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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

Problem of teaching a professionally-adapted foreign language to university students 
Higher education is the most important social institution, serving social needs and thus 
adapting to internal and external changes and processes. Interstate economic ties, which are steadily 
increasing in volume and becoming more diverse in content, necessitate the training of a universal 
cadre of experts at national universities. Language policy is a system of measures of conscious 
influence on the development of language processes, the distribution of languages in spheres of 
social interaction, and represents a part of political control over the language situation and language 
conflicts, which is characterized as a system of measures of conscious influence on the development 
of language processes, the distribution of languages in spheres of social interaction, and 
representing a part of political control over the language situation and language conflicts. The main 
driving force of the language policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan is its socio-political and 
legislative activities.
In Kazakhstan, higher education has changed dramatically over the last two decades. In fact, it 
began to swim freely. Many problems that the state had previously solved for them had to be solved 
by universities. The majority of these issues necessitated large sums of money, resulting in a high 
level of commercialization of education, ranging from paid retake sessions to extrabudgetary 
tuition. Universities needed to stay afloat, which necessitated funding. And if the state's financial 
receipts decline, money may be taken from customers - applicants. It was also necessary to make 
higher education more affordable in order to attract applicants. Many universities prioritized 
increasing the number of students first, and then the quality of the education they offered second.
Aging of personnel is one of the pressing problems of modern universities. The process of 
"reproduction" is slower than the rate of increase in the number of students. This leads to the fact 
that universities have to hire an increasing number of teachers with dubious qualifications. This is 
also the reason why teachers combine work in two, three and even four universities. Selection of 
inexperienced or unprofessional teacher for teaching foreign languages is a huge problem facing the 
education of students. Since globalization of English language as the communication language 
increased in past decade, most of the generation of professors in universities now are using outdated 
methods and information for teaching. Teaching foreign as a second language necessitates a 
specialized knowledge base gained through academic research and practical experience.
Next issue associated with the need of professional teachers is that many new generation 
teachers who have experience and professionalism either choose to leave the country or decide to 
teach only in universities with English education system. Many students strive to leave the country 
in order to study in countries with better education system and conditions, however, very few of 

those potential professors plan to come back. According to the akim of the North Kazakhstan 
region, Kumar Aksakalov, announced during the August 2019 pedagogical conference, up to 30% 
of graduates left the region three years ago. In 2018, the number of those who chose Kazakhstani 
universities increased 1.7 times, and in 2019 - 2 times. According to him, statistics indicate a 
decrease in the outflow of graduates from local schools by 18%. According to Forbes Kazakhstan of 
those who live in other countries, 8.3% will return home, 50% - definitely not, 41.7% will return if 
they are offered something interesting in Kazakhstan.
External factors are one of the most problematic areas while studying or teaching a foreign 
language. Most spread issues are the lack of language environment, losing motivation for studies 
and lack of time to concentrate on a language. Those widespread causes slow down the progress 
while learning a language. Most, if not all, universities do not offer speaking rooms or speaking 
sections for students in order to get into language environment. Students do not get a chance to 
practice their speaking skills with native speakers, which hampers the process of learning. Lack of 
motivation is one of the most widespread reasons where students seems to lose the productivity to 
study. It usually occurs due to lack of progress, no enjoyment of learning process, pushing from 
teacher’s or parents’ sides and losing interest for the language. Majority of students, besides the 
ones who study humanities, face with lack of time when they choose to learn a language as their 
second one in university. Students get too load up with work from other classes, that they do not 
have enough time to focus on their progress of language.
Solution. There are already some solutions that government is planning to work on in a few 
years in the future. Development of textbooks for professional and industry needs in accordance 
with the list of pre-allocated specialties is the first step into fixing problems occurring while 
teaching a foreign language. Training of teachers abroad under the state program "Bolashak"; 
invitation of native speakers, expanding the educational space of the language learning process and 
expanding the tolerant environment are planned for solving the issues of higher education system. 
In order to facilitate the study of foreign languages, curricula are updated, the training of teachers of 
foreign languages is being activated and strengthened, the practice of inviting native English 
speakers as teachers is widely used. The emphasis in the program for the functioning and 
development of languages is placed on the practice of continuous language education, which should 
ensure a high level of proficiency in the state language by every citizen of the republic, on the 
preservation of the entire linguistic wealth of Kazakhstani society.
Conclusion. Starting with a description of the general situation of the higher education system 
in Kazakhstan, comparing it with the language situation in the country, at the beginning of the 
article the general language environment in universities is provided. The article analyzed the 
teaching-learning of university students, identified the causes of the problems and proposed some 
solutions. Collecting data from various sites, from the personal experiences of teachers and 
students, the article offers a couple of solutions on the way to the best teaching of foreign languages 
in the country. 

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