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Key words: linguistic landscape, multilingualism, triglossia, sociolinguistics, onomastics 
Introduction. Nowadays the language of the cityscape catches the attention of the linguists 
and other humanitarians in the prospect of a new object for sociolinguistic research. D. Gorter 
emphasizes that linguistic landscape is a “language is all around us in textual form” [3, 52].
The main purpose of this article is to describe multilingualism, exploring the linguistic 
landscape of Almaty using the examples of eventonyms from 1989 to 2019. 
This study is based on the linguistic landscape methodology. A linguistic landscape is 
understood as all visual information posted in a public space on a certain territory, for example, 
shop signs, street names, billboards with the names of events. Since the study involves the 
sociolinguistic analysis of eventonyms in LL in dynamics from 1989 to 2019, the main source for 
collecting units was a periodical in Russian and Kazakh, which covered the planned and past events 
on posters and reports. 
Literature review.The first definition to the term of LL was given by R. Landry and R. 
Bourhis as “the language of public road signs, advertising billboards, street names, place names, 
commercial shop signs, and public signs on government buildings combines to form the linguistic 
landscape of a given territory, region, or urban agglomeration” [6, 23]. Since the first research LL 
has been changing both in its understanding as a term and in its widespread use in interdisciplinary 
In this article, the term LL used as a sociolinguistic method of identifying multilingualism, 
language choice and language mixing in a definite area. In order to describe the process of linguistic 
contact and the mixing of languages, T. Huebner used a sociolinguistic approach.
D. Gorter noted the study of the linguistic landscape as a new approach in the study of 
multilingualism [4, 89]. He compared the linguistic landscape of different parts of Rome in terms of 
the number of languages represented. In four parts of the city, monolingual signs were in the lead; 
however, the second classification indicated linguistic diversity, since 20 languages were 

represented on the signs of the urban space. Then the scientist categorized bilingual and 
multilingual units of the linguistic landscape and distributed languages according to the frequency 
of their appearance on city signs, and also showed a combination of languages on bilingual signs 
[Gorter, 2009]. 
According to the number of languages, M. David and S. Manan divided the objects of visual 
information of the city of Peling Jaya in Malaysia into monolingual, bilingual, trilingual and 
quadrolingual. Most of the linguistic landscape units were bilingual (37%) and trilingual (52%), 
which shows the multiculturalism and multilingualism that unite Malaysia [2, 51].
Lack of unified LL methodology leads to the diversity of methods, objects, subject and data 
which make LL research unique and limitless of its kind. For this reason, we have tried to have an 
unexplored object for our sociolinguistic research such as evetonyms (event names). 
Data: Source and methodThis subsection examines variations in the choice of language for 
the formation of eventonyms in terms of the dynamics of the use of languages in the names of 
events in different periods from 1989 to 2019. Sociolinguistic analysis of eventonyms in the 
linguistic landscape makes it possible to describe the sociolinguistic changes that are taking place in 
society. On the one hand, after gaining sovereignty, a need arose for national identification, which 
was filled by building a nation through the construction of public space. On the other hand, having 
analyzed the eventonyms in dynamics, one can notice the opposite to the first process of changes in 
society, such as globalization. 
The method of studying the linguistic landscape in dynamics was the method of continuous 
sampling, with the help of which 1246 names of events in the field of culture, politics and sports, 
reflected in the republican mass media widely known for their periodicity and mass character, were 
extracted: 1246 event names from the newspaper “Vechenyi Almaty” as a continuous public 
publication of the Russian-language press, on the material of which four different periods are 
chronologically traced: 1) from 1989 to 1991; 2) from 1999 to 2001; 3) from 2009 to 2011; 4) from 
2016 to 2019. 
Analysis of event names as a reflection of Linguistic Landscape: the case of Almaty city 
According to the results of quantitative analysis, several facts of changes in the use and 
distribution of languages in the names of events can be noted. In the newspaper "Vecherniy 
Almaty" the following changes were noticed in the creation of eventonyms (Table 1): 
Table 2
Change in event names by languages (1989-2019) in the newspaper "Vecherniy Almaty" 

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