Шымкент қаласы
№ 9 IT лицей
Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі
Тарахтиева Актолкын Ералиевна
At present, the development of information and communication competence of the younger generation plays
a huge role in the education system of most countries of the world.
In accordance with the new standards of education, the relevance of the implementation of the tasks and
goals of teaching a foreign language is increasing every day, since a foreign language, in priority English, has a
special integrative value. The purpose of learning English at school is to develop foreign communicative
competence in the younger generation, while the main task of teachers is to develop the ability to actively
participate in intercultural communication among students.
Teaching English to secondary schoolstudents should be focused on knowledge and their practical
application in simple life situations, as well as on reflecting the formation of foreign information and
communication competence at an average level of proficiency.
First of all, it is necessary to become more familiar with the key concept of this work - information and
communication competence.
Information and communication competence (ICC) is the ability to competently speak English and use it in
practice using all the necessary knowledge and experience [2].
There are six main components in the structure of information and communication competence:
• Linguistic (the presence of a good vocabulary and knowledge of the grammatical features of the language);
• Sociolinguistic (the ability to interpret linguistic units in accordance with the situation);
• Discourse (the ability to build logical chains for the formulation of individual statements);
• Strategic (the ability to use verbal and non-verbal strategies to improve language skills);
• Sociocultural (acquaintance with the social culture of the language);
• Social (willingness and desire to use the acquired knowledge for communication and communication with
The formation of information and communication competence among secondary school students in English
lessons is facilitated by a set of exercises using various forms and methods of teaching (active, interactive forms
of classes, group and individual teaching methods) [3]. According to E.N. Weiner and S.N. Kastyunin, secondary
school students include children aged 11 to 15 years [4].
For the successful formation of ICC, it is necessary to have a motive for learning a foreign language among
students. E.E. Sapogova identifies three main types of existing motives:
• Social motive - responsibility, the desire to take a significant position among others and get approval,
understanding the social significance of teaching, etc.
• Narrow motive - good performance at school, good grades and praise from parents, etc.
• Cognitive motive - the desire to study the new, the unknown, the desire to broaden one's horizons, acquire
knowledge and ways to obtain it, independently study new information, etc.
In order for the educational activity to be successful, the student's motive must coincide with the content of
the subject of assimilation, and only in this case is it possible to successfully form an ICC.
It is worth noting that secondary school students, who are the teenage generation, easily master the material
presented in a playful way, since the information that was of interest to teenagers is most easily mastered. Also,
teenagers have a good mechanical memory, which allows them to memorize the material, however, without a full
understanding of the memorized information, difficulties may subsequently arise with the high school program.
That is why it is very important to convey information to students in an accessible and understandable way.
The age category of the middle classes is ideal for learning a second language, in this case English, according
to the Russian psycholinguist V.P. Belyanin. He believes that “in the period up to 12 years, the dynamics of the
main indicators of the formation of language and speech fit in: the features of individual articulation are
eliminated, the correct use of antonyms is mastered, the ambiguity of words and idioms that have both concrete
and socio-psychological meaning is understood” [5 ].
English teachers need to pay special attention to the psychological characteristics of adolescents in order to
more effectively develop the information and communication competence of students. Tasks for the development
of students' speech abilities should be harmoniously included in the classes. Moreover, it is necessary to
constantly repeat the material covered, since secondary school students do not master new information the first
Adolescents aged 11-15 years have phonetic sensitivity, which means that they are able to master, identify
the sounds and pronunciation of absolutely any language in the world, but this ability, unfortunately, is lost with
age. Having started learning English in the middle grades, students with the correct teaching methodology of the
teacher are able to speak a foreign language without an accent.
Thus, the teacher's task is to correctly form pronunciation in the very first English lessons.
There is a set of exercises that includes tasks of various forms and methods that will significantly improve
the process of ICC formation secondary school students. These include:
• Working with text (reading, answering questions on the text, creating questions on the text, etc.);
• Work with illustrations (a detailed description of what is shown in the picture, what emotions the pictures
evoke in students);
• Working with the video (description of the main idea and thought of the video, the purpose of the author of
the film, etc.);
• Games;
• Creative tasks (draw a picture and present it to the whole class, create a presentation on a specific topic);
• Collective work (completion of tasks in groups, collective discussion of work);
• Practice of speech activity (providing a certain topic to students on which they must prepare a monologue
The set of exercises listed above will allow students to develop logical thinking, imagination and creativity
and show interest in English lessons. Students will learn how to correctly formulate their own thoughts and ideas,
help each other during group work, and will also be able to broaden their horizons by reading cognitive texts,
which will improve the information and communicative competence of students. An important role in the teaching
of English is played by the teacher, as his task is to arouse students' interest in learning a foreign language, explain
the educational material in an accessible way and motivate students, paying special attention to the psychological
characteristics of each of them.
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