Устойчивое развитие: язык, межкультурная коммуникация

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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

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Scientific supervisor: Mambetova M.K. (Kazakhstan) 
Summary:This article investigates the problems of teaching a professionally-adapted foreign 
language to university students. The goal of this paper is to analyze the problems with teaching to university 
students, discover the causes of issues and to proffer some solutions. The paper addresses the issue of foreign 
language professional advancement among university students using researches conducted before and 
general experiences from viewpoint of learners and pedagogues. With the development of education 
educators are faced with challenges regarding the purpose of teaching and learning a professionally-adapted 
foreign language. Moreover, there are difficulties of instructing the new language occurring due to the need 
of adapting to the environment where the language will be used professionally. Thus, the article will be 
looking into describing the complications and infusing solutions for them. Проблема обучения 
профессионально-адаптированного иностранного языка студентам вузов 

Key words: teaching, university, studies, new languages, professionally-adapted, professionally-
oriented foreign language, foreign language, teaching foreign language. 
Резюме: В статье исследуются проблемы обучения профессионально адаптированного 
иностранного языка студентам вузов. Цель данной статьи - проанализировать проблемы с обучением 
студентов университетов, выявить причины проблем и предложить некоторые решения. В статье 
рассматривается проблема профессионального развития иностранных языков среди студентов вузов с 
использованием ранее проведенных исследований и общего опыта с точки зрения учащихся и 
педагогов. По мере развития образования педагоги сталкиваются с проблемами, касающимися целей 
преподавания и изучения профессионально адаптированного иностранного языка. Более того, 
возникают трудности с обучением новому языку из-за необходимости адаптации к среде, в которой 
язык будет использоваться профессионально. Таким образом, статья будет посвящена описанию 
осложнений и предложению решений для них. 
Introduction. Living in a bilingual country where Kazakh is the state language and Russian is 
the language of interethnic communication, learning a new language has been a common practice 
for many students and even adults in their self-development. English is the language of successful 
integration into the global economy all over the world, which is why it is also being assimilated into 
the education in schools and universities. At this point of time those three languages are already 
taught in most, if not in every, university in Kazakhstan.
The main language that prevails in teaching is Kazakh, however, due to the lack of terms and 
the late development of the spread of the Kazakh language among the population after the fall of 
USSR, access to full higher education has been limited. Many universities try to provide students 
with additional information in Russian language, since information in Kazakh language frequently 
does not contain details in studies.
Details of higher education system in Kazakhstan. The generally accepted and practiced 
standard of teaching Kazakh and Russian languages among universities is dividing students into 
groups according to their knowledge of those languages and teaching the one which they are 
lacking the most. If, as of October 1, 1990, in the Kazakh language only 39.2 thousand students 
studied, then in the 2009/10 academic year their number was already 300.9 thousand people, i.e. the 
number of young people who chose the Kazakh language for higher education, 65 increased by 7.8 
times, although the largest number was recorded in the 2006/07 academic year - 337.7 thousand 
people. Usually English is taught in first year of universities depending on degrees. But, at this 
point of time there are new universities that specialize on teaching young adults only in English like 
Nazarbayev University, Astana IT University and others. Those universities already demand certain 
level of knowledge of English to obtain the studies. Nazarbayev University is a university created 
on the initiative of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in 2010, is the flagship of 
higher education in the country aimed at becoming an international research university. Nazarbayev 
University provides students with courses of learning foreign languages like French, Spanish, 
Korean, Turkish. State universities also provide students with courses of foreign languages of their 
choice. Yet, in comparison with Nazarbayev University, state universities lack skilled professional 
teachers who would be teaching undergraduates.
The solution of the language issue is one of the main political tasks of the state. Today, the 
requirement of the time is becoming knowledge of at least three languages: state - Kazakh, 
interstate within the CIS - Russian and international - English. In modern conditions, language 
teaching occupies a special place in the system of professional training of specialists in higher 
educational institutions in the context of the implementation of language policy as part of the 
national policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Thus, by the end of 2015, the Ministry of Education 
and Science of Kazakhstan, within the framework of the project on the transition to trilingualism, 
developed a "Roadmap for the development of trilingual education for 2015-2020." As part of the 
implementation of the State Program for the Functioning and Development of Languages, the 
implementation of the national cultural project "The Trinity of Languages" has begun, which 
establishes the rules for the content, level of training of bachelors, for the volume of the academic 

load in Kazakh, Russian and foreign languages. The named requirements and rules are aimed at the 
formation of intercultural communicative competence of students of industrial universities during 
training at the level of basic standard. One of its main tasks was to ensure the continuity of 
trilingual education in the context of a single educational environment through the development of a 
single standard in the study of languages within the framework of trilingual education, at all levels 
of education. Trilingualism will be obtained in studies before higher education, making English the 
third language spoken on a state level. According to the roadmap in the senior grades, it is planned 
to carry out a phased transition of teaching subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle: computer 
science, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. into English. According to Central Asian Analytical 
Network, from 2016, the SESE of higher education will provide for teaching at least 20% of 
academic disciplines in a second language, at least 30% in English, 50% in the language of 
instruction. There will be developed 40 educational programs and textbooks in English for 
universities and a mechanism for the mandatory involvement of English-speaking graduates of the 
“Bolashak” program in teaching in educational institutions without interrupting their main place of 
work will be advanced and implemented. Also, it is planned to improve the existing and develop 
new programs for the training of pedagogical personnel for work in the conditions of trilingual 
education. Moreover, the roadmap includes retraining the teaching staff at the universities of the 
republic to work in the conditions of trilingual education on the basis of grant funding and including 
summer language schools in the program of teaching practice of 3-4 years of universities.

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