`d [ju:d] been working

    They`d [ðeid] been working

    Negative sentences (Болымсыз сөйлемдер)

    I hadn`t [h


    ] been working

    We hadn`t [h


    ] been working

    I`d not

    been working

    We`d not been working

    You hadn`t [hædnt] been working You`d not been working

    They hadn`t [hædnt] been working They`d not been working


    hadn`t [h


    ] been working

    You`d not been working


    hadn`t [h


    ] been working

    He`d not been working


    hadn`t [h


    ] been working

    She`d not been working


    hadn`t [h


    ] been working

    Interrogative-negative sentences (Сұраулы болымсыз сөйлемдер)

    Hadn`t I been working? Hadn`t you been working?

    Hadn`t he (she, it) been working?

    Hadn`t we been working? Hadn`t you been working? Hadn`t they been working?

    1. Read the following information about famous moments in history. The underline the correct form. Only one verb in each paragraph is past perfect.

    A Columbus left Spain in August 1492 with three ships, to try and find a way to India by sailing west instead of east. When his ships a finally reached / had finally reached land on 12 October, he thought he was there, but the ships b actually

    arrived / had actually arrived in America instead.

    B Captain Robert Scott wanted to reach the South Pole first. He and his

    companions finally arrived there on 1 January 1912 after a terrible journey across the ice, but c found / had found a Norwegian flag. Unfortunately for Scott, Roald Amundsen d got / had got there on 14 December, 18 days earlier.

    C Leonardo painted his famous The Last Supper between 1495 and 1498, but the painting started to deteriorate within 50 years. The most common explanation for this used to be that Leonardo e used / had used the wrong kind of pain, but experts have always disagreed about this, and many believe that the restored / had restored the painting, and the public can now see it again.

    1. Read the story of Archimedes and his bath. Then complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

    Archimedes, the Greek mathematician , is probably most famous for the story of King Hieron II of Syracuse and the gold crown. The king a (want)

    wanted to give a gold crown as a gift to the gods, and b (give)

    a carefully weighed amount of gold to a goldsmith. The man c (produce) a beautiful crown, but the king was worried that the craftsman d (not use) all the gold to make the crown.

    Dishonest craftsman often e (mix) gold with silver, which was cheaper, but the king could not find a way of proving that the man f (do)

    this. He g (ask) Archimedes to solve the problem. Archimedes h (know) that gold and silver have different densities. The problem was that nobody could calculate the mass of an object like a crown. While Archimedes I (think) about this problem, he decided to go to the public baths to relax. While he j (climb)

    into the bath, he k (notice) some water on the

    floor. It l (spill) over the side of the bath, and he m (realize)

    that he n (solve) the problem by accident. The

    total amount of water that o (spill) out of the bath must be the same as the volume of his body. He could use a piece of pure gold and calculate its volume, and then test the crown and see if it was the same.

    According to the story, he p (jump) straight out of the bath and q (run) down the street calling `Eureka – I`ve found it.` The goldsmith soon r (admit) that he s (cheat) the king, and was punished. Archimedes t (discover) a principle of buoyancy.

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