started. At this time Kazakh literature has developed rapidly in all genres, achieved notable success
in fulfilling their duties.
A huge work has been done in the development of folklore and literary heritage, but despite of
these achievements, at this time literary criticism as a core concept followed the principle o f «party
literature», confined by the frame of socialist realism theory, writers were obliged to raise the social
and political issues in the works to comply with the principle o f «party literature», and to ignore the
artistic properties of works which are the main asset o f Kazakh literature, in the end the struggle with
another ideas led to the repression o f 1937. This period, which is memorized by the expulsion of
national staff of the Kazakh literature from the literary front, the violent rupture of the spiritual food
of people - the literature of the national spirit, in the history was marked by black letters.
During the war, 1941-1945, the literary criticism did not cease its existence, despite o f its weak
nesses. The creative works of national akuns, critical works and researches o f the heroic and historical
eposes served as a powerful stimulus to raise the spirits o f warriors who fought against the fascists.
The most outstanding achievement o f this period was the emergence o f the first volume o f «Abai’s
Way» epic by M.Auezov. This work o f Mukhtar was received high praise of literary criticism.
In the postwar years, the ideological shackles narrowed notably. At that time, several decrees of
the Central Committee of Communist Party of Kazakhstan on the
literature were accepted, which
required to follow strictly the principles o f «partiinosti» in art. As part o f activities was organized by
the Communist Party in relation to the scientific work E. Bekmakhanov about Kenesary Kasumov
uprising, the company has been received widespread accusations in nationalism o f Kazakh writers and
art intelligentsia.
In this difficult time, the literary criticism again became a tool of political prosecution
of writers. The repressions were ended only after the death o f I.V.Stalin in 1953, this event contributed
to the warming in the spiritual life o f Kazakh people. The creative activity o f literary criticism began
to follow the right path and to flourish with the return o f the repressed writers.
In the 1960s-1980s, when the Soviet Union regime began to call its political career fruit «victorious
socialism», «developed socialism», «perestroika», the Kazakh literary criticism achieved tangible suc
cess. On the periodical press pages were hot discussions on various theoretical and creative problems
of fiction. As a result of searches in the critical, research works in 1960-1967 the three volumes of
«The history of Kazakh literature» appeared, each o f which consists of two books.
The decree on literary criticism o f the Central Committee o f the CPSU, which was adopted in
1972, has opened enormous opportunities for the development o f literary criticism. Thanks to these
on pages of periodical press to literary criticism has been given more space. The new publications
devoted to the Kazakh literary criticism and the literary criticism were opened, such collections o f the
literary criticism, what are the «Literature and Writer», «About young people» were published from
time to time. The literature and research collections, studies o f critics were often started to publish. The
multivolume of M.Karataeva, S.Kirabaeva, R.Berdibaya were published, before such a phenomenon
was hardly observed in the field o f literary criticism. More attention to the writings o f literary critics
has been paid, and many literary critics have received various awards from the state.
The progress in the second half of «perestroika» made huge changes in the literary life. Kazakh
people got a new opportunity to enjoy the spiritual legacy of repressed personalities of alashskoy
literature - A.Baitursynov, M.Dulatov, M.Zhumabayev, J.Aimautov, etc.
In this paper we give an
important function of the literary criticism is to familiarize people with the essence o f creativity of
Kazakh writers from modem position mentioned above.
The Russian empire collapsed in the early 1990s, and on its place there were separate independent
states. Kazakh people, who suffered humiliating citizenship for three centuries, gained its indepen
dence, became to strengthen actively their sovereignty. Kazakh literature liberated from the tight grip
of socialist realism, colonialism, and returned to the path o f development, based on the traditions of
our national values. In the spiritual life began reappraisal of folklore, literary heritage, which was
created by Kazakh people for many centuries, from the position o f national interests. The noble mis
sion of realization o f this important task was entrusted to the literary criticism.
If the foundation of life and spirituality is the language, in the period o f independence the state
of Kazakh language was often troubled by writers. Noting that under the influence o f globalization,
which is gaining devastating momentum in the global scale, the place in the social life o f their na
tional spirit, literature, which is the foundation o f spirituality, is experiencing a gradual decay, day