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Сборник материалов конференции (продолжение)

. They usually take 10-15 minutes and are aimed at improving the 
cognitive abilities of students, are a good tool for the development of cognitive interests, 
understanding and consolidating educational material, applying it in new situations. This is a 
variety of quizzes, crosswords, puzzles, charades, puzzles, the explanation of proverbs and 
sayings, riddles. 
Travel Games
. They can be carried out both directly in the classroom and in the process 
of extracurricular activities. They serve mainly the purposes of deepening, understanding and 
consolidating educational material. Activation of students in travel games is expressed in oral 
stories, questions, answers, in their personal experiences and judgments. 
The storyline
(role-playing) game is different from exercise games and travel games in 
that the conditions of an imaginary situation are simulated, and the students play certain roles. 
A competition game may include all the above-mentioned types of didactic games or their 
individual elements. To conduct this type of game, students are divided into groups, teams, 
between which there is a competition. The essential feature of the competitive game is the 
presence of competitive struggle and cooperation in it/ 
In the process of working with students, the teacher can develop cognitive games himself 
and test their effectiveness in practice. When organizing games, I use the following principles: 
2)team or group work 
2)differentiated approach 
4)using modern information technologies [5] 
As examples, presented are the development of three games for students in grades 5-7 
: Because young learners are more energetic and active they enjoy exciting games. But teenagers 
do not like childish games. They prefer more challenging ones such as word games. I would like 
to give an example of the word games I used. At the end of a unit to consolidate the vocabulary 
you taught,take your students outside to the basketball field. Do not divide them to groups. The 
whole class should join the activity. If you have 20 or 25 students,this game works well.Write 
the revised vocabulary items on small cards.(One word for one card.)Put these cards into a hat or 
a bag. Have the students make a line in front of the basket- ring.Give the basketball to the first 
student.Let him/her draw a card out of the hat. First ask him/her the meaning of the word. (Either 
in English or in their native language,it is up to you.)If you get the correct answer give him/her 
one point. Then want him/her to make a sentence with the word. If she/he knows again,give 

another one point.The last step:Let him/her pass the ball through the basket-ring. You should 
give one point for one of the three tasks. Whoever gets the highest point,he/she wins.Of course 
there may be more than one winner. [5] 
One important point in teaching English with games is rewarding. You should not neglet 
this point. Everyone who succeeds a hard task would like some praise or a gift. I know you 
always praise your students. But giving small presents motivates them. They do not have to be 
expensive ones. According to your learners’ ages you can give them different presents. For your 
teenagers you can make CDs which have popular pop songs or another suitable gift can be a 
second-hand graded reader. If you play English games with young learners very often,you should 
think of your budget. They can be happy with small things. Have a beautiful,colourful bag with 
some sweets,candies and small chocolates in it to give to the winners. 
One problem with using games in the classroom is that some teachers feel lazy. They 
often complain that they do not enough time to prepare the games. Surely,some games need 

cardboard,pastecrayons,etc.),it really takes some time. On the other hand there some easy games 
that do not need any preparation.If you have an archive with instructions of games in your 
personal file,you do not have to look for them when you need.[4] 

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