«ustaz tilegi» ғылыми әдістемелік орталығының әкімшілігі

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5 grade 3rd term

Middle of the lesson
Group work
10 min

Now divide into 3 groups according to colourful stickers. Yellow – 1st group, red – 2nd group, blue – 3rd group.
Task: look at the pictures and make up sentences using prepositions of place.
1 group – children’s room
2 group – kitchen
3 group – sitting room

All Ss write sentences, most of them use preposition correctly, some of them present to the class making up correct sentences.

Ss work in their groups.
Make up sentences looking at pictures and use the preposition.
Aim: practice the preposition of place deeply.
Efficiency: develop speaking skills and grammatical literacy skills.

«Group assessment»
Ss assess each other according to the descriptor:
-make up sentences
-use prepositions of place
1 point.
Excellent job – 7 sentences and one question according to descriptors;
Good job – 5-6 sentences and one question;
Try again – 4 or less sentences.


Pair work.

5 min.

  1. In a minute write down as many animals as you can think of. Compare with your partner.

  2. E.g. horse, elephant, eagle, ….

Ss write down the animals that they know.
Aim: revise the animals and spelling of animals.
Efficiency:  remember the type of animals and their spelling.

Достарыңызбен бөлісу:
1   ...   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   ...   97

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