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 Техникалыќ єылымдар 
ЌазЎТУ хабаршысы №1 2014  
Для  алюминия  рассматривалась  частота 0,5 ГГц,  для  железа – частота 1,44ГГц,  для  никеля                 
– 3,9ГГц, для меди – 1 ГГц. 
Анализ  данных  из  таблицы 7 показывает,  что  коэффициент  ультразвукового  поглощения  для 
акустических волн в продольном направлении с ростом температуры возрастает, что связано с ростом 
количества тепловых фононов. 
1. Landau L., Rumer G/.-Phys. Z. (USSR), 1937, Bd, H, S, 18 (перевод  Ландау  Л.Д.  Собр.тр.-М;  Наука, 
2. Красильников В.А., Крылов В.В. Введение в физическую акустику. – М. «Наука». 1984., с. 236. 
3. 3айман Дж., Принципы теории твердого тела, пер. с англ. -M., 1974.  
4. Ашкрофт H., Mермин H., Физика твердого тела, пер. с англ., т. 2, -M., 1979.  
5. Гуртов В.А., Осауленко Р.Н. «Физика твердого тела для инженеров». 2006 г. 
6.  Омаров  С.С.,  Бегимов  Т.Б.,  Тукибаева  М.А.,  Нысанбаева  С.К.  Влияние  ядерных  реакций  на 
образование дефектов и физические свойства материалов. Труды ХХIII междун. конференции «Радиационная 
физика твердого тела». Севастополь. Украина. Изд. МОиН РФ. -М. 2013. с. 527-530. 
7. Пайерлс Р. Квантовая теория твердых тел. – М.: Ил. 1956 г.  
8. Беломестных В.Н. Акустический параметр Грюнайзена. ЖТФ, 2004 т.30. вып.3. с. 14-18. 
1. Landau L., Rumer G.-Phys. Z. (USSR), 1937, Bd, H, S, 18 (perevod Landau L.D. Sobr.tr. -M: Nauka, t.1. s.237. 
2. Krasil’nikov V.A., Krylov V.V. Vvedenie v fizicheskyu akustiku. -M. ”Nauka”. 1984. s.236. 
3. Zayman Dzh., Principy teorii tverdogo tela, per. s angl., M., 1974. 
4. Ashkroft N., Mermin N., Fizika tverdogo tela, per. s angl., t.2, M., 1979; 
5. Gurtov V.A., Osaulenko R.N. “Fizika tverdogo tela dlya injenerov’’. 2006. 
6. Omarov S.S., Begimov T.B., Tukubaeva M.A., Nysanbaaeva S.K. Vliyanie yadernyh reakciy na obrazovanie 
defektov I fizicheskie svoystva materislov. Trudy XXIII mezhdun.konferencii “Radiacionnaya fizika tverdogo tela”. 
Sevestopol’. Ukraina. Izd. MOiN RF. -M. 2013. s.527-530. 
7. Payerls R. Kvantovaya teoriya tverdyh tel. -M: Il.1956 
8. Belomestnyh V.N. Akusticheskiy parameter Grunayzena. ZhTF, 2004, t.30. vyp.3. s.14-18. 
Мусатай С.С., Түкібаева М.А., Омаров С.С., Бахитжанова А.А.,  Аманжолова А.А. 
 Фонондық  теория  негізінде  қатты  дененің  кристалдық  торының  акустикалық  параметрлерін 
Түйіндеме.  Жұмыста  қатты  дененің  акустикалық  сапасына  баға  берілген.  Металдар  мен 
диэлектриктердің  кристалдық  торы  үшін  дыбысөткізгіштік  қарастырылады.  Бірқатар  металдар  үшін 
температураға тəуелді ультрадыбыстық жұтылу коэффициенті есептелді. 
Мусатай С.С., Тукибаева М.А., Омаров С.С., Бахитжанова А.А., Аманжолова А.А. 
Исследование  акустических  параметров  кристаллических  решеток  твердых  тел  на  основе 
фононной теории 
Резюме.  Дана  сравнительная  оценка  акустических  качеств  твердых  тел.  Рассматривается 
звукопроводность  для  кристаллических  решеток  металлов  и  диэлектриков.  Рассчитан  коэффициент 
ультразвукового поглощения для некоторых металлов в зависимости от температуры. 
Musatay S.S., Tukibayeva M.A., Omarov S.S., Bakhitzhanova A.A., Amanzholova A.A. 
Investigation of the acoustic parameters of the crystal lattices of solids on the basis of the phonon theory 
Summary.  The comparative evaluation of the solids acoustic properties are given in the work. The sound 
conductivity of crystal lattices of metals and dielectrics are considered. Calculated koefitsent ultrasonic absorption of 
certain metals depending on the temperature. 

 Технические науки 
№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ  
UDC 691.115:674.816.2 
(The Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University, Кызылорда, Республика Казахстан) 
Abstract: The new structure of the complex mineral additive consisting of silicate and carbonate components 
is developed. Technical novelty is confirmed innovative patents of the Republic of Kazakhstan.Application of such 
additive increases durability of light concrete - wood concrete and also other its physical properties. Developed 
technological solutions are cost effective due to the use of local raw materials, such as thermal power station ash, 
vegetable waste from agriculture and off-grade mineral supplements. 
Key words: wood concrete, complex mineral additive, sodium liquid glass, rice pod, durability at 
Now an actual problem is providing the construction industry of Kazakhstan with 
effective wall construction materials.An important role in the production of wall materials plays a waste use 
in industry and agriculture.One of effective wall materials is wood concrete.The technology of 
manufacturing products from wood concrete is much closer to the technology of products from conventional 
concrete.The enterprises for production of wood concrete are generally concentrated in regions where there 
are big resources of waste of a woodworking, sawmilling and logging.Under the conditions of Kazakhstan 
and Central Asia wood concrete large-scale production can be based on vegetable waste from agriculture.It is 
known that such agricultural wastes include: chop cane, hemp or flax fire, rice husks and straw, share, etc. 
Despite the existence of numerous studies in the field of improving the technology of sawdust 
concrete, further exploring ways to effectively use waste industry and agriculture, and thus enhancing the 
quality of products is very important. 
Therefore, it is advisable to increase the pace of resource waste industry and agriculture.Therefore, it 
is advisable to increase the pace of resource waste industry and agriculture. Of course, this program will 
contribute to a significant expansion of the range of construction aggregates on cement binder produced at a 
new technological level, such as wood concrete, fiberboard. 
In accordance with this trend appropriate manufacturing wood-concrete products for low 
construction and agriculture. 
Rational use of industrial wastes and agricultural and creation on their basis of materials requires a 
combination of strength and thermal conductivity with low bulk density, durability, Schallabsorption and fire 
safety. Such materials include lightweight concrete –wood concrete designed for wall construction of 
residential and public buildings. For the development of technology and research of properties necessary to 
select a special composition and additives, to develop an efficient technology of making wood-concrete mass 
with their respective structural features. 
One of the major raw materials for the production of composite materials using cellulose aggregates, 
mainly for the production wood-concrete are agricultural residues [1]. As in the Southern Kazakhstan can use 
wastes of rice processing productions - rice husks and straw, cotton stalks, the volumes of which are 
significant. The efficiency of wood-concrete products proven by numerous studies and practical results of the 
introduction into production. [2] 
In practice, the materials of construction used for more than 500 kinds of additives for various 
purposes to impart various properties and improve the cementitious mixes, including concrete. Currently in 
practice are more commonly used complex additives [3-10], the application of which is due to their 
efficiency in relation to: 
- Polyfunctional, which is the ability to directly affect multiple properties of concrete, often unrelated 
(and even "dosing" relations between the concrete), and in some cases to give them new properties (e.g., 
- The possibility of using them to significantly strengthen and deepen an effect achieved with the 
introduction of maximum one-component additive; 

 Техникалыќ єылымдар 
ЌазЎТУ хабаршысы №1 2014  
- Sudden decrease or virtually eliminate of unwanted actions of each component of the complex 
Provide an artificial construction conglomerate (ISC) increased strength in the "organic filler + 
mineral binder" is difficult because of naturally occurring components that do not meet the conditions of 
isomorphism [11-12]. It should be noted that in conventional concretes fillers in addition to its destination 
interact with the binder forming a ground contact with the hydrated filler complex compound. In wood 
concrete strength constituents (wood, cement) high - timber 15, while cement 40 MPa. At the same time the 
strength of wood concrete practically does not exceed 1.5 MPa. Consequently, one of the factors determining 
the strength of wood concrete is adhesion of various kinds of particles in the surface layer, i.e. adhesive 
strength. Further study of the adhesion surface area cement organic filler will determine the factors affecting 
the strength properties and to establish the most effective methods of treating organic particles. 
Additional material used in the production of branded of wood concrete to increase strength, speed 
up the curing process, and improve the technological properties of wood-concrete mixture. The mechanism 
of action is based on the retarding effect of extractives in pulp filler, or covers it with a waterproof film that 
prevents contact of harmful substances aggregate with cement paste. Selecting chemical additives depends 
on the type and quality of cellulose filler and a density of wood concrete [13, 14]. 
In practice, chemicals are introduced into the wood-concrete mixture two ways. The first method 
comprises preparing a chemical additive in an aqueous solution and mixing pre-moistened cellulose filler and 
the second filler is soaked in the process an aqueous solution of a chemical additive. 
The analysis of foreign experience has shown that the main "mineralizer" in the processing of filler is 
calcium chloride, water glass, lime milk. Specifically, in Czech dosed sawdust and chips poured into the 
mixer where they are mixed and "mineralized" aqueous calcium chloride solution for 5-8 minutes. Then 
cement is supplied to the mixer and mixed for 10-15 minutes. In Germany, the first organic spacer subjected 
to mechanical destruction and then dried to 20% moisture content and then a process of mineralization 
solution of calcium chloride density 1.08 g/cm
 or sodium liquid glass density 1.04 g/cm
 in a special 
container. Subsequently, the treated filler in a forced action mixer is mixed with Portland cement for 5 
Summarizing the above reviews of research should be noted: 
- Many additional agents are mainly used to accelerate the curing wood concrete and create a film on 
the surface of the organic filler. Due to this increased strength of wood concrete, but not high enough. The 
adhesion strength increases slightly the same. Many chemical additives are not widely used because of the 
complexity of treatment processes inherent in some of the mineralizing, or scarcity of chemicals, increases 
the cost of production. 
- The adhesion between the structural components needs to be strengthened by the introduction of an 
intermediate layer in an effective mineralizer, able to enter into a bond with both parts and stiffen the 
maximum frame structure of wood concrete. 
Analyzing these data we can say that many additional substances are not widely used because of the 
complexities of processing inherent in some of the mineralizing, or scarcity of chemicals, increases the cost 
of production. Therefore necessary to create a complex additive using local raw materials with a maximum 
decrease in cost of expensive chemical additives. 
As noted above, a disadvantage of composite materials based on agricultural waste is its low 
strength, however was tasked reinforcement frame structure by introducing mineral supplements. In carrying 
out the experimental work were the positive results obtained by the treatment of the surface finely crushed 
sand dunes, expanded clay and limestone dust culm in conjunction with a sodium water glass. The measures 
taken have improved the surface aggregates, thereby forming, and mineral film. 
Technology features wood concrete makes certain demands on the feedstock to 
produce wood concrete meets the requirements of GOST 19222-84. For the experiments, as raw materials 
were used Portland cement, hydrated lime, fly ash Kyzylorda power plant CHP, an organic filler plant - rice 
husks and stalks chopped rice straw. 
As mineral additives barkhan sand, limestone, and as chemical additives calcium chlorides, liquid 
glasses are used. For preparation complex knitting and awood concrete mixture tap drinking water was used. 
The soluble glass is a colloidal solution of sodium silicate in water. Chemical composition of sodium 
water glass can be expressed by the formula: Na2O • nSiO2 + mH2O. The value of silica modulus (ratio: 

 Технические науки 
№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ  
SiO2: Na2O = M) is 2.6.When performing work the complex of methods of the physical and chemical 
analysis was applied. 
The average density or bulk density (g/cm3, kg/m3) of the samples was determined by the formula: 
ρ = m / V, 
Where, m - mass of the sample, g; 
V - volume of the sample in its natural state, cm

Statistical processing of results of researches was made in accordance with GOST 180115-72 
(Concrete. Monitoring and evaluation of homogeneity and strength of the definition of the arithmetic mean 
of strength, dispersion characteristics, the standard deviation and the coefficient of variation.) 
At the beginning of the experiments were carried out reconnaissance on the application of 
complex mineral supplements in technology wood concrete. Supplements have been used in the following 
ratio,%: 1 composition - sodium water glass - 3, crushed sand-dune sand - 10, ground limestone - 15) 2 
composition - sodium water glass - 3, gravels dust - 8, crushed limestone - 17). 
Figure 1. The influence of additives on the strength of an integrated arbolita under normal hardening. 
1-part -2, 2 - part 1 
As can be seen from the figure the best possible quantitative content of the following: up 1 12 ÷ 17, 
and the second part 9 ÷ 15. Introduction of the complex thus formed calcium silicate additive by reacting 
sodium silicate and the dispersed particles of limestone, which accelerates crystal formation settable binder. 
The task of strengthening the frame structure wood concrete achieved by introducing sealing mineral 
supplements in the form of fine fractions of the complex additive consisting of sand dunes, limestone, 
together with a sodium water glass [15-17]. The measures taken have improved the surface aggregates, 
thereby forming, and mineral film. In the process of hardening wood concrete with complex mineral 
additives with sodium water glass solid forms, hardening its structure. Hardening of the composite frame 
structure, apparently, is also due to the complex surface amorphization additive for grinding the limestone 
with sand dune. At the same time, improving grip in the "rice husks - cement stone" comes at the expense of 
more of the mortar and increase the contact area between the individual structural elements. 
When administered complex hydrous calcium supplements formed by reacting sodium silicate and 
the dispersed particles of limestone, which accelerates crystal formation settable binder. At the same time, 
the dispersion fraction of limestone, expanded clay and water glass forming mineral aggregate layer on the 
surface, reduces the possibility of readily diffusing sugars of aggregate in cement paste gold. Improved 
traction in the "rice husks - cement stone" is also due to a larger number of mortar parts and increases the 
contact area between the individual structural elements. The main point is that the complex mineral additive 
mineral forms a film on the surface of the organic filler. As noted formed calcium silicate accelerates the 
curing process as compared to the control without additives wood concrete. 
In the process of mixing of a proposed wood-concrete mixture on the surface of the organic filler 
creates a mineral layer of calcium silicate, which has a beneficial effect on the curing process wood concrete. 
In this technical novelty of the present composition is confirmed preliminary patent RK [17]. The measures 

 Техникалыќ єылымдар 
ЌазЎТУ хабаршысы №1 2014  
taken improve the conditions of adhesion contact with the surface, thus increasing the strength of a 
prerequisite wood concrete. It should be noted that adhesion energy processes is determined by the following 
factors: the kinetics of the penetration of one of the glued materials in the liquid state in the capillary pores of 
the other porous solid state material and the structure of the surface energy and surface tension of the 
adhesive substance in the liquid state, and wetting phenomenon, characterized by contact angle, liquid and 
Figures 2 shows the contents of a complex mineral additives on the properties wood concrete on 
different types of organic filler. Influence of quantity of the entered additive on density and wood concrete 
durability is investigated at compression 28 daily hardening. 
Also, the introduction of complex mineral supplements reduced water absorption of wood concrete. 
In further experimental work investigated the kinetics of hardening wood concrete on different types 
of organic filler with a 20% content of organic filler (Figure 2). 
I - on the basis of complex mineral supplements; II – wood concrete control of wood-flake without a comprehensive 
mineral supplement, 1 - on rice husk, 2 - on wood flake, 3 - to 4 sliced rice straw - on sunflower husk, 5 - to guza-shares 
6 - on the vine vineyard, 7 - on crushed cane stalk 
Figure 2. Schedule of wood concrete strength development in various types of  
organic filler
As can be seen from Figure 2 wood concrete strength is increased by various types of organic filler, 
particularly in the rice husk to get maximum effect - 2.8 MPa. 
Many additional agents are not widely used because of the complexity of treatment processes inherent 
in some of the mineralizing, or scarcity of chemicals, increases the cost of production. Generalizing the 
experimental work carried out to note that the introduction of complex mineral supplement wood concrete 
mechanical strength compared with the control sample, depending on the type of filler is 30-50%. When 
compared with samples of wood flake gains strength was 1.1 MPa. As a result of this addition, the effect of 
surface modification achieved through the formation of aggregates of mineral film. In the process of 
hardening wood concrete this complex mineral supplement with sodium water glass solid forms - hydrated 
I express my sincere appreciation for the scientific advice of Prof. Akchabaev 
Albert Alishevich. 
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№1 2014 Вестник КазНТУ  
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Үдербаев С.С. 

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