Устойчивое развитие: язык, межкультурная коммуникация

Experiment and consideration

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COLLECTION of Сonferences XXIV «Akhanov readings» 2021

Experiment and consideration 
In order to identify common mistakes and inaccuracies under the influence of interlingual 
interference, made by Russian speaking respondents aged from 18 to 22 who study English (Pre-
Intermediate), an experimental study was carried out. The practical material was the texts translated 
by students into English, with edits made by native English speakers. 
The investigation was made by 14 Russian speaking respondents and a total of 14 texts were 
analysed. A wide range of topics and various functional styles have led to a variety of content, a 
wide range of use of lexical-semantic and grammatical units, as well as means of linguistic 

expressiveness. The texts contain different information, interesting facts, descriptions of events - 
both distant history and the recent past. 
The message which is sent to the respondents is as follows: 
“Good day, dear students! I hope you are doing well. Your task for this homework is to make 
a translation of the texts given below. All the texts are short and simple, so, please, try not to use 
any kind of online translators. I will check your works on cheating and will put your marks based 
on fair results. Thank you, have a nice day!” 
All texts are authentic, taken from published sources, written in modern Russian literary 
language. Their understanding do not cause any difficulties for either the native speakers of Russian 
or the native speaker of the English language who take part in the experimental work. 
Mistakes caused by the interference of the Russian language have been systematized by us 
according to the levels of manifestation of interlingual interference, identified by V.V. Alimov [2, 
214]: phonetic and phonological, spelling, grammatical, lexical, semantic, stylistic. 
Here is an example of practical material used in the study. 
Several criteria of choosing this particular text: 
This text is world-renowned and students are familiar with; 
Secondly, fascinating. It is an attention-grabbing text and students can not tear themselves 
away from the text. 
Thirdly, the text is authentic and reliable. 

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